Escambia Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter

April 17, 2013

An Escambia County man is jailed for the DUI manslaughter death of a Milton man Tuesday afternoon.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 23-year old James William Barclay was northbound on Hollywood Avenue when he failed to stop for a stop sign at Blount Avenue. His 1999 Jeep Cherokee struck a 1989 Honda Civic driven by 28-year old Charles Allen Snow of Milton. The impact forced Snow’s vehicle into a utility pole before overturning. After the initial impact, Barclay’s Jeep continued north and vaulted over Snow’s Civic.

Barclay climbed out of his Jeep and fled the scene on foot. Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Mike Carr and his K-9 tracked Barclay and took him into custody nearby. He was transported to Baptist Hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

Snow was pronounced deceased following the crash. A two-year old toddler in his vehicle was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in serious condition.

After being released from the hospital, Barclay was arrested on multiple charges including DUI manslaughter, vehicular manslaughter and driving with no driver’s license resulting in a death. Barclay was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $903,000.


25 Responses to “Escambia Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter”

  1. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2013 11:40 am

    If I correctly read


    It is now $1,200,000 bond since the judge looked at it. Seems excessive, but should stop him from killing anybody else anytime soon.

    David for reset buttons

  2. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 7:24 pm

    “David greene the law enforcement officers do in fact set the beginning bond according to the bond for that charge. during first appearance the bond is then adjusted by the judge once probable cause for the arrest has been made.”

    greene? How hard is it to spell Green? I don’t personally care but careless in little things, careless in other little things.

    If the state sets bond for various crimes and he is charged with those crimes, then the state set the bond. This unless you think the charges should have been jaywalking without a permit? If the charges don’t apply, he’s had plenty of time for the judge to say so.

    David for avoiding the need for bond

  3. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 4:06 pm

    Other David,
    No, I would not like to face any jury for killing anyone. So far I’ve managed to avoid that by not killing anyone and not doing things which would make folks suspect me of killing anyone.

    To be clear, what hearsay and rumors are they spreading? The only one I can see right off hand is an explanation of why he didn’t have a driver’s license. I don’t especially see why it would matter if he really were driving without one.

    It isn’t a witch hunt to express disapproval — especially since witches didn’t exist as charged — if the event occurred and they have reason to have charged him. Also there will be no burning at the stake or requirement he prove his innocence rather than the state being required to convince an unbiased jury of his peers.

    It really isn’t bigotry if people don’t hate him for something other than what he did. To express disapproval of what he is charged with doing is not the same as ruling that he definitely did it as part of a jury. The prosecution will have to prove to an entire jury that he did the crimes, that he was driving, that he ran a stop sign, that he killed, that he ran. All that.

    If they fail to make their case, he is acquitted and should never have been charged.
    It is the law. The right to discuss current events is also the law even if it does get all of you excluded from the jury pool.

    David for freedom under the law

  4. David on April 18th, 2013 12:07 pm

    My point is David Green there are laws for DUI Murder etc… I agree with every one of them. It just bothers me that people as on this post spread hearsay rumors he/she said that that promotes judging within a society consumed with burning a witch at the stake without hearing the other side. Thats what courts are for. I am not saying the man did or did not do anything. But read through this post and tell me you would want any person with that demeanor on a jury trail who has already made up their mind via gossip and rumors. Yet one of these people on this post may be chosen to serve on the jury of this guy and the be a bigot saying they are not swayed. If the man is judged to have been found guilty… I hope it will not be due to a predisposition as what I see here. If guilty..serve the term under the law for which it provides. Its not that confusing David, its the law.

  5. kevin enfinger on April 18th, 2013 10:38 am

    David greene the law enforcement officers do in fact set the beginning bond according to the bond for that charge. during first appearance the bond is then adjusted by the judge once probable cause for the arrest has been made. in the case of a warrant that is signed by a judge first then yes the judge sets the bond. but for an arrest with no warrant basically being arrested while committing the crime, the officer sets it

  6. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 6:29 am

    Other David,
    Are you sure it’s wrong to judge people wrong for illegally driving and orphaning babies? If it IS wrong, wouldn’t that make judging those who disapprove of DUI manslaughter wrong?

    This condemnation of condemnation is confusing.

    David for reasonable consistency

  7. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 6:16 am

    Law enforcement officers don’t set bond

  8. Final Justice on April 17th, 2013 4:18 pm

    Bond is not originally set by a Judge is is set by the arresting officer. Lets hope this fool doesn’t go before our favorite “Bet he can do better Bergoff”

  9. David on April 17th, 2013 1:00 pm

    With all the rhetoric and judging is wrong. Simply prayers to the family. Leave the judging for the legal system.

