Charges Dropped In Shooting Outside Cantonment Grocery Store

April 24, 2013

Charges have been dropped against and Alabama man arrested in connection with a shooting in the parking lot of the Grocery Advantage on Highway 29 in Cantonment in August 2012.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office,  Coy Edward Carter, age 34 of Roberstdale, met his estranged wife in the store’s parking lot to return his children to their mother. During the exchange, deputies said a fight broke out between Carter and victim Robert Slay, who was dating Carter’s estranged wife at the time. At some point during the altercation, witnesses reported a gun was fired, and Slay was struck in his leg.

Carter was also transported to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries sustained during the fight. Deputies said he was not shot.

According to the State Attorney’s Office, all charges against Carter were dropped due to insufficient evidence.

Pictured: The scene of an August 2012 shooting in the parking lot of the Grocery Advantage in Cantonment. file photos, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Charges Dropped In Shooting Outside Cantonment Grocery Store”

  1. David Huie Green on April 28th, 2013 4:26 pm

    “2nd) I’ve heard before that the building next to the Advanced Auto was a Meth Clinic but I wasn’t sure if it was true. Hmm I wonder.”

    Me not know, but this is Grocery Advantage, grocery store in Cantonment
    not auto parts place

  2. Anna on April 27th, 2013 8:09 pm

    1st) I don’t know the people or the situation between estranged spouses but unless you were there you don’t know who started what. Like David said sometimes words are all that it takes to start a fight. Maybe whoever shot in defense maybe in offense, but it takes more then a he said he said arguement to get a conviction.

    2nd) I’ve heard before that the building next to the Advanced Auto was a Meth Clinic but I wasn’t sure if it was true. Hmm I wonder.

  3. David Huie Green on April 27th, 2013 7:27 pm

    “estranged does NOT mean divorced…does not mean free to date others…”

    Adultery is forbidden under state law.

    While we assume sexual intercourse when we read dating, that is not necessarily the case. Surely not every date includes sexual intercourse.

    Without proof of intercourse and adultery, the lady is nominally free to date whomever she wishes. It’s kind of like when Governor Clinton’s wife said, “If it bothers you, heck, don’t vote for him.”

    It did and I didn’t, but it was clearly okay with her and the nation‘s voters, therefore he was free to do as he wished.

    If you mean not free under biblical law, it doesn’t even allow remarriage after divorce so I doubt you’re going down that path.

    David for truth
    even the ugly truth

  4. Terri Sanders on April 25th, 2013 8:07 pm

    estranged does NOT mean divorced…does not mean free to date others…seems like everyone is always getting in a hurry to jump from one dysfunctional relationship to another..

  5. Oversight on April 24th, 2013 9:00 pm

    Rookies… ECSO investigation either was botched or charges were brought prematurely.

  6. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2013 8:49 pm

    “Whoever throws the first punch in a fight is responsible and should be charged.”

    Not necessarily.

    The Supreme Court, which is always right, has ruled that some words are “fighting words” and are so provocative that the one provoked to strike the one using them is not to blame.

    Not saying that has anything to do with this case, just a general observation that the fight is not always started by the one who threw the first punch. In fact, quite often the one who started the fight is on the sidelines watching the fight.

    David for insight on incite

  7. cygie on April 24th, 2013 12:23 pm

    Seems to me that the fight broke up after shots were fired. No mention of who shot who. Also seems “insufficient evidence” means just that. Not enough to charge an individual.

  8. bewildered on April 24th, 2013 11:56 am

    I don’t know anybody that was involved in this altercation, nor do I have first hand knowledge what transpired. Whoever threws the first punch in a fight is responsible and should be charged. If mother and boyfriend jumped on the children’s father he had a right to defend himself the best way he could. I feel sorry for the children who had to witness such violence. I hope the mother learned her lesson and does not encourage further interaction between new boyfriends and the children’s father.

