Molino Shooting Suspect Pleads, Set For Sentencing

April 14, 2013

A man accused of shooting at an occupied mobile home in Molino in August 2012 has pleaded no contest to the charges against him and will be sentenced next month.

Sharrieff Amin Shabazz, age 20 of Molino, was charged with three counts of aggravated assault by threat with firearm, shooting into an occupied dwelling, drug possession, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. He has remained in the Escambia County Jail since the August 22 incident with bond set at $71,000.

He is set to be sentenced in early May before Judge J. Scott Duncan.

The victim, 21-year old Kristi Gulsby, told deputies she was arguing with  Shabazz over $6 he had loaned her for cigarettes about three months prior to the August 22 incident. Gulsby said she had paid him back twice.

Gulsby told deputies that Shabazz began cussing her out and screaming that he wanted his money. She said he then reached into his pants pocket and pulled a gun. As he began walking toward the road, Shabazz opened fire on the mobile home with Gulsby and her two juvenile children, one and four years old, nearby, an arrest report states.

No one was struck by the gunfire.

Shabazz was taken into custody a few hours after the shooting during a traffic stop at the intersection of Fairground Road and Jahaza Street in Molino. As the vehicle pulled over for Escambia County deputies, an ATF  special agent working the case witnessed a silver handgun and two pill bottles being thrown out of the backseat, which was occupied by Shabazz. Deputies recovered a .380 caliber handgun outside the vehicle along with pill bottles containing 18 Lortab and cocaine. Inside the vehicle’s trunk, authorities reported finding marijuana in a Mason jar and plastic bags.

Pictured above and below: Gunfire rang out at this mobile home on Ayers Street in Molino on August 22, 2012. photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Molino Shooting Suspect Pleads, Set For Sentencing”

  1. truth on April 15th, 2013 11:51 pm

    I agree with you ben.. Most know thats not the complete story.,i know both of them and the cause of it

  2. Ben on April 15th, 2013 1:24 pm

    If everybody just told the truth that night, I suspect there would be more than one person in jail.

    Of course, if Mr. Shabazz hadn’t started shooting a gun, there probably wouldn’t be anybody in jail.

  3. molino resident on April 15th, 2013 11:44 am

    He needs to go for a while and maybe learn his lesson. Firing at two children and a woman period if it was over cigarettes or 6 dollars. It still don’t matter he did the crime so he can do the time. That’s whats wrong with people getting a slap on the back and that it. Send him to prison and he might learn a lesson but I doubt it.

  4. Terri Sanders on April 15th, 2013 8:54 am

    If this nice upstanding man wasn’t guilty of firing a gun and using it to intimidate the woman then he should have pled “not guilty”.No contest means I may have done it or I may have not done it…and he had drugs on his person…that sure doesn’t look like an outstanding person to me.For the terror he put the innocent children through I hope he gets a nice long sentence to think about what he did.We know he will get cleaned up,a chance to further his education,counseling for his drug issues ,three decent meals a day and a warm/cool bed…All at the taxpayers expense…Quite a bargain for $6.00 dollars wouldn’t you say?

  5. chris1 on April 15th, 2013 8:43 am

    10 years at least.

  6. Jameelah on April 14th, 2013 9:09 pm

    Outsiders looking in y’all can only go by what kristi told the police and what they broadcast on the news. Don’t judge somebody that you don’t know anger problem really do you know him personally theirs ima stand by brother until the end of this so theirs nothing u can tell me about Sharrieff Shabazz. It’s funny how she tried to go drop the charges and its funny how the other people who were involved get off free but it’s just one man sitting in jail! As for them drugs they wasn’t his news didn’t tell ya that huh. Like I said I want him to have a fair sentencing based on the real facts! I know the truth it’s already out and it’s gonna come to light. And did I once say he shouldn’t take responsibility for his action no! A fair sentencing so our family can move on cause this is effecting us as well and we still say free sharrieff Shabazz! Thanku have a nice night Edwards and ajhenn.

  7. ajhenn on April 14th, 2013 10:43 am

    Jameelah, let’s just say that the victim bought, I mean borrowed, more than $6 from your brother. The fact is that your brother FIRED BULLETS into a dwelling that had two innocent little kids within. The little kids are the ones you should feel sorry about. Putting the drug issue aside, your brother obviously does not know how to channel his anger and I would not want another little child put in danger because of this lack of regard for humanity.

  8. S. Edwards on April 14th, 2013 10:20 am

    He had a gun, illegal drugs and fired his gun at a house. I think he should do 20 years in prison then see if he can be a better person. He is what he shows the world he is, a criminal and a thug.

  9. Jameelah Shabazz on April 14th, 2013 9:34 am

    I really hope the real story comes out of what really happened! Everybody knows its wasnt over 6 dollars and a pack of ciggarettes this investigation was very poor!This is my brother and he is not this bad person y’all portray him to be. I hope the judge see him for the person he really is and give him a fair sentencing. My family misses him and its not right for him to be characterized like this I pray that the truth comes to light!