Farmers Needed To Nominate Local Schools For $25K Grant

March 15, 2013

Three North Escambia schools need the help of area farmers to earn a grant to purchase student iPads.

Molino Park Elementary, Jim Allen Elementary and Ransom Middle School were chose to represent Escambia County in applying for a $25,000 from the America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education grant program. If awarded, the grant will purchase the iPads to advance technology in implementing core standards in reading, science and math.

Grants will be awarded based on merit, need and community support.   The number of farmers to nominate Escambia County will demonstrate the community support for the grant criteria.

Farmers can nominate the Escambia County School District by going to and completing the nomination form. The deadline for nominations is April 15.

“We will be competing against 22 other counties.  The more farmer community support we have, the better chance we will have to receive this grant,” said Alice Woodward, Molino Park principal.


One Response to “Farmers Needed To Nominate Local Schools For $25K Grant”

  1. Sandy creek on March 15th, 2013 2:58 pm

    This sounds like a SUPER idea if you know a farmer you should ask them that would be SUPER