37 Burglary Cases Solved: Walnut Hill Man, Two Others, Arrested

March 16, 2013

Three men — including one from Walnut Hill — have been arrested in connection with 37 burglary cases that stretched from Beulah to Cantonment to Pace.

Charles Dylan Williams, age 19 of Walnut Hill, Richard Kevin Craig, age 21 of Pensacola, and Kevin Randall Bell, age 26 of Pensacola, were each charged with multiple counts of burglary, larceny, vehicle theft and fraudulent use of credit cards.

The arrests were “due to good investigative work and also with the help of a very conscientious  local citizen”, according to Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan.

On January 25, a rash of burglaries were reported in the Indian Lakes subdivision in the Beulah area, including the theft of credit cards and a set of car keys. The suspects later returned to attempt to steal the vehicle. Deputies said they abandoned the vehicle when spotted, but a witness was able to give a good description of the trio.

Evidence against the men include surveillance video of the suspects and the vehicle as they used stolen credit cards at a Red Box video machine. Based on this information, investigators were able to locate the vehicle at a home in the 9000 block of Bridlewood Road.

During a search of the vehicle and home, the suspects confessed to multiple burglaries. According to the suspects they had been using the stolen credit cards for gas, fast food and  “Magic” gaming cards at Walmart.

As of Friday afternoon all three men remained in the Escambia County Jail. Bond was set at $292,500 for Craig,  $129,500 for Bell and $209,000 for Williams.


42 Responses to “37 Burglary Cases Solved: Walnut Hill Man, Two Others, Arrested”

  1. Jeanette Foster on March 23rd, 2013 12:38 pm

    me I will also love my son no matter what, that will NEVER change. To all others, until you walk a mile in my shoes you are just hypocrites. These guys no matter what sentece they get will be ok and still loves so I long for the day you have to bare the brunt on a loved one in trouble. enough said

  2. Jeanette Foster on March 23rd, 2013 10:22 am

    There are no saints walking this earth. There have been acquisations made that are totally unfounded and just not true and You know who I’m talking to. To manipulate someone does not make them manipulative but the victim of the power one holds on them. Coins, laptops, etc. does not make one innocent while pointing a finger at another as guilty. Like I said there are no saints walking this earth and all will have to answer one day for what they have done if only to a higher power.

  3. Me (: on March 20th, 2013 8:10 am

    I have known Ricky my whole life an its not like him to do anythin like this. He is my cousin an I will love him no matter what he does. He will always be my best friend.
    #freericky ♥ #freecharles ♥ #freekevin ♥

  4. Jeanette Foster on March 19th, 2013 3:48 pm

    This is mostly to mel. Are you a parent? if so Are you children perfect? There is no such thing as a perfect parent or child so you have a lot of nerve to say if parents would have raised them better. The holier than thou attitude is just wrong. As for all others, you are entitled to your opinions, all these guys did wrong and will answer for what they did, but not to you. Noone here is judge or jury, even though you act as such. Those in pain, it’s your right to feel, those that love it’s your right to feel. Those that hate, well go ahead and hate, one day you will find yourself in a judgemental situation and will see through others eyes. The Bible also says “judge thee not” so spew all you want, it means nothing

  5. MM on March 18th, 2013 8:30 am

    I wonder if they’re the ones who stole my TV and other stuff last year? It’s no fun after someone breaks into your house, steals TV off the wall, knocks computer over, goes through drawers, tears up door while you’re away working hard to pay for stuff like a normal person.

  6. Wow! on March 18th, 2013 5:00 am

    I like how people refer to them as “boys.” What world are you living on? These are adults. They knew what they were doing was bad. They knew 37 times so each should get at least 5 years. Whoever the mastermind is should get 10!


    Sad some of you family members and friends come here to defend and vouch for these criminals. I think we need to take a look into your involvement and see where your morals lie! Rationalizing their behavior and criminal enterprise? Wouldn’t be suprised to see your criminal history.

  7. Michelle on March 17th, 2013 11:06 pm

    To Pops: Thank you, I have full custody of our sons and my new husband loves them as his own. We moved to North Chicago partly to get away from Kevin and his instability. Our sons are 5 and 4 and they do not know of anything that is going on. I try to shelter them as much as possible. I honestly feel that Kevin was the ring leader. The other two boys are so much younger, and I know how violent and manipulative Kevin can be. I am very unsure of how I feel at the moment. I feel happy that he is off the street and hopefully getting the help he needs but then I feel a little sad that he is now never going to have a relationship with his boys.

    Oh and to Curious??? I know that kevin had a light blue 90s style nissan I think. Im not entirely sure if it is running or not. Im not sure about the other two as Ive only met Ricky once and never met the other one. Wish I could help more.

