Dozens Arrested On Drug Charges, Many From Cantonment, Molino
April 20, 2013
Law enforcement agencies arrested nearly five dozen people over the last two days on methamphetamine and pseudoephedrine related charges. Many of the arrests targeted persons involved with drug groups dubbed “The Village Group”, centered around “The Village” area of Forrest Street and Lakeview Avenue in Cantonment; and “The Ayers Group” for a group centered around Ayers Street in Molino.
Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said Friday afternoon that 56 of 76 people targeted by Operation Blister Pack 2 had been arrested. In addition, the sheriff said 19 meth labs had been destroyed this year, along with 47 last year. Morgan said the investigation is still ongoing in the operation, with the possibility of more arrests.
“We intend to vigorously prosecute these cases,” State Attorney Bill Eddins said at an afternoon press conference. “Many of them have resulted in charges that will require a mandatory minimum seven years in prison. And some have also committed sufficient acts that we have charged them with crimes that will result in a mandatory minimum 15 years in prison.”
“Methamphetamine…is a very bad drug that effects not only these defendants, but their families as well,” Eddins said.
“It is surprising to us that anyone uses this drug because, again, the physical effects are so debilitating,” Morgan said, after discussing “meth mouth”, premature aging and other dramatic dangers of meth.
The arrests, targeting meth operations based in Cantonment and Molino, are expected to have a significant impact on methamphetamine in North Escambia and the rest of Escambia County.
“This is a pretty major group; this should make a large impact on that area,” Investigator Ken Tolbirt said. Many of those arrested, Tolbirt said, are “smurfs” that go out and purchase quantities of pseudoephedrine and other ingredients need to manufacture methamphetamine.
“They trade it to that person. If they give them a box, then they give them a percentage of what was cooked from the pseudoephedrine,” he said.
“They are just worker bees,” Morgan said. “Pharmacies track the amount of that compound that is sold.”
A dozen suspects were also arrested on federal charges as part of Operation Blister Pack 2. For details about the federal cases, click here.
The following arrests were reported on state charges by Friday afternoon:
- Heather Nichole Harris, 32, Forrest Street, Cantonment
- Dawn Cheree Brooks, 33, Forehand Lane, Cantonment
- Katherine Leigh Glass, 32, Forehand Lane, Cantonment
- Anthony Trevor Buttitta, 32, Frand Ard Road, Cantonment
- Todd Michael Packard, 33, Old Chemstrand Road, Cantonment
- William Bradley Edmonson, 25, Booth Avenue, Cantonment
- Lindsey Marie Murphy, 32, Muscogee Road, Cantonment
- Henry Allen Miller, 38, Muscogee Road, Cantonment
- Jonathon Michael Argerenon, Jr, 34, Forrest Street, Cantonment
- Brandy Suzanne Tucker, 39, Lakeview Avenue, Cantonment
- Nicholas Lawrence Ray, 22, Tate School Road, Cantonment
- Jonathan Paul Kite, 39, Belmont Avenue, Cantonment
- Nikki Lynn Kight, 45, Lakeview Avenue, Cantonment
- Danielle Suzanne Lowery, 18, Lakeview Avenue, Cantonment
- Jennifer Dianne Kelly, 33, Ayer Street, Molino
- Clinton Keith Edmonson, 22, Molino Road, Molino
- Shawna Reche Carnley, 23, Chestnut Road, Molino
- Kelly Ann Eddins, 26, Jefferson Avenue, Century
- Jeffery Gene Brown, 32, South Pine Barren Road, McDavid
- Lane Robert Edmonson, 17, address unavailable
- Tanya Suzette Carver, 46, Cranbrook Avenue, Pensacola
- Mark Avery Ard, 33, London Avenue, Pensacola
- Margaret Lorene Ard, 51, London Avenue, Pensacola
- James Ellis Roley, 27, London Avenue, Pensacola
- Katrina Maria Griffin, 25, Amberway Drive, Pensacola
- John Dale Highfield, 24, Aquamarine Avenue, Pensacola
- Clinton Michael Gant, 26, Aquamarine Avenue, Pensacola
- Heather Noel Reed, 31, Lillian Highway, Pensacola
- Lori Esther Cabuyao, 34, Stafford Lane, Pensacola
- Sonya Lee Weekley, 46, North “R” Street, Pensacola
- Monica Louise Rutherford, 32, Tower Ridge Road, Pensacola
- Thomas Richard Nowling, 26 Mobile Highway, Pensacola
- George Steven Andrews II, 43, Chisolm Road, Pensacola
- Sebron Anthony Aikens Jr, 28, North “K” Street, Pensacola
- Clinton Dwayne Nowlin, 25, Chemstrand Road, Pensacola
- Sylvia Marie Rutherford, 35, Tower Ridge Road, Pensacola
- Sheila Diane Quinlan, 48, Suwanne Road, Pensacola
