Escambia Schools Need Subs

March 4, 2013

The Escambia County School District is in need of substitute teachers.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas recently established a Substitute Teacher Committee Task Force to seek solutions for meeting the constant need for substitute teachers within the Escambia County school system. The Task Force gathered information and researched strategies to improve the district’s ability to have substitutes available when they are needed.

The following recommendations were implemented as of last Friday:

  • Limit workshops requiring substitute teachers to Tuesday through Thursday. A maximum of 50 workshop participants district-wide will be allowed to ensure classroom coverage. Once the substitute teacher pool adds additional members to increase the fill rate, the number of participants permitted to attend workshops will increase as well.
  • Assist principals and secretaries with setting up preferred substitutes for a school and ensure individual teachers understand how to set up preferred substitutes that will expedite the job fill rate at that school and/or classroom.
  • Ensure all schools and teachers are following the set AESOP protocol and not securing substitutes from outside the system.
  • Permit individuals with AA degrees into the substitute pool for all schools for day to day substitute positions.
  • Provide classroom management training by Human Resources for AA degreed substitutes.
  • Work with principals, ESE and ESOL departments as well as ESE and ESOL teachers to schedule ESE and ESOL paper days on low request substitute teacher days.
  • Strengthen plans with principals and teachers to schedule parent conference days on low request substitute teacher days.
  • Support principals to ensure the contract is followed with regard to the use of personal leave on high substitute teacher request days.

For more information, contact Bill Threadgill at (850) 429-2914.


2 Responses to “Escambia Schools Need Subs”

  1. Just thinking------ on March 4th, 2013 11:45 am

    —-and the county just might want to consider raising the pay for a day’s work for this thankless job. It is more than important to have quality in the classroom—not just a warm body. Teaching is not as easy as it looks. All of our law making officials should be required to teach for six weeks. Eye opening experience. ——by the way, although education is important—- an education does not a good teacher make—-some folks are educated way beyond their intelligence and common sense.

  2. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2013 5:13 am

    AHHHH, substitute teaching. Those were the days.