Deputies: 52 More Charges Await Burglary Suspect Trio

March 19, 2013

A trio arrested last week in Escambia County in connection with 37 burglaries will face another 52 charges in Santa Rosa County.

Charles Dylan Williams, age 19 of Walnut Hill, Richard Kevin Craig, age 21 of Pensacola, and Kevin Randall Bell, age 26 of Pensacola, were each charged with multiple counts of burglary, larceny, vehicle theft and fraudulent use of credit cards in Escambia County, and now 52 warrants have been issued for their arrests by Santa Rosa County.

The Santa Rosa County cases center around vehicle burglaries that begin January 28 in the Woodbine Springs and Autumn Run North subdivisions in Pace. Victims advised their cars were ransacked and items were stolen.

“Investigators were able to put the pieces of the puzzle together which lead them not only to the arrest of the three suspects, but also the recovery of the stolen items,” Deputy Rich Aloy, spokesman for the Santa Rosa  County Sheriff’s Office said Monday.

The trio will be transferred to Santa Rosa County after they face the Escambia County charges.

In Escambia County, a rash of burglaries were reported January 25 from Beulah to Cantonment, including the theft of credit cards and a set of car keys. The suspects later returned to attempt to steal the vehicle. Deputies said they abandoned the vehicle when spotted, but a witness was able to give a good description of the trio.

Evidence against the men include surveillance video of the suspects and the vehicle as they used stolen credit cards at a Red Box video machine. Based on this information, investigators were able to locate the vehicle at a home in the 9000 block of Bridlewood Road.

During a search of the vehicle and home, the suspects confessed to multiple burglaries. According to the suspects they had been using the stolen credit cards for gas, fast food and  “Magic” gaming cards at Walmart.

As of Monday afternoon all three men remained in the Escambia County Jail. Bond was set at $292,500 for Craig,  $129,500 for Bell and $239,000 for Williams.


22 Responses to “Deputies: 52 More Charges Await Burglary Suspect Trio”

  1. David Huie Green on March 21st, 2013 7:43 pm

    “MAY GOD FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR JUDGEMENTS !! I hope you have a very blessed day and shame on you and everyone else that choose to judge MY family.”

    Always good to get a blessing but this one seems insincere somehow, almost condemnatory.

    No parents are perfect, but some seem to have better success than some others. It may be a crap shoot, but it also may be that something is missing. Me not know.

    David wondering at those who shout judgments
    at people who are judgmental,
    thereby showing themselves
    to be judgmental as well
    (not that I’m judging judgmentalism wrong, just thinking)

  2. curious on March 21st, 2013 5:38 am

    Liberty, who said all those People were rich, I’d say over half are not, they just worked their butts off for what they have, I have a paid off home & both Of my vehicles are paid off, I’m not bragging, thats just my point. My husba.d & I have both worked to accomplish that & we worked hard not to have theives take that from us, us paying our stuff off has allowed me to stay home @ times to take Care Of our kids instead Of leaving them with babysitters. To unknown i dont believe liberty pointed dylans family out you just did that & you overreacted

  3. Unknown on March 20th, 2013 6:42 pm

    @ Ben. Obviously the comment wasn’t to you but if you took it that way then go for it ! I’m done here said what I needed to say. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Ben on March 20th, 2013 4:57 pm

    I’m having a hard time following…am I supposed to be shamed or blessed?

    I appreciate that friends and family of our local theives know that one section of the Bible about judging others (although I think it’s misapplied here), but I really don’t see anybody judging the family.

    Still waiting on a genuine show of compassion for the victims, though….

  5. Beulah resident on March 20th, 2013 4:42 pm

    I’m curious to know which address on Bridlewood Road they were found at. The 9000 block is a mile long. I drive it almost every day. There is one LEO who lives on that road and I’m glad he does.

  6. Unknown on March 20th, 2013 2:13 pm

    Who are y’all to comment and judge?! I have grown up and raised with Dylan, and let me tell you when we did something wrong or mean we got our butts whipped ! We were taught right from wrong, we wasn’t given a slap on the hand and told NO ! So before you go judging the way he was raised maye you should do a little background research. You don’t know the struggles and heartbreak from this. And steal from the rich?! You trying to say we poor?? The last time I checked we have a home to lay our heads in and vehicles we pay to put gas in and a family that is more kind hearted than most people in this world. And last time I looked we don’t own food stamps, we pay for our things by working our butts off!!! Now that one family member did wrong and is serving his time your gonna judge our whole family?!? MAY GOD FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR JUDGEMENTS !! I hope you have a very blessed day and shame on you and everyone else that choose to judge MY family.

  7. chrstefl on March 19th, 2013 11:24 pm

    They are not good hearted! Good hearted people do not steal. They all knew right from wrong. I am glad they were caught. What a web. How disgraceful. I am so ashamed of Ricky.