- Wilbur Arvid Petersen, 57, Bowman Avenue, Pensacola
- Lisa Michelle Petersen, 48, North “S” Street, Pensacola
- Samantha Rose Petersen, 26, Bowman Avenue, Pensacola
- Robert Harold Fulater 32, Bowman Avenue, Pensacola
- Cindy Kay Morgan, 31, Bush Street, Pensacola
- Donald Michael Morgan, 35, Bush Street, Pensacola
- Susan Ann VanDyke, 45, Tower Ridge, Pensacola
- Joseph Matthew Davis, 35, Action Street, Pensacola
- Tony Curtis Simmons Sr, 48, Twinbrook Avenue, Pensacola
Pictured top: A suspect is taken into custody on a meth related warrant by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and an undercover ATF agent. Pictured top inset: State Attorney Bill Eddins (left) and Sheriff David Morgan discuss the operation. Pictured bottom inset: Investigator Ken Tolbirt explains the Molino and Cantonment drug groups. Pictured below: Of those arrested Thursday and Friday on state charges stemming from Operation Blister Pack II, 19 individuals provided North Escambia addresses when booked into the Escambia County Jail.
90 Responses to “Dozens Arrested On Drug Charges, Many From Cantonment, Molino”
this is to mnon’s comment on april 28th. you obviously dont know to much about the law in florida, because you dont have to purchase dozens of boxes to go to jail for it. you can purchase one and still go to jail for it. it doesnt matter if you go over your limit or not, its weather or not you purchase them for illegal purposes. i know someone who just got a not guilty verdict for buying boxes. they were arrested because 3 people who were angry with them got caught & these people thought they were turned in by my friend so they said this person was involved too. which was a lie! but all it takes is 3 or more people to say u were involved & they can arrest you on conspiracy charges. this person did infact purchase the medicine but it was for them to take properly. they only puchased 24 boxes over an almost 5 year span. that is nowhere even remotely close to over any limits, however because these 3 people lied out of spite this person was charged. but like i said, it was a not guilty verdict, because this person did nothing wrong. so before you go judging people and writing comments, check your facts. YOU DONT HAVE TO PURCHASE DOZENS, ITS ALL ABOUT IF YOU KNEW WHAT THEY WERE BEING USED FOR!
well my mother is one of these people arrested she had nothing on her and her drug test was negative for meth but positive for marijuana. she has been an addict for YEARS she hasn’t to much been a part of my life but she has been working on getting clean and i traveled 6 hours to go to court and talk to her attorney (who didn’t show up, great job public defenders office {sarcastic voice}) and go to court and they tacked on another charge that they cant just tack on possession is 9/10ths of the law and when they arrested her they found NOTHING so how can they charge her with possession with conspiracy i’m just saying 1+1=2 not 0+1 so i smell a lot of rotten bacon in this sting. research is going to be a must and s/n to all the “christians” that are saying they will only pray for the victims not the arrested individual you should study your good book a lil harder the lord says you should even pray for your enemies. and these people are not enemies they are addicted to a chemical that literally changes your brain they need serious in house rehab and schooling not jail
WOW! Just when we think we know people
I know one of these people personally and have known her since we were like 8 years old. I didn’t want to believe that she could make these kinds of decisions but alas, face the facts…she is not doing so good anymore. All that matters is our police NEED to clean up this issue….I AM HAPPY THEY DID THIS!! I personally don’t care how or why, just happy they are cleaning up my county! I have to agree with everyone who said..stay away from this crap & you wouldn’t have to worry. Its sad that all of these people are involved with a horrible, dangerous drug!! I pray they all find help & get clean. My friend on here has a child…..she (& all of them) need to clean up their act!! When a another friend of mine saw her after she was out of jail…..said she was so messed up again.
I guess I don’t know my friend anymore. I also will not be moving back home to Cantonment any time soon….what happened to my sweet lil country town? YALL CAN DO BETTER SO DO BETTER!!!! May God help your lives!!
