Tate High Mourns Loss Of Longtime Teacher Michael Varner

February 9, 2013

The Tate High School family is mourning the loss of a longtime teacher.  Michael D. Varner, 59, passed away after a battle with brain cancer.

“Mr. Varner” was an exceptional teacher and received many accolades including Who’s Who Among Teachers, Florida Biology Teacher of the Year and Escambia County Teacher of the Year. A humble man, he would say he only wanted to help his students become the best they could be. He taught anatomy and physiology for 11 years, botany for 10 years, and biology for 35 years at Tate High, and was an adjunct professor at Pensacola State College for 10 years.

“Mr. Varner is a top-notch teacher and a dedicated public servant. He goes above and beyond the call of duty to serve his students, utilizing real-world techniques to teach them concepts beyond the classroom,” Congressman Jeff Miller said as he recognized Varner on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives as Escambia County Teacher of the Year. “He is a dedicated teacher, an inspiration to his students, and an honorable public servant.”

Additionally during his career, he coached soccer, sponsored Student Government, both the sophomore and senior classes, and Exchange Club. He also taught classes at the Florida Institute of Ultrasound. His teaching extended to church activities as well — teaching Sunday School and assisting with Youth Ministry for nearly 20 years. He was also involved with the Pensacola Civic Band and the Boy Scouts of America.

He is survived by his devoted wife of 33 years, Kathleen (Wogan) Varner; his sons, Jason (Kelly) of Orlando and Brian (Jessica); and numerous other relatives and thousands of colleagues, friends and former students who loved him.

Visitation will be held at Faith Chapel North Funeral Home on Monday, February 11 from 5-7 p.m. The memorial service, officiated by the Rev. Michael Schulenburg, will be on Saturday, February 16, 1 p.m. at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 7979 North 9th Ave. in Pensacola. A private internment will take place at a later date.

For the complete obituary, click here.


39 Responses to “Tate High Mourns Loss Of Longtime Teacher Michael Varner”

  1. Julien Boyance on January 25th, 2022 6:34 pm

    I transferred to Tate from Escambia High. I lived in what was then called the 90 & 9 Boy’s Ranch. Mr. Varner made sure I assimilated into my school and was one of the reasons I graduated.

  2. Greg McGahan on February 11th, 2013 12:18 pm

    Mr. Varner was one of, if not the kindest teacher I have ever known. I enjoyed his class in 1983 and I remember that it seemed that everyone liked him .
    A great man and a great teacher. What a legacy to leave your children and loved ones.

  3. Heather Hildman c/o '93 on February 11th, 2013 10:04 am

    I was privileged to have him as a teacher at Tate and PJC. He will be missed. RIP.

  4. Angie Powell Monachino on February 11th, 2013 9:00 am

    I had Mr. Varner for Biology at Tate. All the comments I have been reading about him, are so true. He was the nicest teacher I ever had. He inspired you to learn and do well. He made each student feel valuable. That was the reason I joined the Exchange Club of which he was sponsor – you just gravitate to a teacher like that. I graduated in 1980, and I have forgotten many teachers, but Mr. Varner is one I will never forget.

  5. Terri Nall Parish on February 11th, 2013 5:39 am

    I know two special little boys will be greeting him at the gates with Jesus. I know I will see him again soon too. What a special, dearly loved man. He surely will be missed down here in this blink of time on Earth. What a wealthy man he was. Rich in love for his fellow man.

  6. Rachael on February 11th, 2013 1:11 am

    I had Mr. Varner in tenth grade for biology and again in eleventh grade for biology and botany on a higher level. He was always willing to help out in any way he could. I remember one we had a project we had to do on animals. I and my lab partner Lydia chose to do ours on bats. We had yo make a board game based upon bats and their abilities. I know it’s weird but I still have the board sitting in my room. It’s huge and clunky and takes up slot of space but it carries many good memories with it. Another one of our projects was extracting banana DNA which at the time I thought he was joking. I had no idea bananas had DNA but sure enough they do and we did it. I still have a little tube of the stringy stuff sitting on my shelf. I have so many wonderful memories from high school that involve this amazing man. I know I’m not the only one, he will be missed by a great deal of people, of that I am certain. Rest in peace Mr. Varner. We miss you

  7. Josh Mason C/O 1997 on February 10th, 2013 10:23 pm

    Tate High School enjoys a rich history and many legacies; none, I’d argue, as significant as the contributions of Mr. Varner. Inexplicably, he has changed countless lives in our area. To the Varner Family: thank you for sharing with tens of thousands of people, Mike Varner. He was a kind and honorable man who effected positive change in a way the many can only dream. May God give you all peace, knowing the immeasurable contributions of this uniquely talented and compassionate man.

