Armed Standoff Ends With One Arrest In Century

March 20, 2013

A man was arrested Tuesday afternoon after an armed standoff with deputies in Century.

Deputies said 28-year Isaac Levon Mitchell has allegedly stalked an employee at the Century Town Hall since at least February. When he made contact with the employee at the town hall a little after 7 a.m., deputies were called. They chased Mitchell toward Alger Road, but lost sight of him. Deputies determined that Mitchell was wanted on an outstanding failure to appear warrant in a concealed weapon and resisting an officer case.

Later in the morning, deputies observed Mitchell again near the town hall and observed him run and enter a mobile home on Alger Road. Mitchell was reportedly in communication with a deputy through the back door of the mobile home as additional deputies entered the front door.

Mitchell allegedly pointed a shotgun at deputies in a hallway before he barricaded himself inside a bedroom in the mobile home, still armed with a shotgun.

As deputies tried to negotiate with Mitchell, he jumped out of a window with the shotgun and ran toward North Century Boulevard, dumping the shotgun, shotgun shells and .22 caliber ammunition in a nearby yard.

He then ran across the highway and into the Century Food Mart and got on the floor behind the counter. Deputies said Mitchell was known to the clerk. The clerk, with a Sheriff’s dispatcher on the phone,  talked Mitchell into surrendering peacefully to the deputies outside the store.

Mitchell is expected to be charged with two counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence, one count of improper exhibition of a firearm and failure to appear.

Pictured top: Isaac Levon Mitchell was taken into custody by Escambia County deputies following a standoff that ended with his surrender. Pictured inset: After pointing a shotgun at deputies, Mitchell allegedly jumped out of this mobile home window. Pictured below: Deputies and crime scene investigators looks for clues at the Century Food Mart. photos, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Armed Standoff Ends With One Arrest In Century”

  1. Boo Boo on March 21st, 2013 11:51 am

    Suzanne doesn’t work at City Hall..and That’s why it got taken care of because the Mayor wasn’t liking him staying around City Hall everyday.

  2. grewupincentury on March 21st, 2013 11:42 am

    I went to schhol with Issac I can’t imagine growing up in the situation he has. I always liked him he was always kind. I think he is. Lonely for sure, I know I would be BC we are the same age and I haven’t ever seen him with a long time girlfriend. But I guess it would be hard to find one BC of his family and his mom being just someone to make fun of to many many people around the area. IDK the facts but I think Suzanne needs to clarify the Whole story because to me it seems that something had to be going on between you two for you to only have one or two reports. Why didn’t a spouse or father or uncle nip the stalking in the bud? Why did it go on for so long? Im sure the mayor wouldn’t allow a stalker to be harassing one of his employees. What’s really going on?

  3. Boo Boo on March 21st, 2013 9:53 am

    For one..this had nothing to do with Suzanna Bennett being stalked on why Isaac got arrested. She should have done more about it. And another fact, the police had been up at Century Town Hall more than just that one time on Tuesday a report had been made and you all should get your story straight. Isaac was having some mental issues and he needs to get them straightened out. The reason he got arrested had nothing to do with him stalking the girl from Century Town Hall he had other warrants pending so they was already after him.

  4. lobo on March 21st, 2013 2:33 am

    Hard to believe in what she is saying she will lie and I no she will for a fact she was taking to him and when her man found iout that’s when she sead he was stalking her lie lie lie is all she does for friends one I now for sheer

  5. poohbear on March 20th, 2013 9:19 pm

    Suzanne Bennet, did you talk to Mayor McCall and tell him you were being stalked?

  6. poohbear on March 20th, 2013 7:00 pm

    My2Cents, read my comment again………..You missed IF.

  7. My2Cents on March 20th, 2013 3:23 pm

    @ Stumpknocker……I agree with you 110%! When someone is carrying around a shotgun with ammo has major issues. Thankful for the awesome job the deputies did. Hopefully he will NOT walk on the charges that are pending; and possibly get some help while serving his time.

    @ Concerned……if this person has been stalking you since LAST YEAR why isn’t there more than “1″ report made? Consider getting yourself a concealed carrying permit and pack every time you leave the house. I did and do!

  8. poohbear on March 20th, 2013 1:32 pm

    Gigi from the story it doesn’t mention that he will be charged for stalking…or if he is I seemed to have missed it. When he made contact with Suzanne, then police were called. If he was seen stalking earlier don’t you think someone would have called the police. If I knew someone was stalking me or a coworker I would call the police myself and so much quicker if I was being stalked for months. I do also think that he should have treated as armed and dangerous once a gun was involved….I’m assuming no gun was seen in the earlier “stalkings”.