  9. Pat on April 24th, 2013 10:35 am

    come on people we are talking about right next door to COTTAGE HILL where they just had a major meth bust, people in there need to be Thanking the ECSO for trying to clean up their own back yard instead of worrying about whats happening with charges pending againest a man trying to protect himself and his children, i dont know either party, but if put in the same situation with my children present i would do the same thing, just sayin help clean up the neighborhood and trash usually will find another location to do their dirty work. we need everyones help, dont believe me ? drive past the building beside advance auto parts on 29 north ,any week day (especially mondays) around 5 am and take a look at the lines at the ” methadone clinic ” , we are headed in the wrong direction people….drugs are destroying our society, not guns

  10. the real victim on April 24th, 2013 8:29 am

    And For The Record Carter Did Lawfully PossesA Concealed Weapon Permit. I Only Hope That None Of You Are Faced With This Situation And Forced To Defend You Or Your Loved Ones Lives.

  11. the real victim on April 24th, 2013 8:25 am

    well, To All Who Believe The State Got It Wrong You Should Have All The Facts Before Jumping To ConclusOns. Yes Slay Was Shot In The Leg Only After Carter Repeatedly Told Him To Remove His Hands From Him And After Being Submitted To Having His Throat Collapsed, Mouth Ripped And Eye Gouged. Mr. Carter Was In Attempts To Leave The Location With His Children After Slay Became Violently Engaged After Carter EXpressed Concern Over The Care Of His Children, Mainly About Being Left Home Alone Without Proper Supervision.MrCarter In Fear Of His Life And Safety And In Protection Of His Children Made A Defensive Stand.

  12. Jerry A on April 24th, 2013 8:03 am

    @ margielu: How do you know that the person carrying the weapon, whether it was Slay or Carter did not have a concealed carry license. If either did he had every right by law to have the gun with him.

    I have a CCW and I am like American Express, I never leave home without it.

  13. Jerry A on April 24th, 2013 7:59 am

    Come on people can’t you read and comprehend? Slay was shot in the leg. By whom and how we do not know. Carter was also transported to the hospital with injuries sustained in the fight.

    There are just far too many unanswered questions in this to make a case for prosecution. How do we know that these two were fighting and Slay attempted to pull a weapon and shot himself in the leg. Without supporting witnesses and concrete evidence, the SO done the right thing in dismissing this case.

  14. Daniel on April 24th, 2013 7:42 am

    Heather, you read it again. It says shots were fired and Slay was struck in the leg.

  15. truthseeker on April 24th, 2013 7:20 am


  16. margielu on April 24th, 2013 6:48 am

    Gunshot wounds don’t appear from thin air! Where is the weapon? Who owns it? Who shot it? There’s a judicial problem here, folks…..unless nobody was Mirandized when arrested and got off on a technicality.

    This was in our “back yards” here in Cottage Hill, and innocent folks could have been shot. Who brought a weapon to a custody exchange and why isn’t anyone apparently being held accountable for the aggregious breach of peace? This is NOT a good day for Escambia County.

  17. Alice Harris on April 24th, 2013 6:48 am

    Or Maybe It IS Not Clear Who Was The Aggressor. It Is Very Possible That Self-Defense Was At Play Here.

  18. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2013 6:21 am

    A bullet wound indicates a person has been shot.
    It does not necessarily tell by whom, where, when and under what circumstances.
    Those details can come from other sources but require interested investigators and reliable witnesses.

    David for caring,
    reliable people

  19. Heather on April 24th, 2013 6:15 am

    Mark, read it again! It says he was transported to a local hospital due toinjuries sustained from the FIGHT! Deputies said he was NOT shot!

  20. Jay on April 24th, 2013 5:20 am

    Mark, the existence of a bullet does not tell who fired it, why it was fired, under what conditions it was fired, or the possible necessity of it being fired. A person being shot does not necessarily constitute a crime, if it did every self-defense shooting would be criminal, to include police officers in the line of duty.

  21. dave on April 24th, 2013 5:13 am

    Huh? Insufficient evidence? A man has a gunshot wound to his leg, a gun mustve been on the scene, the guns owner had to have been apparent, a witness to say the round had gone off at that moment in time, and a gunshot victim that had to have seen or had more than reasonable belief to know who he was shot by.

    This one stinks fellas. Id be looking into the connections of the shooter. Good friends or family with someone at the SO, county commission, attorneys office?

  22. Mark on April 24th, 2013 5:06 am

    I guess a bullet wound to the leg does not count as sufficient evidence gun was fired. What a day we live in when a duck is not a duck and a bullet wound did not come from a gun.