Jay Doctors Reissued Drug Licenses

May 2, 2013

Two Jay doctors that were the target of a federal drug raid nearly two years ago are once again licensed to prescribe narcotics.

Dr. C. David Smith and his son, Dr. Michael Smith of the Jay Medical Center, applied to reinstate their Drug Enforcement Agency licenses on April 22; the federal licenses were issued the following day and arrived in the mail last Saturday, David Smith said Wednesday.

“It’s a big step toward getting things back to normal around here,” the elder Smith said. “We have a lot of patients that we just could not help that could not afford to see a specialist or go to another doctor to get their medical needs met.”

On the morning of July 28, 2011, the FBI, DEA, the Attorney General’s Office, the Florida Department of Health and Florida Department of Law Enforcement spent hours inside the Jay Medical Clinic as Florida Highway Patrol troopers stood guard outside the complex. Federal and state agents could be seen inside the building, looking through patient files and other records. The removed many items including patient records and computer hard drives. Both doctors were forced to surrender their DEA licenses to write prescriptions for narcotics. The Jay Medical Center was able to reopen the following day.

“We never really heard anything back from the authorities,” Smith said. “We are approaching the two year mark, and figured that no news was good news, and it was time to move forward.”

Smith and his son are also applying to have their Baptist Hospital credentials restored; the doctors requested and were granted a leave of absence  after they lost their ability to prescribe narcotics.

“It’s all coming back together, and we will be able to do a better job for our communities,” he said.

No charges were ever filed against the father or son Dr. Smith.  The other two physicians in the practice, Dr. Marian B. Stewart and Dr. Jeffery S. Kelley were never targets of the investigation and never lost their licenses to  issue all prescriptions, including narcotics.

David Smith has been a licensed physician in Florida since 1980, while Michael Smith has held his physician’s license since 2003. Neither man has any public complaints on file with the Florida Department of Health. Dr. David Smith was awarded a Florida Rural Health Association lifetime achievement award.

Pictured top: The Jay Medical Center was the target of a federal and state raid on July 28, 2011. Pictured bottom inset: Agents search records inside the facility. Pictured below: A state trooper stands guard outside the facility during the 2011 raid. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Jay Doctors Reissued Drug Licenses”

  1. Ed Cobb on August 17th, 2014 3:22 pm

    I have known David Smith since He was a child. His Father Cleatus cut my hair, his mother Mary was a good friend of my family. The whole family are pillars of their community and I do not believe any thing negative about any of them. Good luck David and keep up the good work. Paw Paw would be proud.

  2. EMD on May 3rd, 2013 12:50 am

    I believe these men deserve an apology and any salary lost. If we just let government authorities run over us, it will get worse. We used to look up to the law and our educators, but many nowadays are not of the character and integrity that most had in another time( before the sixties). It has been down hill to the new world order since then,which is now coming faster and faster. Many do not have a clue what is going on in this country.

  3. A praying Woman on May 2nd, 2013 10:23 pm

    you wake up one day and everything is different …you are accused of a crime and your still trying to ask…where did all this come from and how did it get this far and you didn’t see it coming!!! it’s because you haven’t done anything wrong and it would never occur to you there were all kind of people trying to ruin your life…these things happen everyday to good people….maybe if all this investigations and …oh so very smart investigators directed their energy to sending the slime and guilty as sin drug dealers …for a 20 year vacation in prison, there would be less time to see them doing a grandstand against two doctors…that were trying to care for their patients…I am not a patient but I know many that are and I have seen these people suffer with pain and couldn’t get any help…..they didn’t want to leave their doctor so they stood by them…..hopefully now they will be able to get the medication they need and won’t suffer anymore….God bless these doctors and their practice as they get back to taking care of their patients.

  4. FLGUY on May 2nd, 2013 9:33 pm

    I bet I know exactly what happened here, a case of bean counters being allowed to run things that need common sense, I bet these are the only rural area doctors this as happened too, these bean counters just see a high amount of pain killer perscriptions, with out looking to see this doctors office is out in the sticks, miles away from any kind of specialist, or pain management office, or any other doctor really. These Doctors are the family doctor, the pain management doctor, the specialist, and everything else

  5. Duke of Wawbeek on May 2nd, 2013 7:33 pm

    This is an outrage what these fine physicians were put through.

    The Fla Attorney Gen and DEA District Chief should be disciplined and an apology issued by the office of the Governor.

  6. Larry and Reita on May 2nd, 2013 4:26 pm

    This is the best news we have heard lately. David, we have been praying for you ever since this problem came up, snd continue to do so. David, I know you are a fine Christian man and you go by Gods leadership in your practice. This is proof that God has more power than the devil. We look forward to your continued practice in serving God and community. GOD BLESS!!

  7. atmoredude on May 2nd, 2013 4:02 pm

    @Curious – you are extremely naive (or just dumb)…any time that the government comes after you accusing you of something (even if you are completely innocent) it is cause for WORRY. Just like having it resolved is cause for great relief.

