Century Takes Steps Forward To Repair Gas Leaks Under Highway 29

April 16, 2013

The Century Town Council took a step forward Monday night toward repairing an on-going natural gas leak under Highway 29 in the town.

It’s been over a year since the problem was first publicly revealed as a potential “major public safety issue”, but the leak has not gotten any worse according to the town’s engineering company. Routine checks are performed to ensure the problem does not worsen.

Monday night, the Century Town Council voted to give Mayor Freddie McCall and the council president the authority to negotiate and obtain the right-of-way easements that will be needed to install replacement pipe to eliminate the leak.

About 6,515 feet of 4-inch steel natural gas line was buried beneath the southbound lanes of Highway 29 when the road was widened to four lanes. Now, over 45 years since the almost 1.25 mile long pipe was put into the ground, the town believes the steel is corroding and leaking somewhere between West Highway 4 and McCurdy Street.

In April 2012, Century signed off on a $1.4 million USDA Rural Development loan to cover the cost of replacing the pipe. But, according to town officials, the town received the wrong form from the USDA, and as a result advertised the meetings incorrectly.

That meant heading back to the drawing board and starting the loan process again.

In March, the Century Town Council gave preliminary approval to a bond issue for just over $1.4 million. Once it is approved by the state, it will be sent back to the council for final approval. The total time until work might begin on the project should be about three months, according to town engineer Dale Long.

A new 4-inch pipe will be placed on the west side of Highway 29, while a new 2-inch pipe will be installed on the east side of the highway, eliminating the need to install pipes under the road to service natural gas customers.

The pipe will be installed where existing easements exist or can be obtained at no cost, otherwise, it will be installed under existing sidewalks.

Pictured above and below: Natural gas is leaking under Highway 29 in Century. Pictured inset: Century Mayor Freddie McCall signs documents in April 2012 for a $1.401 million USDA Rural Development loan to repair the leaky gas lines. The loan was later invalidated by the USDA due to the use of an incorrect form.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Century Takes Steps Forward To Repair Gas Leaks Under Highway 29”

  1. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2013 7:03 pm

    “Yes the road can explode It happens all the time. look what happen in Texas, I have family the works with the gas company, so there you have it.”

    What happened in Texas that proves roads explode?

    A fertilizer plant exploded but it wasn’t the road.
    Most everybody knows ammonium nitrate explodes under certain conditions.

    Century doesn’t have those conditions, that I know of.

    Pipelines can explode. If they are under roads, the roads are affected by the explosion. They require high pressure lines.

    Century doesn’t have those conditions, that I know of.

    Has your family exploded any roads? If not, how are they relevant?

    David for reality

  2. kathy on April 18th, 2013 4:26 pm

    Yes the road can explode It happens all the time. look what happen in Texas, I have family the works with the gas company, so there you have it. Thats what I’am worried about blowing up alot of business and killing people. They need to get started asap.

  3. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2013 8:03 am

    Don’t worry. The road itself wouldn’t explode. You need the proper mixture of gas and oxygen plus containment for an explosion.

    Buildings to either side might explode but that could happen more easily just due to leaks inside the houses than from a main line leak.

    David for good plumbing

  4. puddin on April 16th, 2013 6:29 pm

    Lol Jane! But also might be true. I drive that streatch of road 8 times a day, every weekday, picking up and dropping off kids. Hope they can wait until summer break, but it will be nice to know Im not driving on a potential bomb anymore.

  5. Jane on April 16th, 2013 7:08 am

    If they wait long enough the line will blow and make an easement for them!