Century Man Gets Prison For Drug Possession, Battery On Deputy

April 15, 2013

A Century man will spend the next few years in prison on drug charges and for fighting deputies to the point he was tased during  a June 2012 incident in Century.

John Calvin Carter, 43, was found guilty of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute, battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence.  He was sentenced by Judge Gary Bergosh to 31.8 months in state prison.

Escambia County deputies reported that they were on patrol near Pond Street and Jefferson Avenue last June when they observed several black males sitting around a table at the edge of the road. When deputies made contact with the men, they noticed a small baggie of marijuana on the ground. They obtained consent from the men for a pat-down search.

As deputies were searching 42-year old John Calvin Carter, they located  narcotics in Carter’s sock. He was ordered to turn around and place his hands behind his back, but Carter instead shoved a deputy in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Carter then ran east on Pond Street, according to an arrest report.

Deputies gave chase and observed Carter remove the item from sock and drop it as he ran. When deputies caught up with Carter, he “reached into his pocket with his left hand as though he was attempting to remove something else that I believed to be a weapon”, the deputy wrote in the arrest report. Another deputy gave Carter numerous orders to remove his hands from his pocket before firing his taser at Carter.

After Carter hit the ground, deputies attempted to take him into custody but he continued to try to get to his pocket, the report states. Deputies tased him a second time and took him into custody.

The item Carter allegedly dropped was determined to be crack cocaine, according to the arrest report.


7 Responses to “Century Man Gets Prison For Drug Possession, Battery On Deputy”

  1. Sara on April 17th, 2013 12:42 pm

    Was this his yard I wonder?

  2. David Huie Green on April 17th, 2013 8:09 am

    Keep your hands off the law enforcement officers.
    You shouldn’t be that close anyway, it places suspects within reach of the officer’s weapons.

    David for avoiding stupidity

  3. joel on April 16th, 2013 8:11 am

    25 years for pushing a cop and having a little bit of drugs on you, really dude? What’s next two years for jaywalking? Maybe a year for not wearing a seat belt? Almost three years in prison seems like a fitting sentence to me

  4. Preda C on April 15th, 2013 6:28 pm

    I’m sorry but its not the judge it’s a system they go by points. If to blame anyone blame the whole system. After reading this story I thought for a minute I can not remember the last time a officer stopped and spoke with me while I’m sitting outside. I guess I live in the wrong area to have such a pleasure to get to know my local officer.

  5. Busta on April 15th, 2013 5:16 pm

    What did they find in his pocket?

  6. mee-mee on April 15th, 2013 4:16 pm

    wow push an deputy down drugs in socks fleeing 318 months wow. not enough…..

  7. mick on April 15th, 2013 9:51 am

    31.8 months is NOT ENOUGH! c’mon judges send the message this crap will not be tolerated at all …should have got 25 years… bet anyone a cup of coffee when he gets out …I give it 3 months tops and he’ll be right back at it…breaking the law…