New Peanut Processing Plant Coming To Flomaton

April 11, 2013

An Alabama peanut processor is set to expand with the construction of new processing plant near Flomaton.

The Brooks Peanut Company of Samson, Ala., will build the $6-7 million plant on Highway 113. The company, operating at Escambia Peanut, LLC,  expects to hire under a half dozen full time employees for year-round jobs. But during peanut season, the plant is expected to operate 24/7 with over two dozen employees.

The regional peanut processing plant is expected to be operational in time for this year’s harvest.

The Brooks Peanut Company’s largest customer is M&M/Mars for the company’s peanut M&M’s. Brooks also sells peanuts for peanut butter to Smuckers and  Conagra Foods.

Pictured: The Brook Peanut Company plant in Samson, Ala. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “New Peanut Processing Plant Coming To Flomaton”

  1. Bran Dill on April 4th, 2016 4:44 pm

    These are very good people, And wont go bust my friend or they wouldn’t have made the move to expand. This family has been in this business for about 100 years and they don’t do business to hurt anyone nor take advantage of anything, They will give people jobs and treat those families like there own. I know them personally and have been doing business with them for years. when you here people say that’s good people the Brooks family are those people.

    Bran Dill

  2. Speaking Truth on May 3rd, 2013 11:16 pm

    So, just to clarify:
    1. Yay for jobs (even if it is just for 6 people, something is better than nothing)
    2. Not all migrant workers are Mexican (you do realize that there are immigrant workers from all around the world)–who cares where they come from, they are human beings.
    3. If you don’t like what’s being proposed, then don’t complain come up with a better solution–its called community organizing.

  3. David Huie Green on April 14th, 2013 9:45 pm

    ” why did these people decide to build near homes and a church??? I hope they go bust within the first year! It really is upsetting that there was no public input or our county commission didn’t let anyone know about this that lives nearby.”

    People claim to oppose zoning but then get upset when someone else builds something where they didn’t want it built.

    A peanut processing plant near a church????
    If it were a brothel I could see the opposition but peanuts????

    Such is humanity.

    David for humanity
    and boiled peanuts

  4. Concerned US Citizen on April 12th, 2013 3:39 pm

    Let’s not forget, American people don’t have to work. The government subsidizes them not to work. If American’s would work, migrant labor wouldn’t have to be used.

  5. Farmer on April 12th, 2013 3:16 pm

    TO CW
    You are wrong about that. In my experience with this peanut company in the past, most of the employee that will be hiring will be qualifed driver to operate 18 wheelers to pick up from farmer field and take it in there. It will be qualifed worker to do that. Not mexican.

  6. CW on April 12th, 2013 10:08 am

    Lets not forget these jobs will likely go to migrant workers from Mexico.

  7. Local Yocal on April 12th, 2013 6:19 am

    You people have no idea what you are talking about. Please get informed before you open your mouth and insert your foot.- “To seek the truth is to get both sides of a story “- Walter Cronkite…
    If this was being built next to your home you would have a different outlook. I didn’t hear everybody jumping for joy when they wanted to place a dump in Repton.
    A few minimum wage jobs so a guy can make a mint off of their labor really isn’t a great job boom and benefit for Flomaton.
    Ask the homeowners in Huxford when they built the one on Butler Street what happened to their property values. Two very nice homes have been for sale now for several years, probably will never sale.
    So.. You people go ahead and make your uninformed and snide remarks. There is a thing called Karma, and don’t be surprised when something similar or worse shows up on your door step!!

  8. friction against the machine on April 11th, 2013 4:18 pm

    Flomaton is a natural site for jobs and industry. I’m glad they managed to pull this off! That Walmart was a rumor that never materialized.

  9. Safebear on April 11th, 2013 3:52 pm

    Sounds to me like they didn’t buy Local Yocal’s property and he’s mad. Great news for the jobs it will create!

  10. Elayne on April 11th, 2013 1:25 pm

    Thank God for much needed jobs!!!

  11. Dennis HE Wiggins on April 11th, 2013 12:01 pm

    Local Yocal – maybe you know more than was released in the article, but it does not specify WHERE on 113 the plant will be built. I’d be careful about making comments like that unless I knew for a FACT that was where they are going to build . . . and maybe you do. As for me, I’m still waiting to see the Wal-Mart that has been rumored to be coming to the field behind the businesses on 113/31 for YEARS now. (I think someone else got their locations mixed up too!)

  12. Concerned US Citizen on April 11th, 2013 11:11 am

    This property has been for sale for a number of years. If you didn’t want an industry that will provide jobs for the local community and by the way it also puts food on your table then why didn’t you buy the property? The dust and the noise doesn’t last all year. Harvest time comes and goes quickly. We need to provide food from the United States instead of buying out of the country. Good Job for Flomaton and Escambia Peanut, LLC.

  13. bill on April 11th, 2013 7:14 am

    Nice to see some good news for a change.

  14. cygie on April 11th, 2013 6:09 am

    Well at least 6 people will find work, and more in the harvest season. As well as the jobs created by the construction of the plant. Good job Flomaton.

  15. Local Yocal on April 11th, 2013 5:52 am

    With all the property for sale up and down HWY 113, why did these people decide to build near homes and a church??? I hope they go bust within the first year! It really is upsetting that there was no public input or our county commission didn’t let anyone know about this that lives nearby. Several home owners called concerning the fires when they were clearing the land as we have had several brush fires and no one knew what they were doing. Very disappointing, I have spent so much money trying to improve my property and its value and now I live next door to a 24 hour dust and noise factory. Thanks a lot!!!!