Poll Finds Favor For Toughening Gun Controls

March 24, 2013

Just over half of Florida voters back stricter controls on guns, according to a poll just released.

The Quinnipiac University poll found that registered Florida voters back stricter statewide gun-control laws by a 51-44 percent. The poll also found that 56 percent of voters support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons with 41 percent opposed. Voters also favor a ban on the sale of high capacity magazines 53 percent to 43 percent.

The poll was taken last week among registered voters across the state and has a margin of error of plus minus 3.1 percentage points.

By The News Service of Florida


20 Responses to “Poll Finds Favor For Toughening Gun Controls”

  1. Bob Hudsun on March 26th, 2013 6:16 pm

    David , very well put. Outstanding response ,

  2. David Huie Green on March 26th, 2013 3:06 pm

    “you can cut the paranoia on this forum with a butter knife”

    There’s always a little bit of paranoia and distrust of people who want to do things to you “for your own good”.

    That’s how most scams work, how most politicians get elected, how most goods are sold, how most programs are justified.

    It behooves intelligent people to question the sales pitches given and to verify the supporting arguments are legitimate. It’s unreasonable to assume all people polled were elsewhere since we weren’t personally polled, but it’s not unreasonable to wonder how the polling took place or the exact wording of the questions.

    I’ve known people who worked in polling and they noticed how slight changes in the wording of a question would flip the responses and the wording was carefully chosen.
    Further, the sequence of questions changes the responses given.
    If you ask people if they know police response times are such and such and then ask them if people should be forbidden to have weapons to defend themselves, they are less likely to favor disarmament of citizens than if you ask them if it is paranoid to distrust law enforcement and then ask if people need “assault weapons” to defend themselves.

    If you mention times of rioting in which mobs swarmed houses and businesses and then ask if the number of rounds of ammunition should be limited, fewer are likely to agree than if you first mention some crazy person firing many rounds into innocent children.

    It depends on the viewpoint and priorities.

    It is especially interesting to call people paranoid for recognizing what has happened in the recent past may happen in the near future.

    David for reasonable caution

  3. Bob Hudsun on March 26th, 2013 3:00 pm

    Whats the matter Henry, mad because we have been right about the gun control issue’s??

  4. mick on March 25th, 2013 8:55 pm

    Polls are just one of the steps anyone with an agenda uses to try and shove something down the oppositions throat…what it boils down to is remember the American Revolution and what the British were trying to accomplish…remember how that turned out… so as time has passed we see more and more of an assault on our individual rights by those who think they know whats best… and thats a proper use of the term “assault”… they are not assault weapons they are paramilitary style weapons, and they were used by scum that chose to inflict pain and misery on innocent people.. obama is not my president and anyone who launches an “assault” on the 2nd amendment are not my fellow americans…

  5. Friction against the machine on March 25th, 2013 7:54 pm

    Look at who this group polls…just the NE and the South of FL….liberal areas at best…you can google this organization and see the left wing bend of their polls…don’t let the wool be pulled over your eyes people!

  6. Henry on March 25th, 2013 3:38 pm

    Boy, you can cut the paranoia on this forum with a butter knife.

  7. Bob Hudsun on March 24th, 2013 9:36 pm

    Yes , Oversight, you have summed it up very well, I believe those you mention are owned by the liberal left , and print only what the believe and what they wish to endorse. Sicking , is it not? And yes they do sound like the cheer leading squad for team obama,

  8. Oversight on March 24th, 2013 7:54 pm

    Here’s a question for all NorthEscambia readers: did any of us get polled for by Quinnipiac University for this “news” article? Let me venture a guess… “NO” is your response, right?

    Poll takers can and will cherry pick their respondants to get the answers they need for results they want. All of these – The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal are liberal rags pushing Obama’s anti-Second Amendment adgenda with no creditablity on this matter in my opinion.

  9. Bob Hudsun on March 24th, 2013 5:33 pm

    Well I believe , if a gun grabbing liberal, and this goes for any one that may decide they would wish to take our guns, One of the best ways NOT to get shot, is to completely give up the idea that you have a right to take them. If they destroy the 2nd amendment then this country will not be fit to live in. Because with out this amendment the rest are totally useless.

  10. David Huie Green on March 24th, 2013 4:25 pm

    “registered Florida voters back stricter statewide gun-control laws by a 51-44 percent. The poll also found that 56 percent of voters support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons with 41 percent opposed. Voters also favor a ban on the sale of high capacity magazines 53 percent to 43 percent”

    Let’s assume the poll’s correct.

