Shooting Lawsuit Filed Against Sheriff, Deputies

April 16, 2013

A woman shot five times by Escambia County deputies has filed suit against Sheriff David Morgan and four deputies.

Jackie Rosenbloom was taken hostage by Philip Monier, a former boyfriend, in her home in 2010. He used her as a shield when deputies opened fire; she was hit five times in the neck and legs. Monier was not seriously injured, shot only in the hand.

And now Rosenbloom is suing in federal court, claiming excessive force was used and that Morgran failed to provide proper training.

Three deputies were also shot in the incident, including Jeremy Cassady who was critically injured.

The State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was determined to be justified after a lengthy investigation. The Sheriff’s Office is not commenting on the pending litigation.


38 Responses to “Shooting Lawsuit Filed Against Sheriff, Deputies”

  1. MELINDA on July 8th, 2013 4:55 pm

    You guys that are saying how good these cops were, must have not been at the trial. Everyone of the officers testified that they NEVER saw Mr. Monier’s gun. He never pointed it at them. For the officers to act so crazy that day, and never being threathen by Mr. Monier, just goes to show that they wanted to kill both Jackie and Mr. Monier!!!! And for Sheriff Morgan to give these officers purple hearts!!! Come on!! You people need to wake up!! They aren’t good officers!! They are trigger happy cops!! They think just because they wear a badge, they can do anything they want and get away with it! Which these did!! So I hope Jackie gets every dime coming to her!! She deserves it!!!!

  2. diane on July 4th, 2013 5:43 pm

    Have all of you forgotten he also had a charge of being high and possessing Meth… so I am sure it was a CRAZY and intense situation. I also feel if you look at the transcript of the 911 calls she was not honest with the cops… she should have said he has a gun , and he’s wacked out of his mind on Meth and he’s threatening to kill me….. things might have been a little different. I’m not saying what happened to her was right but she should have told the cops all the details.

  3. Michael on April 18th, 2013 11:17 pm

    Arm chair quarterbacks at their best!! I guess all of you would have made a better decision with all your experience in situations such as these. Nobody knows how to fight the bear except the little boy standing in front of him with a stick.

  4. Biscuit on April 18th, 2013 10:09 pm

    It’s a proven fact……the general in charge can’t shoot straight………

  5. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 7:15 pm

    “One needs to wear the badge before they start telling what officers should do and not do. ”

    So only law enforcement officers should be allowed to tell law enforcement officers what to do?

    That would certainly simplify things if they didn’t answer to voters, judges, taxpayers, legislators, their spouses, parents and offspring. (God if they believe in Him.)

    There just seems to be something wrong with the concept which eludes me. I know I seem slow, but try to explain to me how it’s perfectly reasonable to do what they did.

    Please understand I would have to be a complete idiot to accept the idea that law enforcement officers can do no wrong or they would never shoot each other. In those cases one or the other has to be wrong, don’t you think so?

    David for better explanations
    now that we have plenty of time to be educated

  6. Commoncents on April 18th, 2013 5:12 pm

    @ capt. willard_ give it up already. Cassidy made a mistake that caused great bodily harm to the hostage. Of course officers want to go home to their families but they also took an oath to PROTECT and serve. That is why we pay them right??

  7. Keith on April 18th, 2013 5:07 pm

    Capt. Willard: the “want to go home to their families” thing is a tired excuse. What these deputies did was wrong. Cassady started firing when the suspect had his weapon at his side. Another deputy fired through a wall. Give me a break! Put yourself in the shoes of the lady who was shot, instead of looking only at the LEOs side.

  8. Tiki on April 18th, 2013 12:57 pm

    Why shoot when you still have a way to retreat? Really it wouldn’t be that bad if maybe the man would’ve shot first and maybe they didn’t have the option to retreat. But really I don’t even know if you could shoot a intruder like this and not get charged. And yes I was a CO for 15 years and often wondered if I would shoot center mass at someone going over a fence or just a leg. At the end of my 15 years I knew I would never just kill for what I got paid. And your right we was not there but if I’m being held hostage I hope no one just opens fire. Maybe these officers should work on communication skills that is one thing that can get you killed or not. I know I’ve worked with some real winners in my life who really thought it would be ok to down talk people. I always said if you think you canbeat someone who works out all day runs miles in100 degree weather have at it.

