Century Man Found Dead Days After Arrest On Cocaine Charge

March 15, 2013

A Century man arrested on a cocaine charge was found dead a few days after being released from the Escambia County Jail.

Dallas Monroe Edwards, 41, was charged March 8 with felony cocaine possession and resisting an officer without violence at the Executive Inn on Pensacola Boulevard. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail and was released on a $6,000 bond.

Edwards was found deceased Wednesday at the Palm Court Inn on Pensacola Boulevard. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said foul play is not suspected in his death, but a full report and autopsy have not been completed by the Medical Examiner’s Office.

On March 8, a manager at the Executive Inn called deputies to have a room vacated because the occupants did not pay a required pet fee.  Deputies reported finding a small black tube with two baggies of a substance that field tested positive for cocaine in Dallas Edwards’ pocket. Once deputies found the tube, Edwards broke free and attempted to run.

Deputies gave chase and Edwards was taken into custody without further incident.

Edwards gave deputies a home address in the 5700 block North Century Boulevard.


20 Responses to “Century Man Found Dead Days After Arrest On Cocaine Charge”

  1. curious on March 17th, 2013 7:15 am

    resident, has anybody thought maybe somebody killed him? He was found in 1 hotel with drugs & he was arrested, then when he got out he was found in another hotel dead, but no the police killed 1 way or another you say, it’s always their fault, yeah right, to the ones who think this, you are pathetic, maybe if whoever got him out had left him there in jail he probably would still be alive. QUIT ACCUSING THE POLICE I hate it for him & his family but look @ the facts

  2. me on March 16th, 2013 5:02 pm

    He really was a good man or well say he had a great heart he just had a really bad addiction which many people do and for his wife I hope shell straighten up before its too late for herself they have a three year old one day shell have to answer to praying for everyone involved DALLAS U WILL BE TRULY MISSED!!!!

  3. CD on March 16th, 2013 4:58 pm

    He was a grown man and made his own choices. He knew those choices could be deadly. They were. Yes he has a mother and family. If they did what they could to help him, then God bless them. Otherwise, just another dead druggie. life is for the living.

  4. bama country on March 16th, 2013 3:36 pm

    Enough stop putting them down his life is over and no can bring him back. His fate has been decided by God. Yes, I’m a family member of his wife. Both of them lived a bad life their own choosing. As for a a good mother and father they lost their children to the state. god gave them chance after chance to change and get thier kids straighted up and make a good life for them and thier family they took the path they wanted. All we can do is pray for the family anf hope by some chance they get their life back . Please remember a mother has lost her son and she can not help him.

  5. molino jim on March 16th, 2013 10:51 am

    @ Resident–Coke can cause a number of side effects. One being a heart beat that is beyond what the human body can stand. I as many others are very sorry for the family and friends of this man. Drug and alcohol causes so many problems that the person can not control. The brain craves the effect that it receives from the drug and it is very hard for the person to not feed that need. Please pray for the family and if you have a friend who is going in the same direction try to get them help. Don’t try to put the blame on LEO’s.

  6. Stumpknocker on March 15th, 2013 10:10 pm

    To Resident,the arrest has nothing to do with his death,I believe he was out on a bond and out doing the same old thing at a different motel. His arrest took place at the Executive Inn and his death occurred at the Palm Court Inn,know your facts.When he was in jail he was at least safe from himself,so now are we to say blame the person who posted his bond?

  7. An Old School Friend on March 15th, 2013 7:53 pm

    My prayers are with all of you. I went to school with your mom and uncles and worked with your grandmother, one of the sweetest ladies I’ve ever known, and you were in school with my daughter a long time ago. No matter what may have happened in Dallas’s personal life, you guys deserve the right to grieve the death of someone you loved very much without having to read judgmental comments from people who didn’t know him. Just keep your memories close to your heart, and don’t let people get you down.

  8. Kathy Simmons on March 15th, 2013 4:34 pm

    My heart goes out to Dallas, family & his children. He did have 2 children that i know of, and they are really going to miss out on having a father figure in there life.. I have known Dallas all my life and he was a good person to a certain exstint.. Drinking & doing drugs dont mix well together.. Dallas has always had issues with a drug problem & Drinking. Spending all that time to get the help he needed didnt pay off or he would have been alive today.. So sorry for the Lost, My Heart goes out to his Mother, Ms. Winnie, & family for such a tragic that happen.. God Bless them all & may God Be with the Family during there time of Lost.. I know sometimes there is not enough word you can say to make things better.. It will take time. & alot of God’s Prayer’s to get this family back to normal again.. May all blessing’s & Prayer’s be with this Family.. God Bless..

