FHP: Cell Phone Distraction Leads To Wreck Near Jay

April 3, 2013

The Florida Highway Patrol says a cell phone distraction led to a crash southeast of Jay late Tuesday night.

According to the FHP, 32-year old Gillam G. Boyd of Milton was northbound on Highway 87 about 11:20 p.m. when he looked away from the road and at his cell phone, failing to realize that his vehicle was drifting across the roadway. His 2003 Chevrolet 1500 traveled into a ditch, hit a culvert, went airborne, struck a utility pole and overturned, coming to a final rest right side up on shoulder of Highway 87.

Boyd was transported to Jay Hospital with minor injuries. He was cited for careless driving, according to the FHP.


16 Responses to “FHP: Cell Phone Distraction Leads To Wreck Near Jay”

  1. Brooke on April 6th, 2013 12:19 am

    @David Huie Green

    I applaud you, sir! Spot on!!

  2. David Huie Green on April 5th, 2013 8:35 pm

    “Let me make it clear-er! The cell phone providers need to program phones that turn off mobile data while the phone is moving down the road. You can still make phone calls but can’t send texts or emails.”

    Nah, you were clear the first time. You believe the solution to people acting dangerously is to make it impossible for them to do so even if it stops them from doing things which are not dangerous.
    Gun violence? Outlaw all guns.
    Bad beliefs? Outlaw all religions.
    Criminals get off? Outlaw trials and lawyers.

    “People in general don’t care about morals or ethics anymore. That generation is long gone.”

    Nah, there are always those who care about right and wrong. It’s an individual thing, not a group thing. You’re just hanging with the wrong crowd.

    “As for people on a bus or train they can use a transporters provided wi-fi signal to utilize mobile data or wait for the frequent stops the vessels make anyway.”

    Yep, you can make everybody on a bus or boat or in a taxi dependent on some techno fix to your “solution”. Of course, your solution would also make it possible for the captain, pilot or cabbie to bypass your proposed solution. Better to just hold offenders accountable.

    “We educate people on drinking and driving everyday but yet people do it.”

    Yes some do. They should be punished. You shouldn’t take away all cars so they can’t possibly do it.

    “Educating people on the dangers isn’t helping our problem.”

    It may have helped.
    Some may have realized it is wrong and stopped.
    Having law enforcement hasn’t ended all lawlessness but that doesn’t mean we should just abandon it or decide it just isn’t ruthless enough.

    David for reason

  3. sniper on April 4th, 2013 9:59 am

    to David for reason:

    Let me make it clear-er! The cell phone providers need to program phones that turn off mobile data while the phone is moving down the road. You can still make phone calls but can’t send texts or emails.

    People in general don’t care about morals or ethics anymore. That generation is long gone. There isn’t a text or message that simply cannot wait until the bus stops, you catch a red traffic light, or simply pull over. As for people on a bus or train they can use a transporters provided wi-fi signal to utilize mobile data or wait for the frequent stops the vessels make anyway. We have went decades and even centuries without communication during transit.

    We educate people on drinking and driving everyday but yet people do it. Maybe we could come up with a way that will prohibit a vehicles starter to engage if the driver blows over the limit into a breathalyzer…oh wait…

    Educating people on the dangers isn’t helping our problem.

  4. Jane on April 4th, 2013 9:01 am

    Anything else you are doing when you are driving can be a distraction. Pay attention to your driving and not your phone, people in the car, things falling off the seat, etc.

  5. SEL on April 4th, 2013 8:57 am

    Old Man, I didn’t say they were the same. They do however catch our eye and alot of people are inclined to look to see what’s going on. You should pat yourself on the back for never looking away from the road and looking at the signs ! You are a model citizen!

  6. old man who is mad on April 3rd, 2013 11:45 pm

    I don’t think people selling on the side of the road for girl scout cookies, car washes ext can be used as a same example for a cell phone distraction since those people don’t make u look down while your driving !

  7. David Huie Green on April 3rd, 2013 9:40 pm

    “cell phone companies should program an app into phones that will disable texting, email, etc while the phone is moving over 15mph.”

    So you believe passengers on a bus, train, in a car should not be able to use their cell phones?

    Seems extreme.

    I wonder if simply educating people regarding the dangers and then holding them personally responsible for any damage they do while distracted driving might be more moral and/or ethical. That way it won’t matter what they did to be distracted; they are just held accountable for their actions while using a multi-ton machine around other people.

    David for reason

  8. sniper on April 3rd, 2013 8:41 pm

    cell phone companies should program an app into phones that will disable texting, email, etc while the phone is moving over 15mph. And insurance companies should offer discounts to people who use those phones. I drive over 2 hours everyday through the middle of Escambia county and I am also a volunteer firefighter. I see the worst of the worst responding to calls and commuting to work. This madness is getting worse not better.

  9. mom on April 3rd, 2013 2:09 pm

    SEL, your exactly right…cities should ban or fine businesses that do certain things that make you look off…driving should be the first and foremaost thing on our minds

  10. OldMan on April 3rd, 2013 2:04 pm

    I’m curious, with all the technology we have these days. Why is it that car manufacturers can’t install some type of device that would prevent a cell phone from texting while the car is running, or while driving, etc ?

    Seems like they have no problem installing black boxes that would allow Big Brother to watch every move you make and everywhere you go .

    OldMan Doesn’t Do Cell Phones

  11. SEL on April 3rd, 2013 11:18 am

    What about distractions OUTSIDE your vehicle? For instance signs, people holding advertising signs wearing a Santa suit or a gorilla costume, signs saying ” no line, no wait, people holding car wash or Girl Scout Cookie signs, trucks pulling trailers with large advertising signs driving all over Pensacola trying to get your attention………….needless to go on. These are distractions never addressed in these conversations. Not only are they annoying, they are DESIGNED to get your attention…….away from your driving!

  12. john on April 3rd, 2013 11:16 am

    Interesting opinion of the FHP on this accident.

  13. nodcoop on April 3rd, 2013 10:41 am

    the driver should be sealed off from the rest of the vehicle with no controls except for drving and no communications with anyone in or out of the vechicle.

  14. me too on April 3rd, 2013 10:25 am

    frank, i believe you hit it right on the head. there are many distractions while driving. my pet peev is people who drift over in your lane, or the very least, they ride the white line. this happens everytime i go some place. when people are driving, they need to realize that getting close to the white line endangers the people around you. especially if someone doesn’t notice right away and then jerks the wheel to compensate. accidents are just what they are.

  15. Frank on April 3rd, 2013 9:59 am

    Well we can just ban the use of everything inside of vehicles. No more radios, GPS units, no more AC controls, no more screaming kids in the back seat, no more putting on make up and lipstick and no more eating while driving. All of the things mentioned above also account for numerous vehicle accidents due to distracted driving. My point is……it’s not just the cellphone that caused the wreck. It’s distracted driving regardless of what caused the distraction. It’s education and awarness that prevent people from making the wrong decisions while driving. You can never eliminate all of the distractions inside of a vehicle.

  16. mom on April 3rd, 2013 8:07 am

    WHEN will people learn about cell phones and texting and driving??? It’s not worth it, you could have killed yourself or someone else. I wish we could go back to the days where people were really concerned about driving and didn’t have a phone in their hand. So many people are so fascinated by what everyone else is doing, that when that dinger goes off on their phone for a status change of a friend, that they look to see that their friend is leaving the house to go to the grocery store or whatever….put them down and be responsible while your in the car!