  8. liberty on March 19th, 2013 8:59 pm

    these individuals may have been taught right from wrong but in what form? were they ever shown right from wrong,…. or told ” do not ever take from others what is not yours” then ask ” by the way, have you seen my food stamps card or my welfare check? what i mean is were they lead by example or just told what to do and not to do in between commercial breaks from toddlers and tiaras………there is a big difference..they probably were told that it was their right just like everything else…”they were ENTITLED to it so they took it from the rich , all the while saying,” they got plenty , they don’t need it “,……….where have we heard that from????

  9. Wharf Rat on March 19th, 2013 8:28 pm

    Face it people, this type of failed humanity, and their ilk, will remain the dregs of society. They may get a real job one day, but they will take more out of the federal coffers, than they ever contribute. I paid more in income tax this past year than I paid for my present home in 1977. Rush Limbaugh stated this morning we are rapidly running out of the tax payers and earners, and being overrun by the takers, and that fine balance, when it goes negative, will destroy this once proud republic.

  10. CD on March 19th, 2013 6:51 pm

    @ Dee; So, Dylan is a good hearted kid you say? WRONG!!! He may have been raised good, but he made the decision to take from others what he did not earn. Plenty of time in the big house may show him the error of his ways.

  11. troubled on March 19th, 2013 5:27 pm

    These are not good hearted kids! They are adults and broke the LAW! I hope a judge puts it them, like they put it to the people they STOLE from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry for their parent, but they did get caught.

  12. chrstefl on March 19th, 2013 2:04 pm

    A swift slap on the hand. NO NO BOYS.. I sure hope not. One of these boys happen to be my nephew and he was not raised to be a lil punk thief. His parents are ashamed and hurt very deeply. We can teach our children right from wrong and hope they take it with them when they leave home. Sometimes we are blessed and very proud and sometimes we are disgraced and very disappointed. Our deepest sorrow go out to thevictims. I hope the judge over seeing this case will make an example out of these boys. And yes they are boys. Real men fend for themselves by way of working thier fingers to the bone not robbing others of their security and hard working possessions. I have no sympathy for a thief or a liar.

  13. look it up on March 19th, 2013 1:08 pm

    I am praying for the victims. I also pray for the families of these young men as well as the young men that are obviously misguided. Seems that Dungeons & Dragons hasn’t gone far… I just looked up the Magic cards here.. gives me the heebie jeebs!

  14. nudo7 on March 19th, 2013 11:45 am

    Good hearted people do not make that many so called “MISTAKES”!

  15. JEREMY on March 19th, 2013 11:16 am

    That’s a whole bunch of charges! You punks are lucky your still alive, and didn’t eat some lead. Lucky!

  16. Curious... on March 19th, 2013 10:04 am

    Are the Magic cards the same type of gaming cards that Sean Dugas, the former PNJ Reporter, was murdered over?

  17. Scott on March 19th, 2013 9:02 am

    To the 89 victims of these crimes…you’re on your own.

    To the 3 criminals…we’re praying for you, you good-hearted kids!

  18. mick on March 19th, 2013 8:37 am

    37+52=89, still recommend a year in the can for each charge…thats at least 29.5 years per punk… yea I know it wont happen, and all the bleeding hearts will say way too harsh, but one thing is for sure they get off light and they will continue to prey on folks that work hard for what they have, and they will also continue to make the ones suffer who did teach them right from wrong…

  19. Wow! on March 19th, 2013 8:22 am

    I feel sorry for the parents of these boys. Even though they deserve whatever punishment they get, imagine the tears of their mothers and fathers! I know it would break my heart for my son to turn out to be like these boys. I pray everyday he grows up to be a law abiding, God fearing man who respects people and their property. So far, so good. Thank you Lord!
    Do not bash the parents of these boys (as some of you were yesterday)-you can only teach them what they need to know in life, but you can’t “run” their lives (unfortunately in some cases). We all try to instill morals and values in our children but thats no guarantee as to what they will do when they are not in your sight. Most kids go through a “young and stupid” stage-just not usually to this extreme. Just pray and thank God this is not your child’s face plastered on the front page! You never know what tomorrow may bring.
    To their parents, I will be praying for you and praying that these young men get their lives straightened out before it is too late.

  20. Dee from the b.p. on March 19th, 2013 8:15 am

    Praying for Dylan’s family, and that he learns life’s lessons, he is a good hearted kid!

  21. Ben on March 19th, 2013 6:59 am

    I’m sure these 52 crimes are just accidents, too. Oh well, boys will be boys. No sense in trying to punish them. That might be judgmental and it might be hurtful to their friends and family.

  22. Jane on March 19th, 2013 4:03 am

    This just shows how much trouble 3 people can cause! Good job LEOS!!!!!!