Bratt Renter Sentenced For Grand Theft After Moving Out With Appliances

March 11, 2013

A North Escambia man was convicted last week on a felony charge  for moving out of a rental property in Bratt with the owner’s appliances.

The owner of the property in the 5300 block of North Highway 99 told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that Israel Dewayne Wiggins, 36, moved out after about a year and took a stove, refrigerator and a freezer. He then sold the appliances, valued at $1,870, to another man for $60.

Wiggins was found guilty of one count of felony grand theft and sentenced by Judge Gary Bergosh to 60 months probation and ordered to pay $3,500 in restitution to the victim.


13 Responses to “Bratt Renter Sentenced For Grand Theft After Moving Out With Appliances”

  1. james on March 15th, 2013 7:39 am

    To the E.C.S.D. Good job and photo dept. did a great job as well…..

  2. wow on March 13th, 2013 10:57 pm

    me and Citizen X,
    Maybe if you would see a list of all the expenses they incur (or incurred in the past) to acquire, maintain, etc the property you would understand a little better. You’re right that people don’t do it out of the kindness of their hearts, and sometimes there are bad landlords no doubt – but it isn’t cheap to own and rent out a house. It’s often a struggle to keep a rental property going and not just become a money pit – especially when renters don’t take care of the property properly.

  3. David Huie Green on March 13th, 2013 2:58 pm

    me and Citizen X,
    If you are convinced all other landlords are ripping off their renters, you should get in the business and treat your renters fairly. Surely they will dump those evil others and flock to you. Surely they won’t sell your furniture, appliances and copper wiring to buy dope.

    Put all you own into the venture.

    David contemplating likely result

  4. James on March 13th, 2013 12:12 am

    What part of Gods green earth are some of you from? There is never any excuse for theft,It may be your things next, God help this nation….

  5. me on March 12th, 2013 10:39 pm

    I agree citizen x i am a renter and i paid 750 a month on a house and it was paid for the owners said they would consider owner financing one day after two years they tell they will not be renewing my lease they have decided to sell it for cash i understand that’s their choice but i have never met a landlord that wasnt out to make money. Get real people are to greedy now a days to be so kind hearted. And most charge as much rent as some people pay on a mortgage.

  6. CitizenX on March 12th, 2013 8:17 am

    To C. Faye…are you insane? Landlords make little or no money??? Why do they do it? Out of the kindness of their hearts? I would say most landlords are as dirty and steal as much or more than this guy. I bet this house was a dump and was charging way over what it was worth. Landlords take advantage of renters with no or bad credit and milk them for all they can and ignore the needed repairs. Get real lady…landlords are out to make money and they do.

  7. lmn on March 12th, 2013 8:05 am

    The probation officer has to make sure he pays his restitution otherwise he can be violated. I believe that you are wrong mom. Call the state probation office if you need more info.

  8. Leroy Is Right! on March 11th, 2013 6:25 pm

    Leroy, you are 100 percent right. As part of his sentence he should have been required to tell who he sold them too and they should be charge with receiving stolen merchandise.

  9. Leroy on March 11th, 2013 1:07 pm

    Whoever purchased the appliances for $60 should be charged with buying stolen propery and required to give them up. It is a no brainer you don’t buy $1,800 of appliances for $60.

  10. C. Faye Wuilliamson on March 11th, 2013 9:22 am

    I am happy that a Judge did SOMETHING. Landlords try to provide a decent fairly priced home for people out of their own pockets w/ very ;little “profit” After a landlord repairs, cleans, pay taxes, insurance, and mtg. pym’ts there is very little if any money left. over after the rent is paid. They make their money when they sells years later. Tenants like this make it hard to have anything left over and makes other people reluctant to try and provide a decent place for people to live who cannot afford to buy a house. This guy knew exactly what he was doing. It is like he stuck a gun in the landlords face and said give me $1,800.00. Just this is not something he would do time for like had he stolen that money from Walmart”

  11. Not amazed on March 11th, 2013 8:43 am

    amazed….I’m not. Surprised….not in the least.

  12. mom on March 11th, 2013 8:17 am

    He’ll never repay it and he won’t be made to…sorry, but your just going to be out that money. This is what a lot of renters do…they have no credit, and so they either steal from you or they destroy your property when you evict them…happens all the time.

  13. dummy on March 11th, 2013 6:44 am

    Its amazes me that this man continues to steal from people an still gets away with it.