    Gun nuts tell us assault weapons are defined as guns which can be set to one shot per trigger pull, a few shots per pull or full automatic with all ammunition fired as long as finger is pulled back.

    Did the people polled mean those weapons or did they mean ugly weapons which look like assault weapons but are really just semi-automatic?

    Or did they mean all semi-automatics guns of all kinds?

    It’s interesting that 51% favor gun-control laws but 53% favor controlling how the guns can operate and 56% favor infringing the right to keep and bear certain arms.

    So more favor gun control laws than favor gun control laws???

    Regardless, it’s a majority with a margin of error which might make it not a majority, but let’s not quibble. A majority wishes to take away the rights of other people to keep and bear arms.

    Assuming they’ll continue to feel that way, let’s do this legally by amending the Constitution to strike that restriction from the Bill of Rights as well as the 14th Amendment (and take away any other irritating rights while we’re at it).

    We need to elect enough Senators and Representatives who don’t care about our rights to approve dropping our rights by 2/3 and state legislators to approve dropping our rights by ¾.

    Then we’ll be safe from law abiding citizens.

    David contemplating throwing out our rights

  11. bob hudson on March 24th, 2013 11:31 am

    Well , everyone knows that south Fla, is more liberal ,look how they vote, in elections, Now if they are not concerned about their safty neither am I , Yes we do live in two different Fla.’s, but before I will take any more dump , useless gun control laws I will be more than happy to see them dig a treach across the state, cut them off and let them fend for them selves.They, or I mean no one has ANY right to interfer with my 2nd amendment rights.And should it come down to my rights or what others think is best form me , well they lose.Pretty much fed up with a federal government that now lies to its people on a regular base. They are the one that keep bringing up regisration, and confacation. and that would be the liberal states that are pushing it.We who did not vote for Obama, said that this would happen, Well, well, look where we are now.What some say was paranoid thought, has now turned in to reality.

  12. SW on March 24th, 2013 9:44 am

    Exactly, Roy. That is where I was going.

  13. SW on March 24th, 2013 9:43 am

    We all should realize that FL, in general, is liberal because of the large population down south.

    I bet if they polled by region or county the numbers would swing wildly.

    It seems to be consistent that folks in rural areas are more conservative and the folks in large metro areas are more liberal.

  14. Walnut Hill Roy on March 24th, 2013 8:03 am

    The added population weight of places like Miami in the sunbelt which are liberal by nature outweigh the Panhandle by a large margin. There are actually two different Floridas.

  15. Sam on March 24th, 2013 7:54 am

    If you have a concealed weapons permit in florida you have had a background check. It cost me 150 dollars, a trip to the sheriffs office to be photographed and finger printed, and then a waiting period of a month or so before getting the permit. To me that was way over the top; but it is what it is. In alabama you go to the sheriffs office, give em 20 bucks and get your permit.

  16. William on March 24th, 2013 6:37 am

    >>That was what i asked , but was not liberal enough to to be posted.

    Your comment at 5:24 a.m. is posted, and the answer to your question is also in the story….”registered voters across the state”

  17. poll on March 24th, 2013 6:32 am

    That was what i asked , but was not liberal enough to to be posted.

  18. William on March 24th, 2013 6:29 am

    >>Even if the poll is true, where was it taken and was it a sampling of just registered democrats or who? I’ ll guarantee this poll wasn,t taken anywhere around here……probably wasn;t taken at all.

    The answer to most of that is in the story, if you’ll just read it. :)

    “The poll was taken last week among registered voters across the state”

    The article is written by our Tallahassee news provider, The News Service of Florida. It’s the largest independent, unbiased news service in the state, used by not only NorthEscambia.com, but the state’s largest papers in cities like Orlando and Miami.

    Quinnipiac University is a college with a polling institute in Connecticut. Their polling service is used by media nationwide, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.

  19. niknak50 on March 24th, 2013 6:14 am

    I flat don’t believe it. Little, if anthing is credible from a media source today, espescially polls. The obama admin would like nothing more than to quote polls that amazingly mirror their own socialist agenda.

    This is how credible polls are: Romney was gonna win big, right? Remember that?
    A poll taken in N.C. showed the people wanted same sex marriage, but was voted down by a hugh margin. Remember?

    So, following poll mentality, that the opposite of whatever the poll says is true ,Floridians are IN favor of assault weapons and hi-cap mags.

    Even if the poll is true, where was it taken and was it a sampling of just registered democrats or who?

    I’ ll guarantee this poll wasn,t taken anywhere around here……probably wasn;t taken at all. Like I said, I just don,t beleive it.

  20. Poll on March 24th, 2013 5:24 am

    I wonder what voters were polled?