This is a sad situation, I know one of these girls personally and she has been raised very well and continues to get into trouble. She’s been caught sterling, why I don’t know her parents would have bought it for her. And what’s so bad she’s got two uncle’s with their mugshots up there to. I’ve not had the best past but I opened my eyes and saw that drugs weren’t getting no where. I’ve been clean 5 years and they used to pass judgement on me and their in the same situation I was in. Watch what you do and who you talk about because carma’s a bitch. I hope she opens her eyes and sees what kinds mess she’s got herself into. Her parents will bail her out and she will turn around and do something else stupid. This is a viscous cycle that needs to be broken. If they can ban synthetic spice they should be able to ban pseudoephedrine so they can’t get the stuff to make meth. They want to ban all the wrong things just a suggestion maybe the law will read this and think about it. Good luck to everyone that got into trouble. Change people places and things and you can straighten your life up. If I can anyone can. May god be with you.
I was also caught up in this I have two kids and engaged. My kids are more than tooken care of by me and there step dad. I am far from a meth head or druggie at all. Did not hang out or associate with any of these people. I have not touched meth or any type of drug since I was 17 and now I’m 26. So therefor all this trash talk and name calling and judging is very uncalled for. I no many of us that don’t deserve to be caught up in this will be ok in the end right now it’s something we have to fight . And if some of these people did hang out with drug heads that doesn’t mean anything or make them a animal we deserve a lot more respect than this. I no I’m innocent and clean as well are many others going through this
I don’t think it is fair that children get put in this stuff. They don’t have any option to leave. And for the most part kids believe their parents would protect them. I also think meth is not the beginning drug… I believe it starts with probably (pain killers (abused) . Then when that is not working for them it progresses. I guess I don’t understand how it gets this far and the people not realize they have a SERIOUS problem. . But there again some folks can’t see past their own nose. I pray for the children and families of these individuals.
It is funny to me at all the ones saying they are drug free, they purchased medicine a year or more ago and now tied to this. Do you realize you have to buy DOZENS OF BOXES of pseudoephedrine at multiple locations to grab the attention of law enforcement. What did you think you can’t get in serious trouble with that? I get sinus bad headaches and I don’t deal with purchasing pseudoephedrine let alone dozens of boxes. On top of all that all you “drug free” people are associating with KNOWN meth producers and meth users. My grandpa use to tell me that “you are no better than the company you keep.” Also what is funny and sad at the same time, almost every single person in this line up looks OLDER then their age, rough life? To me a dead give away of a meth junkie. Go sit in jail, get clean, get your lives together and hopefully your kids won’t grow up to be a meth head because you won’t be around to influence them. I glad LEO is doing something about the meth problem in NE, maybe my children won’t be exposed to you bottom feeders.
Look I was one out the people arrested for buying a box a year and a half ago I was in bed asleep when they arrested me I have passed a drug test that was taken the day of my arrests which for your info I have never been in trouble for drugs ya when I was a teenager I got in trouble but not for drugs I’m 33 yrs old and this was my first time being in jail since I was 19. I have 3 kids so don’t run your mouth about me I’m clean have been for years
Fact:: I grew up right here in cantonment & i was on meth bad back in 2001-2!! Have touched the stuff in almost 11 yrs!!! But almost everyone of those people were doin it back then they are idiots!! Ray charles could have seen this coming!!!! Snitches really that’s all meth heads do is talk!! I even warned Nicki & heavyweight were gonna a get busted BOTH OF THEM GOT FIGHTIN MAD!!! WE’RE NOT DOIN THAT!! REALLY JUST LOOK AT THOSE PICS SOME ARE YOUNGER THAN ME & LOOK 60YRS OLD.. ITS DON’T TAKE A GENUIS TO SEE OR KNOW THEIR GUILTY!!!
To I was involved.
I’ve also been caught up I’m this me my fiancée and kids
All the name calling is very unnecessary. I do not do drugs and have been clean for about 9 years. I wish the best to you and your kid. As I’m fighting to get my families name cleared from this mess. Put the past in the past and pray for the best
Ok let me start out by saying i was apart of this group of people. I got arrested and going to be held accountable for the role i was apart of in this whole mess. And when i heard my name called and my charges read, my head dropped in shame. For the shame i brought upon my self, and the shame i brought upon my family. And now i have to face my child and tell him that i might be going to prison. And that kills me more then the fact then the time i am facing. So if it makes u feel better calling us names please remember some of us do have children and do truly do have remorse for our part.