  8. Terri Sanders on May 2nd, 2013 3:38 pm

    YEAH!!!! Welcome back you to…I hope you can get on with your lives now and do that which God has told you to do. Help others!!! Too bad our government Is so quick to go on a witch hunt instead of going after those who continue to do great harm to others. All under the auspices of practicing medicine!!

  9. curious on May 2nd, 2013 2:57 pm

    Stan, if he didn’t do anything wrong, why was he worried to begin with? If people know for sure they didn’t do anything wrong in the beginning, well they’re not gonna worry in the end.

  10. Edward on May 2nd, 2013 1:02 pm

    This is real good news for people who are truly in need of the more potent pain medical. Everyone on Hydro or Oxycodone are not drug addicts. I would like to mention a third doctor at the Jay Medical Clinic. Dr. Jeffery Kelley. He is a wonderful doctor. He is so methodical in his approach to diagnosing medical problems. I thank the Lord for him. He listens and spends time with his patients and has a kind heart.

  11. Preda on May 2nd, 2013 12:18 pm

    I do not know these doctors but I think they are doing something great they are being drs. More doctors should do this. Instead most drs. I started getting nerve blocks in my early20s now 15 years later no I would not recommend getting any of these crazy shots the risk are there and To me they make a problem worst. No I am not on any other pain meds and never have been, I just wonder if some of these other dr refer to get shots because maybe they can get more money cause the dr doing them are getting paid. I am just glad to see these doctors not being scared to do their job that is a true doctor.

  12. kathy penton on May 2nd, 2013 12:08 pm

    :-) Two good men have prevailed

  13. JIM W on May 2nd, 2013 11:46 am

    Where are all the people who was jumping on the band wagon to beat these guys up now? Kind of hard to eat crow huh.
    Glad they got their licenses back and are ready to serve the community again.
    This is a fine example of a government wrong and nothing has been done to right it. They simply seem to have over steeped their bounds here and did not care enough to say sorry we made a mistake. In the mean time a community and the individuals’ suffered.
    To both of the Smith’s welcome back!

  14. Ash on May 2nd, 2013 11:28 am

    @ Carolyn No No restitution or compensation because they did nothing wrong!!! It is not the doctors fault that someone doesn’t take their meds the way they are prescribed!

  15. tw on May 2nd, 2013 11:22 am

    So happy for them. Dr. Smith use to be my grandmother’s doctor and he was great with her.

  16. mom on May 2nd, 2013 9:39 am

    its amazing how people can ruin you…best of luck to both of you!

  17. kathy on May 2nd, 2013 8:57 am

    I’am so Happy for both doctors, I knew all alone they would not find anything, It’s not the doctors to blame for what people do after leavng there office.I’ve been seeing Dr David Smth for 10 years, and he’s a good Doctor. He treats everyone like a friend and I’am Happy for them, Its about time..God Bless

  18. Stan on May 2nd, 2013 8:18 am

    I’m soooo glad for you David ! I told you that you didn’t have anything to worry about .

  19. Donna Lambeth on May 2nd, 2013 8:15 am

    CONGRATULATIONS ….. to both doctors and to the patients that need their help.

  20. Rebel L. Howard on May 2nd, 2013 6:40 am

    NOTHING makes me happier than to hear this. I’ve worked with these fine men and seen how big their hearts are. It was such a farce that it ever even happened. Now maybe all the people who cannot afford those expensive “pain management ” docs far from home will have relief again. In this terrible world I’m so happy to see good triumph over evil. Dr. Michael and Dr. David are fine honest men and as far as I’m concerned this should clear their good names forever. Thank u both for all you do for your community. The world is a better place because of you two…

  21. Friction against the machine on May 2nd, 2013 6:06 am

    Another example of the long arm of government reaching too far!

  22. 429SCJ on May 2nd, 2013 5:30 am

    The witch hunt has gone far enough!

    I have a friend who is undergoing invasive procedures (nerve blocks) for back pain.
    My friends pain management doctor will not prescribe medication, due to this inquisition. The procedures are creating more problems than they are solving. Enough!

  23. Carolyn Bramblett on May 2nd, 2013 5:28 am

    No restitution or compensation?

  24. Front St on May 2nd, 2013 4:37 am

    Now I wonder if we are going to get our medical records back that they took as evidence? I always did think this was a bunch of hoopla crap the state came up with because of Doc standing up to Baptist when they wanted to close Jay Hospital. It was funny how this came about right after that.

    Way to go Dr David & Dr Michael :)

  25. EMD on May 2nd, 2013 1:54 am

    Welcome back doc. :D

  26. huh on May 2nd, 2013 1:48 am

    Glad to see them back, Both are excellent doctors and i thought the whole investigation was nonsense.

    I’ve used them both myself and never did they just prescribe any un-needed narcotics to myself.

    No charges ever existed, its just nonsense over all.

  27. Tracey Sessions on May 2nd, 2013 1:44 am

    I think it is great that Dr.Smith and his son got them back…they both are great Doctor’s …My father has used Dr.David Smith snice he 1st came to Jay..He isn’t just a Doctor he is also there friend. HE knows and cares about HIS patinets he cares about them and thier family….