  8. Pops on March 17th, 2013 5:31 pm

    Kudos to Michelle for being grounded in reality.
    Hug those kids tight!

  9. Curious????? on March 17th, 2013 3:55 pm

    I’m curious if any of these boys drive or had access to a Green Dodge PU with a gray or silver bottom stripe. The one in the middle looks like a kid I caught snooping around my property with a “I was looking for yard work” excuse.

  10. Michelle on March 17th, 2013 1:56 pm

    Kevin is my ex husband. He was in the Marines when we were married and we have two little boys together. Kevin has been down a bad road for a very long time. He has stolen from family and friends, using everyone until they cannot take it anymore. I wish I could defend his actions and tell everyone a reason why he did this. He is bipolar but I don’t think any of that caused him to go out and break into peoples homes. As far as his parents go, his mother and father are wonderful. They have helped me and our boys out. They always go the extra mile to make sure the boys are taken care of. I know that I can depend on them. He has not seen the boys since July of last year and now he wont see them for a very long time. It is heart breaking but maybe this will help him and push him in the direction he needs to go.

  11. sadforeveryone on March 17th, 2013 10:41 am

    They have been charged with 37, however, it’s possible they’re were involved in more. I’d be willing to bet this was not the first offense for at least one of these grown men and that there were warning signs all along that were ignored. It’s our responsibility as parents to teach our children which includes teaching them to be choosy about their “friends”. Those you associate with…you become like.

  12. Jane on March 17th, 2013 7:10 am

    Good job LEOS! Good info and thanks to the unnamed citizens who gave the descriptions! We need concerned citizens and the Neighborhood watch groups to help catch the bad guys! (And yes, burglers ARE the bad guys!).

  13. nudo on March 16th, 2013 11:48 am

    Please refrain from calling what these criminals did as “mistakes”! A mistake is unintentional, and generally not repeated. Hope they get exactly what they deserve. Lucky for them they are alive.

  14. Echo on March 16th, 2013 11:04 am

    I don’t know any of these people. However, the last time I checked you are legally an adult when you turn age 18. This means all of your actions, decisions, and choices are yours and yours alone. It has nothing to do with your parents. Hopefully, they will receive the correct punishment for their actions. That’s the problem with our society. Everyone blames their problems and bad choices on someone else.

  15. huh on March 16th, 2013 10:03 am

    To glock 45 and the rest of you that seem eager to shoot someone we will br rrading about you one day im sure of it and not in a good way

  16. Glock 45 on March 16th, 2013 9:14 am

    They better be glad they didn’t break in my yard or house we would ve been reading about the 3 of them in the obituary not going to jail. Break in my house your going 6 feet under

  17. Unknown on March 16th, 2013 7:14 am

    Referring to “pops” we are not simply taking up for them, we are taking up for the families that are reading negative and hurtful comments about the way they raised their child ! Obviously they wouldn’t be in jail if they didn’t do anything, and that’s not the actions we are defending. These men are grown and out of the house, their actions are no longer their parents responsibility. They did the crime, they can do the time! Prayers for the families that were hurt, my heart goes out to you ! We are all still gods children. Prayers for Dylan and his wonderful mother and father, stay strong and look to god for strength.

  18. dwbauer on March 16th, 2013 6:59 am

    Start by not posting their bail. Let them sit there til trial. Tuff love is the best.
    Many people get out on bail and re offend immediately or end up dead.
    Parents leave them in jail.

  19. 429SCJ on March 16th, 2013 6:58 am

    Amen TC, B Diddy.

    It is not always the parents fault. I have seen kids taken to church every Sunday by their parents, family meals every evening with discussion, enrichment programs the works and the kids still turn out to be outlaws, but theft is intolerable. It is something unto it’s self. Disruptive to society and poisonous to ones character.

  20. dee from the b.p. on March 16th, 2013 6:07 am

    3 really decent kids, with good families, have probally landed themselves in prison for a very long time, so i fail to be flabbergqasted by anything these days. i cannot defend his actions, nor can he, or the rest of them. thugs? defintly not. stupid, childish, unconcerned and concious of how hurtful their action(s) would be to so many people, probally. his family has been fighting cancer, the loss of a very great man, financial losses. he himself has had to bounce around from friend to friend for a place to lay his head. none are excuses, when so many people care about him and wouldve helped. and you should NEVER take. people are having to fight so much to live, but i still know he is not a bad person. hes funny, smart, slightly obnoxious, but really not a bad kid,

  21. synda on March 16th, 2013 1:35 am

    Ive known Dylan for years he was accomplished this disappoints me

  22. chrstefl on March 16th, 2013 1:02 am

    Oh and one more thing. My earlier comment was only defending his parents. It was not intended in his defense. Our entire family is livid and hurt by his stupid, inconsiderate and down right pathetic actions. My heart goes out to the ones violated.

