Raises On The Way For Escambia Teachers, School Employees

April 12, 2013

The Escambia County School District’s 6,000 employees could soon see a little something extra in their paychecks.

The school district and the union have agreed 0n a 2-percent raise for employees, retroactive to July 1, 2012. The raises will cost the district about $3.5 million.

Before paychecks are  increased, the raises must first be approved by the Escambia County School Board.


11 Responses to “Raises On The Way For Escambia Teachers, School Employees”

  1. puddin on April 14th, 2013 6:19 am

    Ah, thank you David, for doing the math. Is that what teachers are making? I make a third of that to get your sweet babies back and forth to school everyday. Just enough so that I dont qualify for any assistance, but not enough to get by on. No wonder they cant keep support personell on.

  2. puddin on April 14th, 2013 6:11 am

    $70? Lets see, $11.35 per hour, so thats 11 cents raise, 40 hours a week x 11 cents. Thats 4.40 a week. 4 weeks in the average month. $17.20 a month raise is what it looks like to me. Not that Im griping, and feel free to check my math. Every penny does help, but it will be taken away from us with higher health care premiums. Just lke last years raise was taken away by taking away our retirement plan and making us change the way we contribute. I wanna know what school employee makes so much that 2% is a $70 a month raise? Can I have that job please?

  3. 2% on April 13th, 2013 6:59 pm

    I am proud on any percent they are getting…sorry for the sarcasim. I just believe our teachers should get more because of their hard work and dedication to our kiddos. With the low pay teacher get I’m sure they do it for more than just the money!! Working with students each day and helping them succeed to their best ability coming from varying home situations…teachers need more. Just saying. I know my children have had awesome teachers at Pine Meadow and I would like to give that entire school a “shout out”!

  4. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2013 4:41 pm

    “It would be nice if somebody thought I should at least get the 2% back that I lost, but I’m sure the teachers couldn’t care less about me.”

    I’m not a teacher but I care and think you should get your two percent back.
    Tell your boss I said so.

    Failing that, being unhappy and sarcastic is a release available to you.
    Finding or creating some other job is also an option.

    David for happy people with options

  5. PSU1Earl on April 13th, 2013 2:21 am

    I’m not a government employee… 2% raises have been the norm for me… 3 yrs ago I had to take a 2% pay cut and have not received any raises since… I’m not sure where the additional money is going to come from but my guess it will be from me the tax payer… It would be nice if somebody thought I should atleast get the 2% back that I lost, but I’m sure the teachers could care less about me.

    btw, I took my kids out of the escambia public school system because frankly its just terrible. Now my kids are honor roll students and find the work they are doing very challenging in private school.

  6. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2013 8:30 pm


    At a guess the sarcasm might be related to the fact inflation last year was 2.1% and 3.2% the year before that.

    Therefore, the buying power of the pay — even with the raise — is less than what it was two years ago. Add to that the fact it is also less than what was stolen from the contracted pay and the idea folks should be thrilled at the crumb might inspire a sarcastic response.

    Not by me, I’m just happy they haven’t reinstated slavery yet.
    Anybody is free to quit and find a better job.
    Seventy dollars is two percent of $3500/month or $42,000/year plus $840 is $42,840/year.
    Many jobs earn more.
    Many jobs earn less.

    David for happiness

  7. amn on April 12th, 2013 6:48 pm

    It is an incredible amount of money when you don’t make much as it is and trust me they will get that 2% back plus some when they go up on insurance premiums or what ever else they can make higher for us to pay. They give a raise just to make up for what they are getting ready to take out.

  8. Sandra on April 12th, 2013 2:28 pm

    @2 percent……Why is the responce a sarcastic “wow a whole $70 dollars a month” when its a 2 percent raise but when the state made you pay 3 percent to finance YOUR retirement all of the state employees acted like that was an incredible amount of money coming out of your paycheck.

  9. Northender43 on April 12th, 2013 1:17 pm

    YEA!!! NOOOOTTTT!!!! The district needs to make our wages competitive with the rest of the state. We have so many vacancies that won’t be filled because of the wages. If they want to keep their buses running, driver’s driving, teachers teaching, etc they need to start from the top down and get rid of the excess “fat” and give the rest of a “FAIR” raise.

  10. No Excuses on April 12th, 2013 8:06 am

    Great! Every little bit helps. The teachers and other support and administrative staff, etc. deserve it!

  11. 2% on April 12th, 2013 5:41 am

    Wow a whole $70 more a month…