Century Man Arrested On 11-Year Old Traffic Ticket

April 26, 2013

A Century man was arrested Thursday afternoon on traffic citation  from 11 years ago.

James Ray Foster, now 52, was issued a traffic citation on February 3, 2002, for no valid driver’s license. He pleaded guilty and adjudication was withheld on March 12, 2002.  On March 12, 2002, he was fined $186 and ordered to show a valid driver’s license to the court by June 19, 2002, or report to the county jail for 30 days, according to court records.

In August 2002, a pickup and commit order was issued for Foster’s arrest to spend 30 days behind bars after he failed to produce a valid driver’s license.

Foster remained in the Escambia County Jail early Friday morning without bond.


5 Responses to “Century Man Arrested On 11-Year Old Traffic Ticket”

  1. Sue on April 29th, 2013 12:39 am

    I have a neighbor with an open traffic citation from 2006 and a nephew with open citations from 2008. This story makes me wonder if somebody has been assigned to work cold case files for traffic violations. Both my nephew and my neighbor have had felony arrests during the years while the traffic cases have been open. It’s like the right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.

  2. old friend on April 26th, 2013 12:24 pm

    FIrst James is on ssi disablity and doesnot know right from wrong .He only rides the cart to the store .He. is not the only person in century to drive an cart or gator on the highway…so if they stop him ..What about the others ? Second James never hide from the law ..they knew his whereabout for the last 11 yrs n even visit him at his home to fish in his ponds or pick up pears …SO people need to understand before judging. James

  3. tr on April 26th, 2013 9:43 am

    he is incompitent and cannot get a driver liscense! there is other people that ride around on the golfcarts around here and they need to be stopped to! im not taking up for the ole boy because he should have took care of it a long time ago! but watch out on the highways for other golfcarts and gators! if he has to stay off the road with his they need to stay off the road with theres! this guy has a mind of a 12 yr old and has only went to the second grade in school! he cant read or write!

  4. Ben Thar on April 26th, 2013 5:13 am

    I wonder if he ever got his drivers license.

  5. curious on April 26th, 2013 2:22 am

    Now, I will take up for our Leo’s, but this seems like it is their fault, they should have picked him up then, it does seem like @ times they have a hard time looking for them especially when they’re under their noses, but don’t forget they do a good job most of the time. Keep up the good work.