Evers Wants Public Input On Legislative Session Issues

March 11, 2013

State Senator Greg Evers is asking residents of his district to take his “Session Issues Survey”.

“I am conducting this survey to get opinions about some of the issues we will be addressing this Legislative Session,” Evers said. The 2013 Legislative Session continues through May 3.

In addition to mailing the survey to voters in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa County areas, Evers has included an electronic version of the survey online.

“I have chosen an online survey because it will save my constituents postage, helps get the survey out to more people and allows for easier tabulating of the results,” he said. “Anyone is welcome to complete this survey. I value the opinions of my neighbors and I believe that I owe it to them to reach out and gather their opinions on the issues that will be affecting them.”

To take Evers’ online survey, click here.


6 Responses to “Evers Wants Public Input On Legislative Session Issues”

  1. tomtom44 on March 12th, 2013 12:22 am

    Folks yall see any other state representative asking us any thing about how we feel?? Thank you Mr Evers for asking us

  2. Henry Coe on March 11th, 2013 11:02 pm

    The questions seemed some what baited in how they were framed and the survey seemed as though more effort could have went in to how it was constructed.

    I can’t imagine why in that survey they need to know if I’m a Veteran?

  3. John Bryan on March 11th, 2013 1:49 pm

    Contacting your elected officals has never ever been easier. You used to have to send a letter via the US Mail service and never knew if it went to the right person or anyone at all. We should all be proactive in verifying what we are talking about and then send the representative and email using the link I am copying here. Also most elected official have their own Facebook page. never ever easier to contact them and tell them how you feel.


    John Bryan

  4. Charlotte on March 11th, 2013 12:30 pm

    I took the survey, but didn’t like the answers to some of the questions, so I added a Long comment explaining what I would like to see happen. Will it?? Who knows. Government asks for opinions but don’t always use them. Hopefully Mr. Evers will be different.

  5. Randy on March 11th, 2013 9:04 am

    The survey is a good start, but…. In a few of the questions it ask you what you want, BUT here is what is going to happen if you chose that answer. That is so wrong, because there could be other alternatives. Example being: if you chose to keep the 6% sales tax. They are already looking at cutting Education, Healthcare in one of those answers. I am sure there are other places to cut spending that was not laid out as an option in the answers you had to choose from. The state puts very little into education compared to the lottery and others. I applaud Mr. Evers for asking and making it easier to be heard.

  6. Jane on March 11th, 2013 7:19 am

    Please take time to participate in the survey…it is your opportunity to tell your representative how you feel about the issues!