School Bus Driver Ticketed In No Injury Crash

March 6, 2013

There were no injuries in a school bus crash this afternoon just north of Nine Mile Road.

The Florida Highway Patrol said bus driver Therese Drexler, age 50 of Cantonment, made a turn that was not wide enough at the intersection of  Foxrun Road and Greebrier Boulevard. The driver’s side of her 2001 school bus collided with a 2004 BMW driven by 33-year old Olivia Fairley of Gonzalez.

The crash caused about $700 worth of damage to the bus and about $7,000 worth of damage to the BMW.

There were no injuries in the crash and the five students aboard the bus were released to their parents.

The FHP cited Drexler, the bus driver, with making an improper left turn.


16 Responses to “School Bus Driver Ticketed In No Injury Crash”

  1. well on March 10th, 2013 2:35 pm

    @ kim
    It was a $7700 bump, and yes i can whine cry and make excuses with the best of you.

  2. yep on March 10th, 2013 9:37 am

    @Kim i and another driver had to slam on breaks on hwy 29 at the 97BECAUSE a bus pull right out in front of us we both were doing 55.the driver gave me the finger like i was in the wrong so there

  3. Kim on March 9th, 2013 11:33 pm

    I am so sick of you people that love to judge the way we drive a school bus. If you dont like it please by all means drive your own kid to school! I have been a bus driver for 10 years now and I have had the pleasure of working with this driver. She is a wonderful driver! You don’t know what happened or what was going on at the time she “Accidently” bumped that car. So get the facts before you judging people or saying how you are sick of the way we drive!! Just remember we have 65 to 84 kids on a bus at a time that we have to deal with. So we do alot more than just drive the bus. I would bet that none of you could do what we do!!

  4. jinx on March 9th, 2013 3:27 pm

    If any of your think that you can do better than any of us that do drive a school bus then I suggest that you offer your application. Unless you’e driven a bus then you need not judge. The driver of that bus is a wonderful person and wouldn’t harm or hurt anyone. It was a mistake people!! Do you judge others this harsh that drive other vehicles I think not. So unless you’ve been in our shoes I think that the best thing for you to do is offer your help not your judgement! We are here because we love our kids on our buses but things do happen. Unless you were there the best for you to do it be quite and not judge because one day it could be you! Thanks from a concerned bus driver who REALLY cares!!!!

  5. David Huie Green on March 8th, 2013 12:23 pm

    If you see any of us driving in an unsafe manner, it is your moral obligation to report us, the safety of children is involved.

    GPS records and multiple cameras will help prove whether or not your accusations are true.

    And don’t forget, they are short of drivers and willing to train and hire newbies.

    David for safe children

  6. Marie on March 7th, 2013 10:28 pm

    I have seen some of these bus drivers drive, and I would not put my child on their bus. Speeding tailgating. Just because they drive a school bus does not make them good drivers. If they can’t do the job they shouldn’t have it.

  7. puddin on March 7th, 2013 2:11 pm

    @Jw, lol! Are you serious? Have you ever driven a bus? They dont “fit” the roads. Too funny when 4 wheelers think they know what its like to drive those behemoths through the back roads and alleys. Silly silly silly. :-)

  8. Barbie on March 7th, 2013 12:28 pm

    I am so glad every one is ok.

  9. You get what you pay for on March 7th, 2013 11:34 am

    I understand the driver was wrong, but what do we expect as parents when these drivers make minimal salaries? Seriously??? You couldn’t pay me to drive a bus loaded with kids… Yeah no…. Sorry this happened, but that’s why it’s called an accident..

    I’m for not perfect people, they make me look normal….

  10. AM on March 7th, 2013 10:52 am

    I know the bus driver and she is a loving and caring person. She had an accident at low speed with no injuries. So those that want to cast their stones please look to yourself.

  11. Mark on March 7th, 2013 10:38 am

    So @Bob, you’re saying school bus drivers should not have to obey traffic laws??? That’s just crazy talk!!

    It is the school bus drivers responsibility for the safety of the passengers they carry, and obeying traffic laws are part of that responsibility!!

  12. Bob on March 6th, 2013 10:32 pm


    It should not matter is a bus has the right away or not whats important is these buses are full of children and everyone should keep their safety in mind.

  13. Jw on March 6th, 2013 9:21 pm

    Regardless of how difficult it might be, if you take the responsibility to drive a bus you must do it properly. Sure they might be tough to turn but guess what every car, bus, big rig etc is made to specifications that allow turns as long as you don’t do the short or diagonal turns everyone likes in this town. How many times have you watched your front end almost clipped when in a left turn lane? When all the person had to do was drive straight out a bit and do a proper turn. The vehicles are made to fit the lanes! It should never happen. Thank god she didnt roll over the hood onto the driver and, as an aside. I’m tired of clicking buses going 55 in 35 and 45 zones. Ppd, Eso, dot, and fhp if they are allowed to exceed the speed limit hundreds of times I’ve seen w/o seat belts no less then I will dispute any ticket with precedents.

  14. me on March 6th, 2013 8:47 pm

    Accidents do happen but cars dont watch for the buses. Many times I have seen cars cut off buses or sudden stops. Often cars dont give buses enough room to turn also. Those buses dont turn as easy as a car. Dont judge unless you have drove one before.

  15. School bus on March 6th, 2013 7:09 pm

    This is the same bus driver that was rear ended about a month or so ago on ten mile. She might need to trade in that bad luck bus.

  16. Jodie on March 6th, 2013 6:07 pm

    I sorry there was a crash and glad no one was hurt.

    But I’m glad the bus driver was ticketed. Too many times these buses think they have the rightaway and can do whatever they please.