Field Day: Molino Park Teachers Take On The Marines – And Win

April 27, 2013

Friday was the annual Field Day at Molino Park Elementary School.

During the event, teachers, staff and volunteers teamed up to take on a group of U.S. Marines in tug-o-war. When the dust settled, the Molino Park team was victorious. (Although several youngsters theorized that perhaps the Marines had let the MPES staffers and volunteers win.)

For a photo gallery from Molino Park’s Field Day, click here.

Pictured: Molino Park teachers, staff and volunteers (above) “defeated” a group of U.S. Marines during a game of tug-of-war at the school’s annual Field Day Friday. Submitted photos by Shawn Moyers for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Field Day: Molino Park Teachers Take On The Marines – And Win”

  1. Helen Cristofoletti on May 5th, 2013 12:18 pm

    Thank you to the men and women of the Marine Corps who came and volunteered their time and energy! We couldn’t have had a successful field day without ya’ll. There is no way the teachers and staff could provide field day for our students without volunteers. Thank you for caring as much about our students as we do! I cannot even begin to describe the fun we had, adults and children alike!

  2. Amanda on April 30th, 2013 1:16 pm

    I would of loved to seen the Marines take on our teachers and staff at Bratt Elem, for Field Day. That would of been amazing. Looks like Molino Park had a blast during there field day..

  3. Tim on April 27th, 2013 12:55 pm

    Looks like a great time, don’t believe I’ve ever seen so many smiles!