Preconstruction Services Contractor Hired For New Ernest Ward Middle

April 2, 2013

A contract has been awarded to a Pensacola construction company to provide preconstruction management services for the new Ernest Ward Middle School.

The contract was awarded to Greenhut Construction Company to provide schematic designs, design development and construction drawings for the new school, to be constructed on the current EWMS campus.

The total cost for the preconstruction phase services will be $64,800.

The $16.5 million, 115,202 square foot building is currently being designed by Sam Marshall Architects of Pensacola. The new facility will replace the entire Ernest Ward campus, with the exception of the current gymnasium and football stadium.


7 Responses to “Preconstruction Services Contractor Hired For New Ernest Ward Middle”

  1. Ann on April 4th, 2013 4:00 am

    Eniper: Making a plea for your school here does no good. Be happy for this new school & these students & the community. Place your concern for your school somewhere that your voice will be heard.

  2. Eniper on April 3rd, 2013 9:34 pm

    What about Pine Meadow Elementary???? That school is over crowded and land locked as there is nowhere to add any more classrooms or buildings. The car rider line is awful!!! Not to mention they have has to turn a teacher’s conference room into a classroom to accommodate for the proper child teacher ratio.

  3. Yellarhammer on April 3rd, 2013 5:03 am

    Greg you and Packey are both correct, Until this County requires only state certified contractors to bid there projects as does Santa Rosa County does these problems will be here in the future. I retired out of the electrical industry and it is a mess with to many contractors bidding this type of work that arn’t certified, Until the Architects are held responsible for correct plans and doucuments during bidding process (as they where in my early years) we will continue wasting TAX PAYERS money

  4. Greg on April 2nd, 2013 3:56 pm

    Packy, Having been in construction most of my life I can tell you that $65,000.00 on a project like this is money well spent to the right company. They will not only keep the project on schedule and make sure it is done properly, but they will save the owner more than they are paid by keepign frivilous “extras” from being charged that should have been included in the base bid, or by catching the little things that cause a project to last. Greenhut is a good company and will do a good job….I think it is smart money management by the Board….. We have been involved with too many publicly funded projects like this that have inferior products and / or workmanship because of the “low bid” mentality and it is not good for the owner in the long run. You can eat up 65K in one repair or redo after a warranty period expires.

  5. Necessary on April 2nd, 2013 3:35 pm

    The architects design the building and the construction company makes it happen. There is a difference between architectural drawings/plans and construction drawings. Both are a necessary part of the procedure, so it’s not a waste of money.

  6. CW on April 2nd, 2013 11:22 am

    Im glad the gym is being saved, its kind of iconic to the area. It’s looking a bit faded though, some new blue paint may be in order. ;)

  7. Packy. Mitchell on April 2nd, 2013 11:18 am

    I am confused.. If Sam Marshall Architects is designing the new school, why do we need to spend $64,800.00 for Greenhut . Seems like we are wasting a lot of money!!!! Of course that is not a big surprise in our local government !!!