  23. chrstefl on March 16th, 2013 12:45 am

    Parents are always the first to blame when it comes to their childrens negative actions. I do not know Dillion or Keven but know Ricky very well. He is my nephew and he makes bad decisions. His parents are great parents. Ricky was not raised in a hostile, disfunctional environment. He was raised by both parents who did the best they could. He graduated high school. His parents were always there. Now they are very disappointed and hurt. Ricky is the one who made his own choices knowing very well what he was doing. We cant figure out why he has acted like this. His other siblings are nothing like this. We can only pray he will eventually turn around and NO, we will not be bailing him out because he needs to learn. So as for the ones quick to bash the parents, you are totally wrong. As parents we blame ourselves and wonder what we did, how we could of/would of/should of done differently. We raise them the best we can. Give them love, respect and hope they carry it with them when they grow and leave home.We have no control over their actions when they are grown. We can fuss and moan at them but do they really listen? You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. Bottom line…

  24. A Friend on March 15th, 2013 11:28 pm

    I do not know Dylan very well or Kevin, but I’ve known Ricky for years. After reading some of the other comments, I just wanna say he’s not a bad guy, but yes what he did was very wrong. It’s a sad situation, but this time in jail is probably what these boys need. Hopefully after a taste of that they’ll be better after it’s all over with. My prayers go out to all of the loved ones affected by this and to the victims. Learn from you’re mistakes!

  25. me on March 15th, 2013 10:18 pm

    What i am trying to say is two wrongs never make a right yes what they done is bad i am talking about thier family why say bashing remarks even if some of it may speak the truth in everyones eyes because your only hurting the family but all of you do what makes you feel better (thats part of the problem with society) as a mother myself i just know even when your kids are clearly wrong it hurts to hear people talk about them like they are trash and none of Gods children are trash so im not gonna try to explain any further if you dont understand compassion for the families involved then i will just pray for you becauae any of us can be brought down to our knees and one day you might be the one praying. And before you start on my comment let me make it clear when i said compassion its for the family these men are locked up they are not reading your remarks

  26. mick on March 15th, 2013 9:43 pm

    Sympathy for the families is one thing , but these three did not give one thought about their families when they were commiting these crimes, 37 burglaries that equates to 37 years in prison…divide that by three and 12 years per scumbag is getting off light…

  27. Pops on March 15th, 2013 9:22 pm

    It flabbergasts me to see so many people sticking up for these thugs.
    37 crimes is a racket. A conscience decision to keep on doing something past the first occurrence.
    They stole from families.
    Had I done something like this when I was their age; the last thing I’d be worried about is jail.
    I’d be worried about my Dad about to kick my tail all over the street.
    And if I find my kid doing anything like this; again, jail will be last thing she should be worried about.
    Stop sticking up for these thugs just because you know them
    Believe me, they have stolen from you too if they thought they could get away with it.
    Make them do real time. With “real” thugs.

  28. Scott on March 15th, 2013 9:21 pm

    People are only discussing the parents because the first poster brought them up. He seems more worried about them than the victims.

  29. victom on March 15th, 2013 9:00 pm

    Does any of these clowns drive a Ford Mustang! My son got a look at the getaway car for the clowns that broke into my house.

  30. B. Diddy on March 15th, 2013 8:52 pm

    Break into my home and it will be the last thing you do.

  31. dee from the b.p. on March 15th, 2013 8:45 pm

    Not sure I should comment, because I am torn. I know this kid well, and his family. All very good family. His mom and paw paw were a major role in our local little league sports team, always out to help people. I abhor stealing from other people, necause we all had to work so hard to just to keep our heads above water, and I know he has people who wouldve fed him, but I also know the loss of his grandpa, mr. Charles williams, took a hard hit on his heart, and i know the kid has good in him. This was stupid and selfish, and his family are already going through so very much and I admire their strength, and how amazing they are through everything, but im praying for you little buddy, and you have a friend in me always, I will help in anyway I can, please dont give up. U can and will make it. And please dont feel hateful towards all these people who dont have the pleasure of knowing the good person you are, and your family are. These are hard times and people are less forgiving. They are tired of bad people getting away with so much. They cant understand and sometimes its seems more easier not too.

  32. curious on March 15th, 2013 8:22 pm

    Right on tc, but it’s sad to say I could never actually catch the person/persons, it seemed like they were watching, but @ least the cops didn’t have to work a crime scene.

