Single St. Luke Church Road Property Rezoned, Neighbors Want More Zoning Changes

April 4, 2013

The Escambia County Commission has approved rezoning 1.91 acres on St. Luke Church Road near Century. The zoning was changed from VAG 2, which allows one dwelling unit per five acres, to V-2 which allows for for two dwelling units per acre.

The surrounding properties on St. Luke Church Road were already zoned V-2.

The property, located northeast of the St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church,  is owned by Van G. Hibberts of Shoreline Drive in Gulf Breeze.

During an Escambia County Planning Board meeting, Elbert L. Dixon of Backwoods Road said he was not against the rezoning, but he wanted to see zoning changes in the entire area.

“We as a community out there we have been down trying to get our area rezoned,” Dixon, a member of the St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, said. “I have a problem with zoning  just one particular area, but we as a whole, as a neighborhood out there, we’ve got members  from the church and we’ve got neighbors that’s  been there a lifetime and on each side of that  road  you’ve got one side — on the left side  you can only put trailers on. On the right  side you can only put houses on.

“We have a  lot of land out there laying out and we have  been trying to get it rezoned and everything.  So this is my purpose down here to see what is 10 our next option. If you can adjoin a fellow that’s going to build wherever he wants to build, I figure that we should have the same  right,” Dixon continued.

Dixon was informed that he and his neighbors can apply to the zoning board to have their properties rezoned.


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