Escambia Report Cards Delayed Until After Spring Break

March 21, 2013

Escambia County public school students will now receive their report cards after spring break.

Students were scheduled to receive their report cards this Friday, March 22, but that date has been delayed until Tuesday, April 2, according to Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.   Next week, March 25-29, is spring break for Escambia County students.


9 Responses to “Escambia Report Cards Delayed Until After Spring Break”

  1. No Excuses on March 22nd, 2013 2:51 pm

    @ Charles D,

    I know that when I was a teacher in Escambia County, we were expected to keep our gradebooks up to date weekly. Meaning, on Friday, the week’s grades neeeded to be entered.

    Most of my daughter’s teachers (WFHS) are very good about this, but a few let things go too long and I have to call them. I wouldn’t bother them if their gradebooks were up to date.

    @ Sandra,

    Like any other profession, there are teachers who work for the paycheck, not the joy of teaching. I was not one of those and I taught students with Learning Disabilities among other handicapping conditions. We do care – we do try – and sometimes the kids do a great job and make it. Others don’t. I don’t know your child’s situtation, but I do believe there is a public school where he/she can excel in the ESE/GEN ED program. Talk to your child’s program leader at the county level and see if you can get some assistance or tutoring. Don’t give up!

  2. Charles D on March 22nd, 2013 7:04 am

    All teachers in Escambia Co. are expected to use FOCUS for grade input. If your child’s grades are not up to date then contact the teacher and if that does not work get in touch with the school’s principal.

  3. sandra on March 21st, 2013 7:13 pm

    I do check my childs grades so I can “fix” the problem but when the grades are not updated and the teachers tell you that the child is doing fine then It becomes the parents fault still sometimes it is not the parents fault even though it seems easy to blame them. I am starting to think that someone could make alot of money if they would open a private school that had teachers that truley cared about children with learning disabilities. Our public school system can not help “fix” the problems even though they do get money for these children. They seem to want to send the children for ADHD treatment/counsling. This is truley a lost cause to try to fight for in this county when parents are blamed for everything… I smile though cause I know its not all my fault I have other children that make straight As one in collage and one who works at a local hospital So “fix” the problem yes I try but some people will not except when they are wrong thank goodness for youtube….

  4. No Excuses on March 21st, 2013 5:35 pm


    You don’t have to wait. Log onto the Focus website for Escambia County and create an account. You will be able to keep track of your child’s grades through the entire grading period, for all teachers (provided the teacher doesn’t hold on to assignments, then put them in at the last minute). I do this with my daughter and we “fix” problems before they get out of hand!

  5. sandra ever on March 21st, 2013 4:40 pm

    Would be good if they would get with you before you child brings home the f honer roll report card…….

  6. cinder on March 21st, 2013 9:31 am

    If you want to see your child’s grades before spring break – just login to Focus. Though teachers might have edits, their grades were due yesterday.

  7. Charles D. on March 21st, 2013 8:27 am

    @429SCJ That’s a Good One…I’m with you on that. Would not want my vacation time to be ruint by a less than great report card.
    Got the same call and I really appreciate the communications from Mr. Thomas and the schools that keep us informed about what is going on. Now I don’t have to wonder if my boy has “lost” his report card. I know it’ll be in his backpack on April 2nd.
    As a parent I am very pleased with the way our schools operate and the huge advances in technology and education that have taken place since I was in grammer school — a LONG time ago. Happy Easter to ALL

  8. 429SCJ on March 21st, 2013 6:27 am

    @FHG, they probably did not want those children with failing grades to get their whipping until after the holidays. Why spoil it for them?

  9. Fhg on March 21st, 2013 2:39 am

    I want to know why ECSD. We all got this info in a phone call. How about an explanation?