Concerned~ Just wonderin what girls in Century you talkin about?? Because i know this Century girl got busted in Santa Rosa, for the first time ever in my life!! has straighten up & been stayin clean ever since I got in trouble!! I got charged with possession bcuz my finger prints proved i had nothin to do with the chemicals hid around the guys house! But let me guess u know a few of these people real real well & wantin to point fingers at somebody else! Either way I hope the best for all these people & hope they straighten their lives up also!
They are notonna arrest you for buying a box of cold med.from over 2 yrs ago, if they did that they’d have to arrest over half of the population.
If you or anyone else has info on more of this junk please notify the LEOS.
So many comments from people so quick to judge a stranger. I personally know one of these people listed. Full time job, loving parent, drug FREE. The “snitch” that everyone is commenting on gave out a list of names so she wouldn’t receive charges. This person I know bought ONE box of cold meds 2 YEARS ago. So of course if she gave a name ECSO can look that up by ID and this person was charged because of the purchase. If they can prove the meds were used to manufacture this disgusting drug yes this person deserves any punishment the law desires to give but every single one of these people do not deserve all of this criticism and negative comments from people who do not know their entire story.
On the other hand, great job to the ECSO for removing the ones that are the actual drug manufacturers and distributors, from the streets of “the village”. I have family that lives there and I know they will sleep a little better at night knowing the guilty ones are behind bars.
Cantonment !! They found your “village” idiots!…Good LEO
Since they are being charged federally, the ones that are found guilty will do federal time. So, if someone is given 120 months (10 years), then they will do a mandatory 8.5 years of the time. That is assuming they don’t lose any good conduct time for misbehavior while incarcerated.
i would just like to know why didnt you get the people in Century you know the town is full of meth heads Santa Rosa busted a few at a lab and turned them loose and didnt even press charges on some of them and they were there …WHY how and why are you letting them get away with it, you only charged her with posession again WHY you will probably delete my post you did before but really WHY? Escambia Co you know these girls on a first name basis.are you goning to get them off the streets tooo?
So glad they are arrested. I have read everyone’s comments and I wish you would all realize that these people would not have been arrested if the Police Officers knew they were innocent. In some way, even if it was small, these people are guilty. Haven’t you heard the term “guilty by association”?? Walgreens is not to blame, Sudafed is not to blame.. The person is to blame. They chose to be a part of this horrible mess. We are all in control of our own actions. It is pure selfishness on the part of the parents. My thoughts go out to the children of these ignorant people. I wish I could squeeze them tight and show them what a family is all about.
David lol thanks for that I knew about a couple wks ago but not the rest seems like her wish to clean up was granted lol
Revolving Doors…or are they simply in the Twilight Zone?
“Nikki kight looks familiar, haven’t I seen her on here before?”
She didn’t have the pretty hair style, but she was here in 2010 complaining about the drug problem.
A couple of months ago she made the news with tax fraud conviction.
David considering news makers
It’s so funny how some people are actually saying they are innocent.. these people have been watched for a while.. they don’t just arrest you because someone gave them your name.. when you do meth you deserve to be sitting your butts in prison..and one of you ladies(you know who you are) you’ve lost your kids because of drugs.. DON’T YOU THINK ITS TIME TO QUIT?? Oh wait my bad I forgot you are all innocent.. stupid people..jeez.. look them up people some of them this isn’t their first charge! What in the neck is wrong with these folks! Hopefully more of you get off our streets soon!
OMG Dawn Brooks I know her from when i was a child we were locked up in juvenile together. I thought that she might have learned from them days that being locked up was not fun i guess some people don’t learn from their mistakes like i did growing up. Jail time sucks hope you learn from this one.
To: NeWgEn; “legalize and tax.” Legalize meth?!? Are you INSANE???
Nikki kight looks familiar, haven’t I seen her on here before?
There are more on ayers street in molino go get them
Great Job Escambia County Sheriffs Department!!! Just wished they would of picked up all the Junkies off or Ayer St. I live there and its a great neighborhood. Except for the Junkies.
There is a mother and daughter in these pictures. Shame on you Nikki !! Not a very good example for your daughter !! Heather… what the heck is wrong with you ? You have beautiful children and now you may very well lose them !! I will pray for you both. I have known you both for years and cannot believe it !! Shame Shame !
I hope this teaches you a lesson. If it don’t … You get what you deserve. I will continue to pray for you and the children.
