Mental Health Gun Bill Moves Forward

April 23, 2013

Targeting people who could be “imminent” dangers to themselves or others, a Senate panel Monday approved a bill that would block firearms purchases by certain people who voluntarily admit themselves for mental-health treatment.

Sponsor Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, said the bill closes a loophole, as state law already bars firearms purchases by people who are involuntarily committed under the Baker Act. The measure is backed by the National Rifle Association and Unified Sportsmen of Florida.

“This bill stops dangerous people from being able to purchase guns,” said Marion Hammer, a lobbyist for the gun-rights groups.

The Senate Rules Committee unanimously approved the measure, which is ready to go to the Senate floor. The bill focuses on people who are found to be an “imminent danger” and face the possibility of being involuntarily committed if they do not admit themselves.


5 Responses to “Mental Health Gun Bill Moves Forward”

  1. Bob Hudsun on April 23rd, 2013 2:15 pm

    Truth is liberal gun banners do not care about children’s safe , they want gun control. Never seen any one who advocates the late term abortions , all the way up to delivery date, care about children, how can they?????????

  2. Bob Hudsun on April 23rd, 2013 1:46 pm

    Well all this will do is stop some folks from seeking help that need it.But the Prez, and the gun control freaks got their rear ends handed to them when it came to a vote in Washington, And I love it, no one in their right mind believes the lie that( 90% of Americans wanted more back ground checks, You see the liberals have not learned yet, that just because you tell a lie over an over, and over never makes it the true, and my how they love to lie.From one proud gun owning American loving NRA member.

  3. eeyore on April 23rd, 2013 12:13 pm


  4. pm on April 23rd, 2013 12:01 pm

    This is back-door gun control legislation. Think about all the service men and women returning from the hell-holes of Mid-east with PTSD – and other problems — Do we really want them not to be able to own a gun — Who better to protect and defend our Constitutional rights. Also as Michellle mentioned the kids that have ADD and the many people with depression , etc. – Oh, well I am old this is a problem that our young people need to address — They would do well to read their History – One of the first things Hitler did was impose gun control.

  5. Michelle on April 23rd, 2013 9:54 am

    That includes all you people who are trying to quit smoking and taking an aid to help. since the side effects are “self harm, suicidal thoughts and actions. That means you.
    Since most children now a days are considered to have ADD and such and put on medication young. This will be a generation who will never be able to defend themselves and know the joy of hunting style sports.
    Stand up now or all will be lost in a blink of an eye.