Scott Signs Law Banning 27 New Synthetic Drugs

April 26, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation banning 27 new synthetic drugs on Thursday, as a bill sponsored by Rep. Clay Ingram became law.

Scott said, “Florida sheriffs, police chiefs and prosecutors have done a great job in making Florida communities safer. Thanks to their efforts, Florida is at a 41 year crime low. We will continue to work in close partnership with our state and local law enforcement officials to keep Florida families and visitors to our state safe – and this law will provide them with even more tools to fight new drugs that threaten our children.”

Attorney General Pam Bondi also praised the new law.

“Deadly synthetic drugs are targeted to our youth, and I will remain committed to banning these drugs and keeping them off of store shelves. I thank Governor Scott for signing this key public safety legislation,” she said.


One Response to “Scott Signs Law Banning 27 New Synthetic Drugs”

  1. 21stcentury on April 27th, 2013 11:22 am

    At least when it comes to synthetic marijuana…legalization and regulation of marijuana would have an immediate impact on the marketability of some of these substances to both young people and adults.

    Young people should never be allowed to use drugs or alcohol but at some point we have to realize the ‘War on Drugs’ never worked and is a waste of time and money.