I’m glad they got all of them, my kids live close to the village and I definitely don’t want people like that around. It’s sad that people choose to do such a horrible drug, half these people were good looking and now they look like crap. I pray they get the help they need and have the strength to face their problems. Meth is the devil himself.
I’m just glad to see these poison-pushers out of society for a few days. Too bad it won’t be years like it needs to be. If they see Bergosh you can bet they’ll be back either dealing this garbage or breaking in to homes and cars. What happened to working for a living?
Hope that was nice enough that William won’t just delete my post………
They should transform this group into working citizens. Once found guilty, they should be shipped off to a training center where day one they start a boot camp regimine for 20 weeks for discipline/hygiene/manners/fitness/detox/whatever. Then sent to a strict school for another 20 weeks of training in a specific labor job field like mechanics, farming/agriculture, carpentry, land surveying, electric/construction, business/clerical, roofing, painting, landscape, or plumbing. When they are finished, make them work as for free for the rest of their sentence in that job field somewhere in the community. Beats them sitting around all day eating junk food in prison becoming obese and developing diabetes, furthering a strain on the medical field.
May also help when they get out so they can be productive members instead of nothing. At least they will have tools.
Don’t care how old they are put em through it. If they have kids, make the other parent care for them if possible. Obviously anyone with a severe injury or impairment won’t be able to participate in the physical but heck, have the immobile ones make cheap clothes out of recycled/thrown away garments to give to the needy.
Don’t make it some cheesy 8 week course with goodies and snacks everyday, make it a regimented Monday through Friday 7 to 5 deal.
With all the taxes we pay, the city, county, state and federals should have plenty of money to sty it out. Cut welfare and do something like this. Cut monolithic government employee salaries/pensions and do this. Cut a dozen or so of the hundreds of monster federal departments, eliminate the duplicate departmental positions in the fed.
Eliminate government take home cars except for patrol cops. Take out ornaite pieces of art, granite, glass and expensive furniture for politicians and government buildings, sell it and use that money to get it done.
lol – what – lol
Here’s an idea: instead of worrying about “snitches,” DON’T GET INVOLVED WITH METH! If you stay away from that crap, you won’t have to be afraid of someone revealing the fact that the address on your license is wrong when you visit Walgreens for the 30th time in a month.
Hats off to our law enforcement for the great job. Keep up the great work!
Why isn’t. Dcf getting involved to remove the kids or doctors testing the ones pregnant this just isn’t right what if one the kids ingest some meth ? It is possible get cracked out an leave some around ? # scared for these children they need better
Really They did it let them man up and do the time stop getting onn hear acting all whatever they are guilty and when you defend them it just makes everyone involved look even dumber. I grew up with some of these people some of us was born and raised in the old school “dope gang” and know when to just sit and chill. So really you young people on hear talking all well i dont even want to go there its what is wrong with the dope business today always talking bout someone snitched whatever when you bring yourself to the light everyone will see. Noone respects anyone who destroys lives and children should feel safe never see this stuff these people need to be locked up no matter how you look at it now let them do their time o yeah say what you want but trust me I been in this game to long to even hear what a cracked out meth head says. These are drug addicts not business people just call their jail/prison rehab. It is time to grow up
@js one if the girls are bipoalr way before she was on drug I’m glad they v
Have all them behind bars do they can get some help
Better believe I’d be “snitchin” too!!! How can you point fingers and then claim innocence for your loved one? I would do whatever I could to save my own skin-these people don’t care about each other. 10 or 20 years is a hard lesson to learn-we need to come up with better drug laws than what we have now . . . its not working.
I’d like to know where the parents are of these young people?? I went to some of their facebook pages and they are on there flaunting getting drunk or high in text and pics!! Open your eyes parents-it’s happening right under your nose!!!
I know the parents of the 3 brothers that got arrested and seems to me that momma and daddy left these kids to fend for themselves for many years-doing their own thiing!!
Kids need supervision and parental presence-they need structure- set boundaries with consequences for breaking the rules.
It’s sad to see our young people heading down this path-the path that leads to prison. This drug gets a hold of you-and b/c they are young they don’t think it will happen to them-but it does and then they can’t function without it, can’t be happy anymore-without it. . . its an ugly drug that happens to good people-to young people. And then they lose everything. : (
Village losers maybe socialsecurity should take away someone’s ssi check cause she’s isn’t bipolar she is a drug head the police got this on the nail only if they keep them in there for like 10 years instead on one day!