  9. Tye on March 15th, 2013 4:08 pm

    I am the niece of this man and my grandmother has been going through a very tough time and for me to get on here and see everyone talking about MY uncle Dallas like they know him…. it’s pathetic i understand this is on here for everyone to see but if you didn’t know my uncle don’t judge him. Yes he went down a wrong path but we already know this there is no reason for you to point it out even further. So i would appreciate it and so would my grandmother (Winnie Hunter) and the rest of my fily if you would leave your opinion out of it. We are already grieving and we don’t need the added frustration of trying to prove how good of a man he was. Because that is one thing he was! A great man and an amazing uncle and father.
    Tyler Hunter

  10. G ODOM on March 15th, 2013 2:13 pm

    You know its amazing to me to see all these folks that are talking about police brutality.. He ran from the authorities folks. If all of you who are so concerned that it might have been police brutality would have been concerned enough while this young man was going thru his struggles and possibly gotten him some help, maybe just maybe he wouldn’t be gone now….Its true that you can only help those who are willing to receive it but laying blame on anything except the real reason for his death is ridiculous…He had a drug problem that took him…

  11. David Huie Green on March 15th, 2013 1:41 pm

    If people know what leads to early deaths, the wise can avoid those causes.
    If people are kept in the dark, deaths continue and people act like they don’t know how to stop them.

  12. Henry on March 15th, 2013 10:17 am

    It’s sad is that he didn’t go from being arrested to going into treatment. Maybe he’s done that enough times that he decided he was done?

    I’d think the family has been going through a sad time for a long time with him.
    There are always consequences to illicit drug use. Whether one uses or looks the other way to pretend there isn’t a problem, it never stops the consequences from showing up some way, some how.

    While he’s left emotional damage and wreckage behind for his family & friends, this guys struggle is over, but it won’t take long and the next sad drug use story will come along and make the news cycle.

    We see these drug related stories everyday in the media but rarely do we see it listed along with these stories of where addicts can go to get help. Maybe if we did, we would have less of these kind of stories?

  13. you got to be kiddin' on March 15th, 2013 9:59 am

    to resident…please…..police brutality? the guy ran and was caught. no cover up. it just happened that way. no kid grows up thinking ‘i think i’ll be a drug addict and die at 41 from an overdose”. it is just sad. dallas may have been a good kid, but made wrong choices as an adult. i feel for his family, especially for his mother. i have seen her around and she is a sweet lady. and no matter what “grown up” decisions our children make, the parents still carry the guilt. i am so sorry for the family.

  14. Sad on March 15th, 2013 9:46 am

    This is a sad situation, but do not blame the newspaper for it. Obviously Dallas had issues, thats apparent from his arrest record and the past week of his life. Any death of this sort would have been reported in the news and since his arrest was just a few days ago, of course they will reference that also. It is very sad that he passed away and I pray for his family and friends.

  15. Resident on March 15th, 2013 9:30 am

    When a guy makes the wrong choices, gets arrested and ends up dead while his photo is on the front page of the paper — yes it’s news. It’s unfortunate, but it’s news.

    It’s news because it closes the cases, but moreso because why did he die? Was it natural, drugs, or — and I think you’ve all missed this — was it police brutality? Notice he was charged with resisting arrest and chased by the cops!!! Did they throw him down? Tase him? Otherwise cause and injury that led to his death? This news story prevents a possible coverup by the cops.

  16. sympathy on March 15th, 2013 9:04 am

    To the family, I am so sorry for your loss. I did not know him but I am sure he was loved by his family. Our children do things we don’t like but we love them no less.

  17. van on March 15th, 2013 8:39 am

    No one is passing judgement. It is a simple article stating the facts. Don’t get offended so easily. No where in this article is anyone passing judgement. He may have been a great fellow, and my prayers are with the family…but he messed up and unfortunately got into the wrong crowd and made bad decisions.

    When you draw the attention of the authorities and you get listed on public records for things, your name is announced for all to see. It is very sad that he passed away and I am praying for the family.

  18. Why? on March 15th, 2013 8:18 am

    My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Dallas was a very kind person and it saddens me that an article like this was published. He will be missed by everyone that knew him.

    People need to stop being so quick to pass judgement.

  19. CitizenX on March 15th, 2013 8:12 am

    Hey, that’s his life in a nutshell old friend. I love how all these “great and kind” people keep getting arrested…

  20. An Old School Friend on March 15th, 2013 7:42 am

    Was it really necessary to make the article all about his recent troubles instead of the sad fact that a young life has been lost? Dallas was a great kid, loved by many. He always had a smile and a joke and he will be missed.
    My prayers are with his family as they go through this sad time.