Florida House Remembers Clay Ford

March 22, 2013

The Florida House paid tribute Thursday to Rep. Clay Ford, who died Monday at age 74 from cancer. Speakers remembered the local Republican with personal stories about Ford and his wife Carol.

Speaker Will Weatherford called Ford the “consummate gentleman,” and talked about Ford’s love for his wife and his concern for people who are less fortunate. He also praised Ford for his courage in his fight against cancer. The House also played a slide show of photos of Ford.

“Clay Ford’s a member of our family and we’ll always remember him,” said Weatherford.

Pictured top: Rep. Ed Hooper, R-Clearwater, dabs his eyes Thursday after delivering remarks about the late Rep. Clay Ford, R-Gulf Breeze, who died Monday. Pictured inset: A memorial on Ford’s desk in the House chambers. Photos by Brandon Larrabee for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Florida House Remembers Clay Ford”

  1. Judy on March 22nd, 2013 8:36 am

    Clay Ford was one of the nicest men I have ever worked with. He and his wife Carol were such a loving couple. Our area has lost a great man.