Escambia Set To Lower Speed Limit On Nearly Two Dozen Roads

April 17, 2013

The Escambia County Commission is set to reduce the speed limit on nearly two dozen roads in the Cant0nment area.

The speed limit will drop from 30 to 25 miles per hour on the following:

1.  Sundance Lane, from County Road 97 to west end of roadway;
2.  Sundial Circle, from Sundance Lane to Sundance Lane;
3.  Booker Street, from Muscogee Road to end of roadway;
4.  Quarters Road, from Booker Street to end of roadway;
5.  Booker Lane, from Booker Street to end of roadway;
6.  Booker Avenue, from Booker Street to end of roadway;
7.  Robinson Street, from Booker Street to Washington Street;
8.  Sheppard Street, from Booker Street to Washington Street;
9.  Calloway Street, from Washington Street to end of roadway;
10.  Ellington Street, from Booker Street to Washington Street;
11.  Webb Street, from Booker Street to Muscogee Road;
12.  Griggs Street, from Booker Street to Washington Street;
13.  Ransom Street, from Booker Street to Washington Street;
14.  Washington Street, from Robinson Street to Ransom Street;
15.  Carver Street, from Webb Street to end of roadway;
16.  Copper Ridge Drive, from Pine Forest Road to end of roadway;
17.  Windmill Circle, from Copper Ridge Drive to Copper Ridge Drive;
18.  Rock Hill Court, from Windmill Circle to end of roadway;
19.  Winterset Drive, from Windmill Circle to end of roadway;
20.  Copper Ridge Circle, from Copper Ridge Drive to Copper Ridge Drive;
21.  Copper Ridge Court, from Copper Ridge Drive to end of roadway; and
22.  Copper Ridge Place, from Copper Ridge Drive to end of roadway.

The county commission will vote on a resolution Thursday night to approve the speed limit reductions. The lower speed limits were requested by local residents, and the requests were evaluated by the county’s Transportation & Traffic Operations Division.

After the appropriate speed limit signs are installed, the resolution authorizing the changes will be forwarded to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


14 Responses to “Escambia Set To Lower Speed Limit On Nearly Two Dozen Roads”

  1. Taxpayer on April 17th, 2013 11:01 pm

    Consideration should be given to speed bumps. You will have to drive over them when you travel to and from your home and perhaps that doesn’t bother you. However, consider you have an EMERGENCY where seconds count! The emergency vehicles will have to traverse the same speed bumps to get to you or your loved ones. This is precious time lost.

  2. anonymous on April 17th, 2013 9:22 pm

    This change on some of these roads, will only benefit local traffic of course.

    These aren’t heavy traffic roads, the only time I see people really using one of these roads is when trains insist on stopping and blocking the crossing at 297A at Muscogee. I have seen the trains sit there and block traffic for half and hour or more.

  3. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2013 4:18 pm

    Outlaw any speed bump which will not let you drive the posted speed

    David for reason

  4. ABC on April 17th, 2013 2:52 pm

    Unfortunately it doesnt seem to matter what the speed limitis, ours is 35 miles per hour and they fly through here up to 70 miles per hour. its is so very frustrating. Dump trucks, Fed Ex, loggers, doesnt matter who they are. Our bridge isnt suppost to have anything come across it at the weight like log trucks, etc. etc. Its so frustrating.

  5. Dennis HE Wiggins on April 17th, 2013 12:10 pm

    Speed humps. Signs do nothing, but sending a car to the repair shop will get the point across. I just wish they would change some speeds up a little further north. The road in front of my house – strictly residential – is set at 55! Kids up and down that road, and people fly. Maybe we need to petition the Road Department for some humps.

  6. Henry Coe on April 17th, 2013 10:51 am

    It does seem like a waste of dollars though for only a 5 mph drop. I think if they want to make difference, they should at least drop it to 20 if not 15mph or they can put some of those “speed curbs” bumps in the road. People tend to slow down when it comes to maybe spilling their drink or bottoming out their vehicle.

    I guess it depends on if they want to fix the problem so it doesn’t occur or they just want to make the drop of 5mph for a LE tool too pull folks over, like David said.

  7. Henry Coe on April 17th, 2013 10:42 am

    Nope, it is 30.

    Florida “Standard” Speed Limits

    Municipal Speed Areas . . . 30
    Business or Residential Area . . . 30
    Rural Interstate . . . 70*
    Limited Access Highways . . . 70
    All Other Roads and Highways . . . 55*
    School Zones . . . 20

  8. Henry Coe on April 17th, 2013 10:40 am

    Isn’t it a state law that the speed limit in an unmarked residential area is 25mph ??

    I could be wrong, but I’m inclined to think that is correct. Anyone know?

  9. Leslie on April 17th, 2013 8:43 am

    @David Huie Green………………I always love to read your comments. You don’t get on here and rant and rave. You either state facts, or give a sensible response. Keep’em coming.

  10. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2013 7:54 am

    Good citizens will try to comply.
    Sorry citizens might at least fear stop and search related to speeding.

    David for hope

  11. MolinoMomma on April 17th, 2013 7:38 am

    Like that’s gonna matter!! The majority of drivers don’t pay attention to the speed limit now.

  12. And guess what.... on April 17th, 2013 4:42 am

    …people will probably still speed. Speed limits are merely suggestions to people these days.

  13. worried on April 17th, 2013 4:38 am

    So, who will enforce this? We don’t have enough police out there as it is!

  14. Listening on April 17th, 2013 3:30 am

    This is a waste of time and the cost of purchasing and installing the new sign’s………..The ESO officers are not interested in catching speeders. They don’t get their name in the papers for stopping speeders. You let the chance of drugs being involved and they get a chance of their names being in the paper then they are all over it.