  33. Vance on March 15th, 2013 7:41 pm

    Absolutely need to see these guys in prison for a long time. There is to be no mistake in this, 37 crimes are the results of calculated decisions. These three may be good in your presence “me”, but they harmed many other people. Does your 1 experience of good with these boys outweigh 37 deeds of evil? No, it does not. If you are worried about how the parents and grandparents feel, spend time with them and help them deal with it. But understand this, they prayed upon hard working folks who did not deserve the actions of these miscreants. They should have looked to your God along time ago, not now. The bible speaks to the crime that they perpetrated in the 10 commandments, actually twice. #8 Thou shall not steal and #10 Thou shall not covet your neighbors house,……. or anything of your neighbors. If they had heeded the 10 commandments, they would not be in this position.

  34. Cnc on March 15th, 2013 7:36 pm

    The problem with the opinion ” not brought up right as a child” is very mistaken. Being that craig is my cousin i know for a fact that his mother tried at the best her ability to raise a good child. No she was not a perfect mother but she tried. She couldnt have known that her son was going to do this. If u are a mother u should know once children are of the age of 18 their wrong doing is no longer in your control. As for the other two I can not say, but before u start talking about how they were raised I suggest that you get all of your information together before you judge ones parenthood. I’m sure that if your child was to get into trouble you would not want people to judge you for your parenting, if you know that you did all you could. You can raise your children in the perfect way and they will still make mistakes, that DOES NOT mean that those mistakes should be blamed on the parents….

  35. Heather on March 15th, 2013 7:30 pm

    I have Known Dylan a VERY long time!!I grew up livin right next door and I hate to hear this…His parents are very good people and raised him right but just because you raise a child right doesnt mean they will NEVER do somethin bad.People need to be kind and watch what you say about these boys…What if it was your kids ?Would you wanna read nasty comments about them?I think Not…

  36. Judy on March 15th, 2013 7:13 pm

    Having had my house broke into twice many years ago, I am glad these guys are off the streets. I well remember the feeling of being violated after coming home and finding my front door kicked in and then again 8 weeks later. It made me not want to stay in my own home. The guys that broke into my house were never arrested because they would run to Alabama and stay till it died down. Feel sorry for the victims.

  37. Unknown on March 15th, 2013 7:07 pm

    To the people making rude and unnessisary comments…..yes these boys did make mistakes an they cannot be undone, yes they have done wrong ! Their actions does not come from the way they are raised after they are gone and moved from home. Dylan has been very well raised, and not taught to make actions such as these. It is the people these young boys have chosen to hangout with and make terrible choices. Now until it is your family member I suggest you not be quick to judge. May god bless you no matter your judgement ! Remember NOONE is perfect, as you should already know that. Thank you !:)

  38. Ben Thar on March 15th, 2013 6:35 pm

    I agree, there is NEVER no need in causing intentional emotional pain to anyone.

    Kind of like the pain you feel when you come home with a young child to find your door has been pried open and someone has been tracking through your house tearing your things up. Like when you discover your property that has been passed down from generation to generation is simply gone forever, and you’ll never be able to pass it along to your own child.

    Yes, that kind of emotional pain you feel when you try to assure your child that the people who broke into your house probably won’t be coming back and harming them.

    How about the parents and grandparents feel a little pain because the scum they helped raise are out there harming innocent people, and you’re suddenly invoking God to protect them?

  39. mel on March 15th, 2013 6:19 pm

    This comment is in response to “me’s” comment. You said there is never a need to cause intentional emotional pain to anyone. Well what do you think these THUGS did? They intentionally stole from hard working people. These victims now have to figure out how to live their lives without being fearful of someone doing the same thing to them again. They could be held financially responsible for the debt incurred by these THUGS. And maybe if they had been raised better this wouldnt have happened. Why would anyone care about how they feel? I do feel sorry for their families, however, if they were taught right from wrong in childhood this might not have happened. So, if anyone has caused emotional pain, its the criminals.

  40. tc on March 15th, 2013 5:22 pm

    Glad these theifs are off the street.. Be glad you guys didnt come in my yard ! i

  41. Pops on March 15th, 2013 5:06 pm

    ” no need in causing intentional emotional pain to anyone.”
    Maybe they should have thought about that before committing 37 burglaries.
    Not one or two that could be considered youthful mistakes. 37!
    That, my friends, is what you call a criminal enterprise.
    I feel nothing for these fellas.

  42. me on March 15th, 2013 4:17 pm

    I will pray for you Dylan and the other two boys also. I have known Dylan for a long time his family are good people and I am sure they are disappointed and hurt so i would like to say this to shall pass and I know it will be a rough road but keep your chin up look to God and learn from this. And I would like to ask all that are going to comment please be kind for these are emotional times for parents and grandparents. And there is NEVER no need in causing intentional emotional pain to anyone.