*not all
Some people on here Are innocent all trust me i know but maybe 3 . The officer said at the county jail. If a man or women is arrest for meth or any kind of drug and they name names of people that were involved or not even involved by law the have to be arrest and set a court date guilty or not guilty. Just because they.were arrested doeant always mean their guilty. Now yes if they are caught with it whils being arrested they are 100% guilty regaurdless.
snitch or no snitch these people got arrested for a reason..not just because someone accused them of it.. and if they werent doing anything stupid or illegal they couldnt of been snitched on..
That is “allowed”. The name (and even mugshot) of any juvenile charged with a felony is public record. Pretty sure the U.S. Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration knew that when they released the name of the 17-year old above.
Fret not pillbillies, law enforcement has not forgotten about you all…
I guess they busted in ones door when they found the meth lab in the backyard a few months back….NOPE, the cops were invited there by a 911 call!!! Wondering at the same time if your “snitch” told of the stolen items in the vacant house in the village…NOPE the cops were invited there with a citizen complaint. Public records folks!! You cant argue with a drug addict, they have to see the light, and you sure as heck aren’t gonna be able ot argue with the people that wanna think they didn’t do anything wrong. Video cameras at pharmacies, in parking lots, and eye witnesses from those locations are wonderful things when it comes to building cases of drug possession. No snitch needed. When you run from the cops and the cops have been watching you already, they know who you are. No snitch needed. I look for more arrest soon. Wise up people. you buy the stuff to help make the meth….YOURE QUILTY TOO! Just cause you didn’t use don’t mean youre innocent. But Alas…I don’t care if you do do it, but make sure youre not caught in my shed, or putting my family in harms way. I will tell on you in a heart beat. Get up, get a job, get a life and gain respect from more then your fellow users. Theres one recent ex user that just got married that we all know. Mad respect to her for getting away from all you guys!
NOt all of these people signed their name to sutafed or showed i.d. will i mean if they did show i.d. they would the correct addresses . but no the officers didnt go to the correct addresses so once again CANTOMENT THERE IS A LITTLE SNITCHEY MOUSE RUNNIN AROUNDD !! OH , AND 17 IS UNDER AGE SOWHY IS HIS NAME ON HERE LEGALLY THATS NOT ALOUD JUST SAYINGG !
So….Holy, Daysha and the beast….are you kidding me? If you are going to defend your idiot friends at least make an effort to use proper grammar and spelling. You are only furthering the case against them. (As well as some others who are standing against this filth) you are embarrassing me as a native Escambian! Ugh! Lock them away and place their children in an environment where they can have good role models, a clean home and a loving home life. Very sad for the kids more than anything else.
Dude these people have family’s and some of them dot like reading people talking junk about there family and if it wasn’t for s g or b e half these people who weren’t involved like them wouldn’t be on here ! They both re snitching to get themselves out of trouble trust me I know for a fact he is.
I hope that the kids of these people are given to someone who will take care of them the way they deserve to be cared for. Momma isn’t a very good momma when she is strung out on meth.
Nikki Kight again??? She was just arrested in Feb for drugs and probation violations. Why is she out of jail?
“David ! NO sir . These people are innocent until proven guilty . there is no proof they are guilty reason why they are arrested or turned themselves in because of a snitch … a snitch who turned their family and friends in to get out of doing 20 years but it’s okay everyone knows who he is”
Legally you are 100% correct that they are innocent; they are not legally guilty until a jury says so.
Factually, you MAY be correct for all I know.
Truthfully, they are whatever they are no matter what a jury says.
Assuming you are correct and there is no evidence of their guilt, I am sure they will soon be released with the state’s apologies.
I can see your dislike of “snitches”, they are bad for honest people if they falsely accuse them. They are even hard on dishonest people if they rat them out.
Nonetheless, you are the one who claimed, “no one said that they are guilty yet.”
You claim your beloved snitch said they are guilty. Snitches are people too, you know. The arresting officers said they are guilty. Deputies are people too, you know. A jury will have to hear it — unless they decide to agree with the current accusers, or the charges are dropped — but someone HAS said they are guilty.
Be at peace, truth will come out.
David for truth
Do a search of this website on Nikki Kight and see what stories come up. 5 related articles involving her.
They are guilty once they signed their name for the sudafed log at the pharmacy.
