Middle School FCAT Begins This Week (With Schedule, Rules)

April 14, 2013

FCAT daily testing begins Monday in Escambia County. For a daily schedule and FCAT rules, click here (pdf).

(The schedule applies to all middle schools in the county. The make up days are specific to Ernest Ward Middle School and may vary at other schools. For more information, call your child’s middle school.)


5 Responses to “Middle School FCAT Begins This Week (With Schedule, Rules)”

  1. fcat hating on April 16th, 2013 12:58 pm

    Let’s hope this year’s go around with FCAT goes a little better than last year! As you can see from the pdf some grades have computer based testing. Last year at my son’s middle school the “computers” they were tested on were outdated 6″ green screens and if it is not difficult enough read the test the computer system went down in the middle of testing for more than an hour. When I spoke with the guidance counselor over the summer she said she believed the interruptions and equipment would surely have an effect on the outcome of the scores. She proceeded to tell me “If she were a parent she would be very upset” and then quickly followed it up with “but no one will care” UGH Take it away!

  2. No Excuses on April 15th, 2013 2:14 pm

    @Swamp Willow:

    Presenting the test in the most similar circumstances possible is one of the goals behind any standardized test. If one group has, for example, access to a multiplication table, and another does not, then the point behind a standarized test has been defeated since one group has been “helped” over the other. My GED students don’t get any help other than what they are allowed by the test. It is common practice to remove, or cover, any aides that might give an unfair advantage to some students over others.

  3. Schedule on April 15th, 2013 6:47 am

    William, can we get the elementary schedule also? Thanks’

  4. Me on April 15th, 2013 6:44 am

    FCAT starts in the 3rd grade. With “hints”, there won’t be fair scores. If they don’t know their alphabet by the 3rd grade, we’ve got bigger problems to worry about.

  5. Swamp Willow on April 14th, 2013 8:08 pm

    Did you know that all posters and charts and other information the teacher has on the classroom walls have to be covered up during the FCAT? Even the alphabet strip has to be covered. God forbid that the kids have any little hint to help them during this stressful time!!!!!