Century Receives New $5,500 Marketing Plan

April 18, 2013

Town officials in Century got their first complete look this week at five-year marketing plan that the town council voted to purchase back in November 2011.

The council voted to enter into a no-bid contract with Ideawörks of Pensacola for $11,450 for a packaged that was to include $4,200 for a “basic website design”, $1,750 for a content management system (CMS) to allow town employees to update the site, and $5,500 for a five-year comprehensive marketing strategy to include “grant identification, development, PR plan, five-year marketing plan and budget”.

The new website was unveiled in May 2012. Town council members were told during a meeting Monday night that the 41-page marketing plan was now available for their review.

The plan recognizes that rural communities like face “significant challenges” for economic development and growth. It recommends that Century’s brand be based upon identified strengths of natural beauty, history and location.

Marketing goals in the plan include the branding of Century as a competitive business locations, an available workforce and a quality of life. The plans also calls for Century to use partnership with other groups, such as the Pensacola Chamber, to expand marketing reach.

The plan suggests four target business types as growth potential for the town — agricultural, manufacturing, small businesses and “other”, including lodging.

In order to compete, the plan states Century must market sites in and around the town, maintain a website, receive positive media attention and have “residents dedicated to economic development” and c0mmunity pride.

The plan also recommends outreach to media, including business publications like Inc., Forbes, Wired, Entrepreneur and Wired, and submitting Century for various “top” lists such as “Best Place to Start a Small Business” in Inc. magazine.

Other marketing tactics including send a potted tree or plant to business prospects  along with a USB drive of information and a card tied to the tree imprinted with “Grow A Business in Century”.

The plan also includes numerous pages of grant and business program information reprinted from government, educational and other websites.

In conclusion, the marketing plan states, “At the end of the day, no marketing plan or website or any kind of outreach can be successful without the backing of Century’s residents. What makes residents proud of Century?”

And concerns in the plan include, “We’ve heard that major businesses are not hiring locally, and many local residents were not shopping locally. The negative attitude of community members was also a major concern. Some have cited defeatist attitudes, apathy, lack of communication, and resistance to change as barriers to economic development efforts.”

Pictured top: The Century Chamber of Commerce building. Pictured inset: The Health and Hope Clinic in Century, which provides free healthcare for uninsured and under-served, was identified as a town strength. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Century Receives New $5,500 Marketing Plan”

  1. BGB CHS 49 on April 18th, 2013 2:11 pm

    Just think positive. What would things become if our leaders did not make the many serious efforts to aid the town? Could be much worse.
    Thanks to the current and recent mayors, staff and council members.

  2. bj on April 18th, 2013 9:08 am

    We went through Century on Sat. and I noticed the US flag at the South entrance needs to be replaced. The bottom stripe was torn and flapping in the breeze. Maybe now you can afford to replace the flag.

    I was born in Century and have a lot of fond memories of Century.

  3. Randy on April 18th, 2013 8:42 am

    1. Where is Century?? I have heard of the facility that DOC operates, but I have not heard of this town called Century…. hmmmmm marketing hmmmmmm?????

  4. just saying on April 18th, 2013 7:18 am

    Welcome to beautiful down town century here is our lovely housing project lit up like a football stadium. These are our historic, vacant, and abandoned buildings. Century should have used that money for beautification projects or fixing the playground at Showalter Park.

  5. just saying on April 18th, 2013 7:13 am

    Oh yaah and the new reader board sign is hideous.

  6. just saying on April 18th, 2013 7:12 am

    No they needed nearly $12,000.00. I am a business owner in Century. I don’t shop locally because A. I don’t want to shop at a glorified liquor store. B. I don’t want to pay big city prices at a small town grocery store. My business makes enough money to keep the lights on and that is good enough for me.

  7. Sam on April 18th, 2013 6:13 am

    Our schools, gone. Our county offices, gone,.our service stations, closing because of corrupt officials. Very few jobs. Drugs and crime, in the news constantly. I hope the money spent on this works.

  8. Oversight on April 18th, 2013 5:37 am

    In response to “really?”

    There is the Century prison as a home away from home for these local folk and the prison supports the town. Plus there’s a bonus in that local relatives don’t have far to travel for a visit.

  9. A harsh judge on April 18th, 2013 4:58 am


    Give it a rest.
    Since all those things are happening you want them to simply sit down and do nothing to try to make the town better? Geeesh. What a sourpuss
    Seems to me you are one of the things wrong with the community. As the article says, ” The negative attitude of community members was also a major concern. Some have cited defeatist attitudes, apathy, lack of communication, and resistance to change…”

    Give the town a break.

  10. really? on April 18th, 2013 1:12 am

    From today’s frontpage:

    Century Armed Standoff Suspect Enters Plea
    Century Man Gets Two Years For Ripping Copper Wire From Power Poles
    Century Man Gets Prison For Drug Possession, Battery On Deputy

    And you need a $5,500 plan to tell you what’s wrong with Century? Seriously?