Critical Need For Blood Donations

March 30, 2013

There is an urgent need for O-negative blood donations, according to Northwest Florida Blood Services, due to an increase in the blood transfusions in area hospitals.

O-negative blood donors can answer the call for help as universal donors, meaning any patient can receive it regardless of the recipient’s blood type.  Trauma patients, premature babies and those undergoing emergency surgery rely on O-negative type blood which currently at a critical level entering this holiday weekend.

The blood center is appealing for donors of any  blood type to give the give of life now. For donor center and Bloodmobile locations, click here.


One Response to “Critical Need For Blood Donations”

  1. Jane on March 31st, 2013 8:18 am

    If you can give blood you can save a life, sometimes more than one. It is Easter…give someone the gift of Life…it doesn’t hurt and it takes so little time!