Funny how these same Cantonment people talked so much trash on Operation Blister pack one but look whos pictures are posted now. Always make sure ur house is clean before you cast a stone. May God save you as the others were saved. Carma is a B—-H…………… If they only knew the lives they effect and have destroyed. May Sid rest in peace
People , needs to leave families out of this !! Reminder half these people aren’t in jail and people running their mouths on facebook about this not so smart … Anyway freee myyy cuzzooo’s . But just because these people are on here doesnt mean they do drugs , okay and second “drug possessions ” , haha funny how someone can pass their drug test and aslo not find nothing on them when cops want to storm in peoples houses but they get drug possession . hahahahaha !!
just sayin most of these people look rough , because Escambia county officers like to bust in houses without a warrant with kids asleep , and these people were asleep .. so they look like meth heads but you know bet most of them past their drug tests !!!
David ! NO sir . These people are inasit till prove guilty . there is no proof they are guilty reason why they are arressted or turned their selves in because of a snitch … a snitch who turned there family and friends in to get out of doing 20 years but its okay everyone knows who he is ……
A lot of these people have been doing this for YEARS!!! Its well known. So to say they don’t deserve the already guilty verdict from the public is not valid. We all know they are. I’m glad they got caught, but sad that it took so dang long. I used to coach one of the girls, babysat next door to another, played ball with one of the guys and they were druggies back then!! For the ones that have just been dragged in…theres a chance they might change. For the rest of them, this is their life. Cooking in the woods right behind you, or in the vacant house down the road when they needed it. Taking up for these folks makes you just as guilty in my eyes. Meth is by far the worst drug out there….NONONE is making money! At least a coke dealer has a nice car and clean clothes to show for it. Meth makes you give up everything. The only people that can stand to be around you are other meth heads. The rest of us get tired of your constant rambling, your death warmed over stench and the fact that you haven’t brushed your teeth in probably 2 years kinda turns the normal folks away from you to. I say make them their own little “Truman arms” community. Let um cook behind block walls and watch each other die slowly. Leave the innocent kids across the street and in a lot of cases their own newborns outta harms way. Meth effects pregnancy BTW. Anyone had babies recently? Health problems? If so whats the charges on using while pregnant?
holy the arresting officers said they are guilty. A jury may disagree and they have the ultimate say, but SOMEONE has said so.
now if only baldwin county and Escambia county alabama would follow suit and start busting the alabama junkies it would really help .Hoss Mack can’t seem to figure out Lillian and Seminole are so drug hangouts it’s not funny. Way to go ECSO, great job keep up the great work.
Good job escambia shame on yall that are bout to be moms or already are I know all of u an I hope now y’all can grow up an be parents to ur kids or are bout to be kids honestly half shouldn’t even have there kids cause they deserve better
Just my opinion here but if the STATE ATTORNEYS OFFICE would start automatically tacking on BOMB MAKING to these charges, it just might make a dent. It’s a known fact that meth labs blow up….why because they use materials that are consistent with bombs to make this crap. Start being more serious with the charges and call it what it is all the way around…..make it harder for them to turn around and walk out the door after being processed in booking at the jail.
alot of these people , doesnt dersevee the name callin or harresment no one said that they are gulity yet .
It’s a very addictive drug, one of the worst.
William, you should do a story on the addictive nature of methamphetamine, the road to addiction, cure or lack thereof. How people loose all their teeth and/or die, etc. Nice and concise, take all the time you need, and include a recommendation that readers print it out and distribute it to young people. Ignorance alone, in my view, causes this disease in our local culture.
Maybe there’s a re-printable article on line somewhere.
>>You should add Pensacola in your title..Not putting the main focus just on Molino/Cantonment area
Three reasons….many of them are from Molino/Cantonment, most all of these people dealt with one of the two groups centered in Molino/Cantonment (according to the ECSO), and may of these people really do life in Cantonment/Molino but used Pensacola addresses when booked into the jail.
The whole operation centered around Molino/Cantonment.
“You should add Pensacola in your title.”
The title isn’t incorrect and the people who read this site tend to look for news affecting local people whom we know. Admittedly we know people in Pensacola, but are more likely to know folks from the north end.
Consider a drug bust in Chicago. Possibly interesting but we tend to not care since we don’t know that many people there. One girl here dated half of the suspects. That makes it of interest to her.
David looking for relatives here
“Why cant they stop selling the drugs that make it?!? ”
They can outlaw anything and everything.
Criminals don’t obey laws.
If criminals obeyed laws, they wouldn’t be criminals.
I assume the drugs relieve human suffering if used properly.
To withhold them from the people they would help to protect those who would abuse them is to punish the innocent to protect the guilty.