  9. Captain Willard on April 18th, 2013 9:42 am

    It is so easy to make judgments from the comfort of your livng room and base your undertanding on what you see on your television (police shows). One needs to wear the badge before they start telling what officers should do and not do. Officers want to go home to their families too.

  10. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2013 4:28 pm

    Shame on her for taking issue with law enforcement officers shooting her rather than her hostage taker!!!!

    Wait. They aren’t supposed to do that are they?

    David for better outcomes

  11. Sara on April 17th, 2013 12:40 pm

    If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. I like the comment about people being sheepie.

  12. Keith on April 17th, 2013 3:10 am

    I read the FDLE report when it came out. The deputies fired when there was no reason to begin firing. The guy was BEHIND the lady and his weapon was by his side. One deputy fired several shots THROUGH A WALL with a hostage on the other side! This was stated by deputies in the report. She deserves to win, the deputies should have been fired. Law enforcement needs to get back to the job of putting scumbags in jail, and cease this adrenaline-junkie approach to their job.
    I’m as conservative as they come. But, I refuse to be one of the sheeple and worship those who wear badges “just because”. LEOs make serious mistakes at times. When the people fail to hold them accountable it only gets worse.

  13. bigbill1961 on April 17th, 2013 12:37 am

    Greed. Pure, unadulterated greed. I guess she forgot that if the LEOs didn’t show up, she’d be dead. Sickening. We, as taxpayers will have to foot the bill for this.

  14. Wharf Rat on April 16th, 2013 9:37 pm

    Now we go into the Federal Court. The plantiff is the proscecution, and the plantiff’s attorney stands to make a lot of money, a large percentage of the “award.” The defense is the government. He or she is not a public defender. That particular office is very good but can only depend on the secret thoughts of the six to eight jurors that have been picked for a civil trial. Do they hate the the LEOs from some untold experience? It evolves into a talent show, but affects the lives of a lot of people who were drawn into this tragedy, not the ones who caused it.

  15. Mikey on April 16th, 2013 9:20 pm

    So, how much money do I owe her and her lawyer? When the cops get sued, the bills find their way back to the rest of us taxpayers. What size check do I need to write to make everyone happy and prosperous? Pls let me know.

  16. Hmm... on April 16th, 2013 9:17 pm

    In case it wasn’t noticed, the article states that the woman DID file suit against the individual officers and that the State Attorney’s Office and Floride Dept. of Law Enforcement were found to be justified. If you believe the job to difficult and stressful, you’re right. If you believe every officer’s reaction to be perfect in every situation, you are sorely mistaken. The courts will sort it out; it’s not our place to judge the woman OR the officers involved. The fact that the deputies fired first does open up a can of worms, and I’m sure the courts will do their best to sort out the details and determine whether or not she is justified and whether or not they were. I can say, with some certainty, that being shot 5 times and living through it to sue makes her both a very lucky and a very unlucky woman.

  17. Preda X on April 16th, 2013 9:10 pm

    Why would anyone judge someone they do not know. This lady was shot 5 times. We live in America so that means we can we have rights even as victims. I’m sorry the officer got hurt but that is his job he went to school wakes up goes to work knowing this could happen. As far as good cops going bad most of the time that is on the person who desires to be the “bad”cop.

  18. Clyde Jones on April 16th, 2013 8:54 pm

    Maybe the next time this person is held hostage by a crappy boyfriend, perhaps the Sheriffs Office should have her sign a release form prior to them ever responding to help her and keep it on file for future use. People like this is exactly why everything is so expensive. They are sue happy, and want something for nothing.

  19. Angelia Marlow Pope on April 16th, 2013 8:53 pm

    ONLY IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Would anyone like to donate money to the fund of counter suit against this foolish woman?

  20. Mike on April 16th, 2013 6:12 pm

    Law Enforcement is often a no win situation, easily analyzed the following day when all the facts are much clearer to see than in a high stress situation. Think of it this way…

    1) If they back out and all ends well, no lawsuit and everyone is happy.
    2) If the officers back off and wait for a negotiator and the suspect shoots and kills her, lawsuit plus.
    3) If the deputies act as they did and get the outcome the did, lawsuit.
    4) If the first deputy doesn’t miss and kills suspect, still could be a lawsuit, but victim is safe.
    I am sure there are plenty more scenarios…

    It would be nice if we lived in a world where we could see all the facts before we made a decision. Problem is, any decision made could have a negative or positive ending.

