Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll Resigns Amid Gambling Racketeering Case

March 13, 2013

Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll has resigned the post amid a gambling investigation into a non-profit for which she once did consulting work, an official with the governor’s office said Wednesday.

Carroll, the first African-American woman to hold the post of lieutenant governor, represented a suburban Jacksonville district in the House before Gov. Rick Scott chose her as his running mate in 2010. She has weathered controversy in the office, but her resignation came as a surprise.

Carroll’s resignation followed the arrest on Tuesday on racketeering and money laundering charges of various people affiliated with Allied Veterans of the World, which runs Internet café establishments around the state. The industry says it allows people to partake in sweepstakes, but critics say the establishments are basically gaming parlors.

Carroll and her firm 3N and JC, served as a public relations consultant to the company in 2009 and 2010 while she was in the House, and Scott chief of staff Adam Hollingsworth said Carroll was interviewed by officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement about that work.

“Lt. Gov. Carroll resigned in an effort to keep her former affiliation with the company from distracting from the administration’s important work on behalf of Florida families,” Hollingsworth said in a statement. “She made the right decision for the state and her family.”

Scott hasn’t commented yet, though a spokeswoman said he would speak with the media later Wednesday. Officials from FDLE have scheduled a mid-afternoon news conference in Orlando on the Allied Veterans probe.

Carroll had filed legislation when she was in the House to codify what the Internet café industry could do, but withdrew it because of a possible conflict of interest with her work for Allied Veterans.

It wasn’t clear yet early Wednesday whether Scott planned to immediately name a replacement.

By The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll Resigns Amid Gambling Racketeering Case”

  1. bill on March 13th, 2013 1:41 pm

    Governor Flim Flam escaped from his crooked Medicare dealings from his former company by pleading the 5th seventy five times. Lt. Gov. Carroll has a long way to go before she comes close to anything like that but time will tell. If she starts taking the 5th when this thing comes to court, then we can say they were realy meant to be partners.

  2. patti on March 13th, 2013 12:55 pm

    well surprise surprse ! another scandelous govenor!obviously she has done wrong because a true honest govenor would hd their head up.high and say,let them.investigaye ive got nothing to hide ..but she is running so fast, it makes u contemplate if the road runner is a relative of hers beep beep!

  3. Lew Attardo on March 13th, 2013 11:57 am

    Jennifer Carroll is a bright, talented and progressive thinking lady. Did a lot as an advocate for Florida families, veterans, active military and small business during her service as a Member of the FL House. She was always available to discuss issues of concern and listen to new ideas. Some from here in NW FL may not be aware that Jennifer is highly decorated retired Navy Lieutenant Commander, who served her country with distinction. She has been a real asset to our state and our country. I am proud and fortunate to have had an opportunity to work with her. Very sad ad to see her leave her post at Lt. Gov.
    Lew Attardo

  4. c.w. on March 13th, 2013 10:21 am

    Now slick rick can teach her how to use the fifth to hide her crooked doing just like he did. Carroll worked for a crook and now she is one!

  5. SCOTT LASSITER on March 13th, 2013 9:29 am

    Maybe her boss is next.