Tim Tebow Named ‘Great Floridian’

April 13, 2013

His professional football career remains up in the air, but Tim Tebow was named a “Great Floridian” Friday by Gov. Rick Scott. The former Florida Gator quarterback is one of only 66 people since 1981 to get the award.

The “Great Floridian” designation is given in recognition of the outstanding achievements of men and women who have made significant contributions to the progress and welfare of Florida.

“It is an honor to present one of our first of 2013 ‘Great Floridian’ awards to football legend and Florida native Tim Tebow. Tim is a great role model for young athletes, and throughout his career, he has proven to be a true competitor and humanitarian. Tim is not just an athlete, he is a true example of someone who lives to serve others. It is my distinct honor to recognize football legend, proud University of Florida Gator and humanitarian Tim Tebow with the ‘Great Floridian’ Award,” Scott said.

Tim Tebow said, “I am so honored to be selected by Governor Scott for the Great Floridian award. It has always been wonderful to call Florida home.”

Two “great Floridians” are chosen each year by the secretary of state from a list of nominees. Scott presented Tebow with the award at an event at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach. Tebow was a backup quarterback this past year for the New York Jets, and they’re looking for a taker on a trade deal.

Pictured: Gov. Rick Scoot named Tim Tebow a ‘Great Floridian” Friday. Courtesy photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Tim Tebow Named ‘Great Floridian’”

  1. friction against the machine on April 15th, 2013 2:56 pm

    Wish he played for the Cowboys!

  2. NWFLA Linda on April 14th, 2013 3:19 pm

    Klondike Kid – thank you for your service.

    Kathy, bless your heart I think Walnut Hill Roy has insulted you and your political leanings, if I recollect your past opinions correctly. Stop, please, for a moment and think about the irony of what you said about Mr. Tebow. In questioning why he was proclaimed a Great FLoridian you said “The problem with society today” was acknowledging him even though, in your judgement he “plays mediocre football.” If talent in sports is YOUR criteria for judging a man’s worth, perhaps opinions similar to yours are the problem and not those who choose to recognize this man for his beliefs and actions off the playing field. He IS a great Floridian.

  3. Cheryl on April 14th, 2013 10:21 am

    Kathy just another Tebow hater nobody cares what you think.. Its your loss for not knowing the facts…. Cheryl Jones……

  4. 429SCJ on April 14th, 2013 7:00 am

    Tim Teabow is a good Christian Man.

    Jesus had to deal with the devil as well.

  5. No Excuses on April 13th, 2013 1:58 pm

    Tim Tebow is a great example for our youth and the rest of us as well. He exhibited great leadership skills while at Florida and he is not ashamed to stand tall for his belief in Jesus Christ and the Christian way of life. For those reasons alone, the award is deserved.

    This coming from a loyal Tide fan! So, don’t think just because we’re Tide fans that we don’t like Tim or what he stands for.

  6. Jerry Simmons on April 13th, 2013 9:14 am

    Tebow is a great humanitarian. Much of the money he’s earned from his limited career and much of his entire life have been invested in doing good for people. There are many others of the 66 who never played football who have been named “Great Floridians” because of the dynamic giving of themselves. If professional football accomplishments were all that was taken into account for this prestigious award, that 66 would likely be zero.
    The report above states “Tim is not just an athlete, he is a true example of someone who lives to serve others.” He is a University of Florida football great, and a professional wannabe but that’s not why he was given the award, given to those “who have made significant contributions to the progress and welfare of Florida.”.

  7. darlene on April 13th, 2013 8:04 am

    I am not a Gator or Jets fan but Tim Tebow`s best work is not on the football field it is the work he does with orphans on God`s (mission) field. Not many young men have courage or the passion for serving God as Tim Tebow does, and that is why he deserves the Great Floridian award.

  8. Klondike Kid on April 13th, 2013 8:02 am

    To Kathy – Did you read the article ? This young man is symbolic to what made America great in the past and will be again in the future. I have followed his career from UF to the NFL. His selfless giving back to society, his humility and being a great role model for children are just a few things that made him worthy of this award. As for mediocre football, one has to be in a ballgame to be able to excel. Did you see the Bronco’s games he started & finished ?
    The Kid – back from Afghanistan (according to grandson – pronounced Afgan-a tang)

  9. Proud Tebow Supporter on April 13th, 2013 7:44 am

    Way to go Tim!!! Proud of you and proud of all that you have and will accomplish!!!

  10. Brandy on April 13th, 2013 7:42 am

    @ Kathy@frontier.net,
    I would like to point out something to you. For one Tim Tebow. Is a great football player, just because the Jets do not think so doesnt make his run at the University of Florida any less AMAZING! He has heart and it a very driven young man. Have you seen some of the people kids these day look up to? Jersey Shore? Teen mom? Buckwild? The Kardashians? Maybe you’d rather your children look up to some one like the people on those shows, but myself personal I would love for my children to look up to Tim Tebow! He has great morals, more than that he puts God first! So this is the problem with our society? We recognize and honor a Athlete who isnt in the hot seat for drugs, sex scandals, or money scandals? Instead people criticize his belief for God, do you have a problem with this man belief? Florida is proud to have a FLORIDIAN like Tim Tebow. Maybe you should step back and think about who you are supporting. You are downing a man because he is a mediocre football player? What are you a Alabama fan and not able to look past the football side and see this guy is a great role model for children, men ,women, PEOPLE in general everywhere? So dont try to say there is something with society by honoring a man such a Tim Tebow. Personally I think if more people would honor men and women like him self we wouldnt have the stupidity we do today. TIM TEBOW, we are proud to have you from Florida. Your showing America through football what Christ has done for you and how he WILL ALWAYS be by your side. Continue on with this journey. I think its fantastic to have a man like you from the Sunshine State!

  11. Walnut Hill Roy on April 13th, 2013 7:25 am

    To Kathy:

    That was spoken like a true Republican, the Democrat point of view is “he tried hard”, we aren’t all born with talent! You are probably the type of person who would like to see dodge ball re-instituted into schools no matter that not being good would hurt little Johnny’s self esteem.

    The bright side is that it got his and the Governor’s picture in the paper.

  12. Kathy@frontier.net on April 13th, 2013 7:02 am

    “Great Floridian” for what? What has he done that made him great? See, this is the problem with our society today. The guy plays mediocre football at best.