Obviously, if there were drugs which could not be abused, that would solve the problem (other than illegal procurement and smuggling), but I don’t think there are all that many drugs which can’t be abused.
David for reality
harsh though it is
In in those pictures…. I ain’t addicted to nothing but cigarettes, so who is to blame there… The government!
I am amazed at how many people are addicted to this drug. It is a life changing drug. My heart goes out to the families that are affected by this. Hoping that this people get the message and get their lives back together. They need to be punished for what they have done but also need treatment for the addition. There were several more arrested and I hope they get brought to light as these did so everyone knows where and who are involved in the making and selling of this horrible drug.
Good Job Law Enforcement !!
omg cannot believe more people i know & went to school with is involved in this, and they have kids, were they not thinking of them while on this crap, i feel bad for the families involved since they wont be around now & hope they learn their lesson by the time they get out.
Why cant they stop selling the drugs that make it?!? If you have to sign your name and show ID to purchase what makes the drug, you (FDA) should not sell it!
Get it out of the stores!!!
ID or not!
I work in a pharmacy and Sudafed sales have been BOOMING lately. Not to mention I recognize at the least four of the people on this page. So glad they are no longer my customers. Great job escambia county!!
It truly amazes me how some of the kids to these people said to me I was trash because my family was going to jail on drug charges & said there parents do not do drugs but yet now they’re being arrested for the same thing ! Way to go Leo’s !
what does it say about me that I know dated or went to school with half these jokers. wish they woulda straightened out like I did. oh well we live and learn. wish em luck
Wish you guys would hold onto the Village Rats this time so the decent people trying to make a home and provide a healthy environment for their families can finally live in peace.
I have watched them do horrible things in this neighbor hood and keeping the trash flow of people heavily populated in our area. So glad ECHO is FINALLY doing something about them all!
Keep them in custody as long as you can because they know nothing else and they won’t hesitate to pick up right where they left off.
You should add Pensacola in your title. Since more then half are from Pensacola, we do have a couple bad areas but you should have added Pensacola. Not putting the main focus just on Molino/Cantonment area. This area up here is a great place to live. Though they did get many bad apples. The title should include Pensacola if the list you have is more then 25 from Pensacola.
To John Henry ; There is a defense to Meth,don’t do it,you make it sound like these people caught it like the Flu.They are not victims but i am sure they made a bunch of victims while paying for their meth.And i am praying,not for them they made their choice and now they will pay,pray for the victims these people made that had nothing to do with this stuff and pray for the safety of the LEO’S that hunt them down and remove them from our community.
Once again this is the result of bad choices.
End this costly war on drugs, legalize and tax across the board.
I know or did know over half of these people through the years. What’s so irritating is they have all been in trouble for this same crap! Most of which HAVE CHILDREN! GROW UP FOR YOUR KIDS!!!!!! There’s a mother and daughter listed, what’s wrong with y’all?!?!?
This crap is so frustrating because its like people never learn. If you can’t learn for your kids you don’t deserve them.
No amount of jail time is gonna help not treatment. Meth ruins lives.
I have know a lot of these people. And you guys look scary. Grow up take care those babies!
Praying for a change in the lifes of all involved. THANK YOU escambia county deputies. this has needed to bone for a while. keep up the efforts.
Great job escambia county glad y’all try to clean the area up I no half them people an the all was good people at one time until that meth stole there lifes that stuff is very bad for y’all
good job LEO
Great job to all involved.This is hopefully just 1 of many raids needed in our county.
I see 7 people that I have meet over the years,just never know who is invoved in this garbage.It is such an addictive drug that I have seen ruin two good people at heart.They have no defence against it once it takes over.Just wished prison wasn’t the only answer…families will be up rooted and many will only become an added burden to the tax payers..not that they should go unpunished…a wake up call is needed….they are sick with addiction and need help also.
A prayer for those with this afliction and for those little ones without a choice .But,with each arrest,hopefully it will send a message and keep another life from being shattered by this drug./John
Omg…not believing the amount of people arrested. Crazy.
Great job Law Enforcement.
Maybe some of these folks with have their life saved by this and get off Meth and stay clean? Hopefully others will understand that Meth ruins lives and will never be around it.
Meth is a plague on society. One among many.
That being said, humans have been using substances is some form or another through out the ages. It’s my opinion if marijuana were legalized, I think people wouldn’t be as willing to try Meth. It would be interesting to compare statistics from areas where it is legal.