  21. Michael on April 16th, 2013 4:10 pm

    For whoever thinks Cassady was not a street cop and just court security your sadly mistaken he worked the south end evening shift with is the busiest in the county for 4 years so he has plenty of street experience and yes they did know he had a gun we she was taken hostage I guess since he used her as a shield the deputies should have just let him fire away at them or maybe just back out after they had eye contact with him and let him do whatever he wanted. The bottom line is none of you were there its easy to type behind a computer it’s not easy to be a cop and make the perfect decision everytime which the some of you think should happen. So if all of you that think they were wrong and you could do better put on a badge and gun and show us how it’s done.

  22. SCOTT LASSITER on April 16th, 2013 4:05 pm

    Get more thoughtful boyfriends in the future, and you will not have to worry about getting shot.

  23. Doug Masters on April 16th, 2013 3:11 pm

    I am very strongly pro LE. Here are a few facts. Nowhere in the history of LE that I can find is an officer taught to shoot through a wall at a suspect that is holding a hostage. LE is clearly taught to only shoot at a “known” target. Before shooting at that target they are taught to be aware of the objects around, behind, beside and in front of that target. If there is not a clear shot then don’t shoot. This renders her decision to sue for improper training is null and void. The officers were trained properly. It was their own individual decisions to shoot at a wall “unknown target” with a victim and suspect behind it. Therefore, the officers should be sued individually and not the department. This was clearly an incident of several officers violating the agencies policies and procedures of a hostage situation. That is where the agency will lose this law suit.

  24. Perry on April 16th, 2013 11:46 am

    While I absolutely respect and appreciate the difficult job that our law enforcement officers have, how this situation was handled is definitely questionable. When it happened, I remember reading a news article stating that officers were firing through a wall at the suspect who had a hostage with him. IF that’s true, it is unacceptable. We do know that the woman (hostage) was shot five times – apparently by the officers. That’s not acceptable, either.

    As others have stated, the facts will be presented by both sides and a decision made.

  25. Jim W on April 16th, 2013 11:03 am

    Sounds to as she should be suing the officers. It also appears they need to be sent back for re-training. I as a general rule support law enforcement but not in all things such as this. I know it is a hard thing to have to make judgment calls in a heated moment. But, you are charged with the responsibility of making sound judgment calls when you raise your right hand. So no excuses allowed in this one.
    Let the courts sort it out and may justice prevail. If the officers were wrong then so be it. If they were not then she looses. But, it is important that the process of justice begins. It is important the public knows one way or the other as it is important that we know they did or did not do the right thing.

  26. Harley on April 16th, 2013 10:27 am

    Are you folks serious? According to the article, this woman was shot FIVE times! That’s not heroism, that’s trigger happy! These “officers” if in proper work etire were or should have been wearing protective vests. I’m sure the victim was not handed a protective vest before they opened fire. And as for the victim taking responsibility for letting such a disfynctional man in her life… Well sometimes people don’t show their true colors until its to late, especially disfynctional people. And that’s what the law is for! They take an oath to protect and serve. No one makes anyone become an officer, that is their choice and that is what they sign up to do, protect and serve. She obviously reached out for help because she could not handle the situation herself. If she anticipated being shot anyway “by officers” she probably would not have even bothered contacting them. So I’m guessing had some of you been shot FIVE times by someone who was supposed to be helping you, your comments would be “it’s alright, they did the best they could” I really doubt it.

  27. Truth hurts on April 16th, 2013 9:54 am

    @wheres the good guys_ Cassidy, the one who took the first shot that hit the hostage in the neck, was a court deputy with no real street experience. No offense and my comment probably wont be posted because it critizes the actions of our local law enforcement, but it was a huge failure by the leos. The hostage negotiator should have been called in instead of a young unexperienced rookie trying to shoot people in the head

  28. Truth hurts on April 16th, 2013 9:44 am

    (1)The leos opened fire first and hit the hostage (2) The leos did NOT know the suspect had a gun when they starting shooting (3) shooting a hostage 5 times is not acceptable in any situtation. (4) its very concerning that people think it is……

  29. Dennis HE Wiggins on April 16th, 2013 9:14 am

    There must be more to this story. Any half-way trained LEO wouldn’t do something like that. The ex didn’t harm her, but the LEOs did? And the State finds it justifiable? Something doesn’t add up here.

