More Photos: Molino Animal Cruelty Case

March 12, 2013

The following photos document the scene that led to a Molino couple being charged with animal cruelty. For the complete story, click here.

Some readers may find the following photos disturbing.


One Response to “More Photos: Molino Animal Cruelty Case”

  1. Debbie on March 14th, 2013 10:04 pm

    I devote a lot of my time to helping animals in need. This is horrible! Anything that is said to defend how the dogs are in such dire condition is moot and is only an excuse. There are plenty of rescues that would help with these dogs if they were approached. I certainly hope that someone took these dogs and helped them – they are innocent as children are in this sick twisted society we live in that lets crimes such as this go with a slap on the wrist. In my opinion the punishment should fit the crime and abuse and murder should include animals. Shame on the judge!