  9. Suzanne Bennet on March 20th, 2013 1:08 pm

    Concerned: know your facts. I have known Isaac’s story for years. I did my research. I had witnesses that he was stalking me & police were even called out to another business to one incident. Those that know me know that I am one of the last people that would pass judgment on someone however not only myself but another person told Issac to leave me alone but he persisted. The last time when police were called out to the business I had my 10 yr old son w/ me & Issac scared him. So you know your facts before you start calling someone a liar.

  10. oh no!! on March 20th, 2013 12:32 pm

    I know these men ,also go to church with some of his bros.they are humble,respectable,I always see them in somebodys yard working,and they seem to love people.This is HARD for me to believe.

  11. Gigi on March 20th, 2013 12:15 pm

    Pooh Bear, Suzanne Bennett said he stalked her when she worked at the Food Giant. How is that related to the Century town hall?

    This young man had a weapon and ammo. Perhaps I just don’t understand the whole story, but from what has been presented, he should be viewed as armed and dangerous.

  12. poohbear on March 20th, 2013 11:09 am

    Concerned message was easy for me to read and understand.. The main thing that was being stated was the police are not going to let someone working at the Town Hall be stalked unless of course it wasn’t reported.

  13. poohbear on March 20th, 2013 10:28 am

    Concerned, I agree with you that if she was being stalked since February at the Century Town Hall that it wouldn’t have lasted this long unless he only did it once

  14. Gigi on March 20th, 2013 9:32 am

    Concerned, your comments are so poorly written, they are barely understandable. I don’t know why you think that Suzanne is not telling the truth about being stalked. Were you there?

    Even if a perp has a mental illness, a woman has every right to be frightened if she is a target. In fact, we ALL have a right to be protected from this sort of person, even if they are sick.

  15. Stumpknocker on March 20th, 2013 9:19 am

    To Concerned,I guess him running around with a shotgun and ammo should not cause anyone to be alarmed or in fear for their safety or pointing the shotgun at Law Enforcement ,those actions speak for themselves.He is were he should be away from society.i understand about someone suffering from mental illness but as a society we should not wait until there are victims or multiple victims before action is taken.I tell you what Concerned since you feel so strongly for this young man why don’t you go to court with him and tell the Judge that you will take him into your home and become his full time caregiver 24/7 and assume all responsibility for any and all his actions.
    P.S. I will only post my comment once, I think the folks up here are smart enough to read it once and get it.

  16. renee on March 20th, 2013 8:58 am

    I believe this was something blown out to be something its not. Everyone in our town know’s That this guy takes care of two needy young brothers have some problems, This guy is the only care taker for his mom who we all know as Ms Brenda , she walks all the time, He also cares for mike and mattrew . What will happen to them now.I know Isaac acted out of fear when he was being chased. I hope and pray that he will get the help he needs , and Pray someone helps his mom and two brothers. and I’am glad to here the lady that was in fear is ok, God Bless.

  17. Concerned on March 20th, 2013 6:13 am

    Suzanne Bennett you are stating that he was stalking you, obviously not True,and if that were so it wouldn’t have went on this long,needless to say you are quick to get on here and say you hope he goes to jail for a long time…this young man has a mental illness that he is suffering from stop being so quick to assume someone is going to harm you or others#KNOW YOUR FACTS

  18. 429SCJ on March 20th, 2013 3:29 am

    He going to stalk the wrong person one day, down a dead end road into eternity.

  19. Suzanne Bennet on March 19th, 2013 8:38 pm

    He has been stalking me since last year even when I was at work @ Food Giant.
    There were witnesses & someone actually walked up & asked him to leave me alone. There was a report made. Maybe now he’ll go to jail & leave people alone.

  20. Worried Resident on March 19th, 2013 7:32 pm

    Glad you’re ok Tangela. Something has recently (within the last year) happened to this guy’s mind. I don’t know him personally, but I’ve been seeing him around, and he is acting strange. ESCO deputies, Thank you for not killing him. I’m glad the employee doesn’t have to be in fear.

  21. avalon on March 19th, 2013 3:34 pm

    good work ECSO deputies! Thanks to the clerk and the dispatcher for talking this guy down. Don’t know what this guy’s story is but at least he surrendered peacefully.