  10. cantonment mom on April 17th, 2013 10:40 am

    First, I’d like to offer my condolences to the victim’s family. What a horrible tragedy and I will be keep you in my prayers.
    I have read the comments below. According to ‘Lillian’, Barclay “He does not hold a drivers license because he was never issued one, not because he lost it. Due to psychiatric issues he should have never been allowed behind the wheel of ANY vehicle. The Jeep he was driving did not belong to him.” If this is the case, it begs the question how did he get the vehicle? Since he is not charged with vehicle theft, it is logical to assume he was given the vehicle to drive. The person who provided him with the vehicle should be charged as well. They provided him with a weapon. This was a VERY preventable tragedy and there are more people with blood on their hands than just the driver!

  11. Lisa on April 17th, 2013 10:21 am

    Lillian the fact is he killed someone & left a baby injured. I did not question if it was his child, also if he was never issued a license how did he get a vehicle or should I ask who let him use it, so the way I see it if someone let him use it they should also be charged you do not let anyone borrow your vehicle if they don’t have a license. As for the vest or smock why protect him either way and as for upbringing if & I say if a family member let him have jeep then yes it does reflect because that shows where their place is & not to good of judgement there.

  12. Matt on April 17th, 2013 10:21 am

    Prayers for the baby in the hospital. They also need to change these “DUI Manslaughter” charges in the rulebooks up to “Murder.” I keep seeing waaay too many people killed by idiots in cars who get a slap on the wrist.

  13. disgusted on April 17th, 2013 10:01 am

    people who VOP no bond, people who kill others bond… something is definitely wrong with the system. Prayers are with the victims family

  14. Molinogirl on April 17th, 2013 9:56 am

    I can’t help but hurt so much for the family of both young men. Of course the family who has had their husband, brother, father, son taken senselessly ….but also for the family of this young man who should have, according to an above
    post here, never been behind the wheel. Mental illness is rampant in our world today and creates so much heart ache. Of course…. alcohol is not helping. The young man is pictured with the suicide vest on… obviously he has feelings… obviously he regrets his actions and now will have to live with them. In this case there was mental illness….. and once a son is 23 it is difficult to keep track of them 24/7…. but as far as alcohol and accidents go… I will never understand why ANYONE every puts something in their body that alter’s their thinking in anyway shape or form. Praying for ALL involved.

  15. Dan on April 17th, 2013 9:55 am

    $903,000.00 Bond.
    The judges are finally waking up !!!

  16. huh on April 17th, 2013 9:03 am

    I would pretend i was crazy too knowing what was waiting in jail for people like this and i suppose his family can do the mental card because they love him regardless. So sorry for the loss life hope the baby will be ok

  17. Leslie on April 17th, 2013 8:53 am

    How truly sad. Prayers for all families involved.

    It would be Really nice if folks would take the time to actually READ an article instead of just skimming over it before making your comments. A couple of comments on here make it obvious that some readers didn’t really pay attention. Hurtful comments could be avoided that way.

  18. Lillian on April 17th, 2013 8:26 am

    Please allow me to offer my deepest apologies to the family of the deceased. Thoughts and prayers go out to you. Please know that James’s actions do not reflect his up bringing and our family is truly saddened by yesterdays events.
    We are in no way supporting or making excuses for James’s behavior, but we do ask that you please know all facts before making any comments.
    He does not hold a drivers license because he was never issued one, not because he lost it. Due to psychiatric issues he should have never been allowed behind the wheel of ANY vehicle. The Jeep he was driving did not belong to him. The baby involved in the accident was not his child, but the child of the deceased.

  19. kathy on April 17th, 2013 7:58 am

    Praying for the Baby and the other family such a sad loss. so sorry to here this dumb guy not only killed someone drunk , But left his child to die. there not going to like him in prison .

  20. LEGGRIZER on April 17th, 2013 7:44 am

    That is not a bullet proof vest , it’s a smock they put on you when you’re under suicide watch .

  21. Bill on April 17th, 2013 6:48 am

    This guy needs to get the max time allowed!

  22. Lisa on April 17th, 2013 6:36 am

    Anybody notice his vest? I have to ask why protect him, if somebody shoots him say o well because he blatantly killed that person , because he didn’t care. & chose to drive like that after already having his license taken clearly shows he can’t drive, he shouldn’t have even got a bond & hopefully the baby will be ok phsically, it doesn’t say if the person killed was the father, etc but I’m gonna say if it was it was the father well it’ll have to grow up without , & yes that will also affect the baby because kids need both parents, plus it will be hard for it to understand for awhile.

  23. Preda X on April 17th, 2013 5:38 am

    This was such a sad story The people on the seen was very caring trying to help and this guy ran from the seen a person dead and a baby hurt so bad I think that the man who tried to help the baby could teach this guy a lesson in a few ways. I am glad to see caring people with hearts it makes me feel a little better at night.

  24. tired on April 17th, 2013 4:53 am

    Nothing GOOD comes from alcohol!!!

  25. yipee on April 17th, 2013 4:38 am

    Best bond ever…