Narrow Road: Minor School Bus Accident Near Barrineau Park

March 7, 2013

There were no injuries in a minor accident involving a school bus and a truck this morning on Barrineau Park Road.

The Florida Highway Patrol said the mirrors on a Chevrolet truck  and a 2011 school bus collided.  The FHP said the truck, driven by 50-year old James Anderson of Molino, and the school bus, driven by 50-year old Brenda Masaitis of McDavid, were both wider than the travel lanes. Neither driver was cited for the crash.

There were students on board the bus at the time,  but there were no injures. Each vehicle sustained about $100 in damage.


8 Responses to “Narrow Road: Minor School Bus Accident Near Barrineau Park”

  1. ME on March 8th, 2013 2:01 pm

    This road is not only narrow for buses. When I pull my boat down this road I have to put one tire well into the ditch to pass another vehicle, same with my 12′ utility trailer.

    South Hwy 99 is the same way from Barrineau Park Rd all the way to Bay Springs

  2. Mark on March 8th, 2013 12:51 pm


    Thanks for the info. Didn’t realize that they’ve been getting wider as well as longer. Still, where’s the common sense that says you don’t build a vehicle wider than the freaking road???

  3. Some Kid on March 8th, 2013 11:06 am

    Maybe vehicles should not be made bigger than the average country road. Gas wasters.

  4. puddin on March 7th, 2013 9:07 pm

    when the roads were built the busses were smaller. The busses get higher, wider and longer every few years. Compare the ‘04 to the new ’12s. The difference is quite large, comparatively. And the mirrors stick out even further. Or for an even bigger difference, compare the old ‘97/98 with the newer busses.
    There seems to be a push to put more kids on bigger busses to save on fuel and employees.

  5. Mark on March 7th, 2013 3:36 pm

    Wow, if the “standard school bus” is wider than the lane in the road, then the road or bridge obviously needs to be widened!!

    What bone-head forgot to measure the width of vehicles compared to the bridge?? Where is the common sense??

  6. Amom on March 7th, 2013 2:40 pm

    What is status on the widening (resurfacing??) of this road? Seen where utilities have been flagged/ located, have even seen surveyors out. Maybe with a school bus involved this time, thankfully no injuries and minor damage and even FL highway patrol reporting due to road too narrow, the widening project will be hastened? Please update ASAP!

  7. puddin on March 7th, 2013 2:00 pm

    Oh my! Thank God you’re ok! These roads are so narrow out here. They seem to be marking 99 for widening. Hope they do it real soon. So hard for school busses and other large vehicles to pass.

  8. Mom of 3 on March 7th, 2013 1:14 pm

    So glad everyone is okay. Mrs. Brenda is never late so I was concerned when a sub bus came late to pick up the kids. Thank you Mrs. Brenda for transporting our precious cargo and for the love you give the kids.