  30. Devil's Advocate on April 16th, 2013 8:23 am

    I feel for the officers in this situation and I am grateful for the risks that they take, but let me play devil’s advocate for a second, as everyone below me has refused to see the other side. While the shooting was voted justified, I believe that it was incredibly reckless. How do you hit a victim, the person you are there to save, FIVE TIMES. I understand once MAYBE twice as collateral damage, but these officers hit her as many times as they should have hit the perp. The article says he only got hit once, in the hand. Sounds like these boys should have proper training on how to AIM, especially if there was more than one officer present. There’s no excuse.

    SO as far as the lawsuit she is pressing is concerning, I disagree with the excessive force venue, as it was already voted justified–she has no grounds. But I couldn’t agree more with suing for improper training. This could have gone differently.

    It also could have gone differently if this ignorant woman had been more careful about who she let in her life. Everyone is at fault here.

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  31. Dan on April 16th, 2013 8:07 am

    This is ridiculous!
    She’s just looking for a quick buck.

    That woman should be greateful to be alive.
    She has bad taste in men !!!

  32. BOGIAN on April 16th, 2013 7:59 am

    Am I to understand that it is an acceptable strategy to shoot the bad guys by blasting a hole through the hostage first? It sounds like that is what some folks are defending.

    No one said that police don’t have one of the toughest and most thankless jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make some really bad mistakes sometimes. We all do. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, carpenters, pipefitters, truck drivers, teachers, and garbage men can all make really big mistakes sometimes. These aren’t always the kinds of mistakes that you can or should be expected to just accept.

    Furthermore, the fact that this lady is suing doesn’t mean that she has a case or that she will get any money. If ECSO or their insurance carrier wants to fight this, then evidence will be presented and a verdict will be reached. If the jury finds that these officers took a really bad course of action, then they lose and hopefully new training or procedures will be put in place so that this kind of thing never happens again. If the jury finds that these officers acted reasonably under the circumstances given their special training and skill, then this lady loses and should just be happy to be alive.

    I’m glad people do what deputies do. I’m also glad that we live in a nation where we can question whether people in positions of authority have acted appropriately.

  33. Really? on April 16th, 2013 7:10 am

    These brave men and women come to your aide and get shot at and or critically injured in the process, and you have the nerve to sue them. This country really is screwed… LEO’s, THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU PROUDLY DO EVERY DAY. WE ARE BLESSED TO HAVE YOU ALL.

  34. Were's the good guys on April 16th, 2013 7:03 am

    I remember a time when the good guys wouldn’t shoot if the bad guy had a hostage.They would use cool heads to talk everyone out alive if they could or wait until they would only get the bad guy.Now-a-days it seem like just get the bad guy at all cost ,forget calm smart police work ,that takes to much time.Forget pulling back and waiting for more help ,lets go guns blazen, sorry the adrenalin over powered my brain.

  35. Seriously? on April 16th, 2013 6:26 am

    Couldn’t agree more… This is disgusting. Instead of being thankful for the officers putting their life on the line to save a woman they didn’t even know she is suing them for it. Ridiculous….

  36. Everett on April 16th, 2013 6:21 am

    To Get Real-I dont think you have all the facts.

  37. dwbauer on April 16th, 2013 5:04 am

    I agree. This was self inflicked. These women invite these men in and then want to holler for help.
    You need to accept your own responsibility for this mess. This goes on everyday and these women never think of the results…….

  38. Get Real! on April 16th, 2013 1:39 am

    This makes me sick! People wonder why good cops are few and far between. Its citizens like this!!! Why be the good guy? Do I think she should have help with medical bills. Yes, she was shot. Do I think she needs to take responsibility for allowing a man of Moniers caliber into her child and her life. Even more so!!! Maybe ECSO, Officer Cassidy, her neighbors that were inconvenienced, the hospital staff that had t deal with her Monier, and Cassidy afterwards and Escambia County citizens should sue her for not just giving the dang ring back. People make me sick to my stomach now days. Take responsibility and move on. Looking for a free ride!