  8. Kimberly on February 10th, 2013 9:27 pm

    I also had Mr Varner for Biology. However, my Mom had to take me out of his class and put me elsewhere. :o ) Yes, I was one of the “many” that had a mad crush on him.. He offered to help me b/f my Mom changed my class and even afterwards, but I had never met anyone like him before and I didn’t understand that kind of compassion. I wish a million times that I’d made different choices. But I still find myself fortunate just having known him and knowing that he cared.
    I would like to make a difference in one persons life before my time is over. Mr Varner has made a difference in the lives of countless people. I am sure his family are proud and I am positive that our Lord in Heaven is as well. Rest in Peace, Sir and keep singing your happy songs. Prayers to the Varner family and friends, may the Lord ease your pain in the days ahead. God Bless each one of you~

  9. Tonya Shiffner Peele on February 10th, 2013 4:13 pm

    So Sorry To Hear Bout The Loss Of Mr.Varner…I Had Him As A Teacher When I Attended Tate.He Was Such A Good Man And Teacher…He Loved Each And Everyone Of His Students.He Always Took Out The Time To Help U If U Needed It.U Will Be Greatly Missed By Each And Everyone.His Family R In My Thoughts And Prayers…Rip Mr.Varner Gone But Not Forgotten…

  10. Steven Charles Ausberto Hahn on February 10th, 2013 10:08 am

    I cant beleive that this is true, Mr. V was the nicest, most caring teacher i have ever had. He beleived in everyone as if they were destined for greatness. His willingness to give everything he had into teaching was insperational. This man understood that you need patience, kindness, and honesty to make students actually strive to do better in his class, to want to improve on their weak points and excell on their strong ones. Him being exceptional guitarist is the best memory i have of him, I remember i was going through tough times and he sang us cats in the cradle in class one day “one of my all time favorite songs” and it just made me realize that even when im at rock bottom there is always a future but we are not always quite sure what it is. This man was and will always be remembred to me as the Greatest teacher and mentor i have ever met. R.I.P Mr. Varner i know your looking down at us and i know your in peace wish us luck and guide us through our struggles, as you did when you were still with us.

  11. Gus Uebelsteadt on February 10th, 2013 9:36 am

    I never had the privilege of having Mr. Varner for a teacher and experiencing the many wonderful memories mentioned in these comments. I did though get the chance to see him at a couple of reunions and I tell you the man never aged. He looked just like he did in high school 35 years later. During our time at Tate we nicknamed him McCloud because he looked like the actor Dennis Weaver all the way down to his boots. Mr. Varner would just laugh and tell us we were crazy.

    It’s good to know he was a man of faith. During these trying times God will see his family through now and in the days to come. We will lift up your family in prayer.

  12. Paula Houk Brown on February 10th, 2013 1:26 am

    I had Mr. Varner for class and homeroom. He was an awesome teacher. I was also in the Exchange Club (class of 79). I remember when he ordered our jackets/tshirts…they said, Exchange Tate instead of Tate Exchange. We all got a good laugh. Both he and his wife were great inspirational teachers. Prayers for his family and God Bless!

  13. Kristina Harris on February 9th, 2013 11:17 pm

    I am grateful to say that I have had the privilege of having Mr. Varner as a teacher @ Tate. He always knew how to make class interesting, & never left a student falling behind. Mr. Varner was a man who truly lived up to his word & beliefs. He will be greatly missed.

  14. Kelly on February 9th, 2013 9:52 pm

    Prayers to the Varner family during this most difficult time. Looking back at my high school days, I have so many great memories of both Mr. and Mrs. Varner. I had the privilege of having Mrs. Varner for English and Mr. Varner for both Biology and SEB. He truly loved teaching and this was reflected every single day in his generous smile. He treated each student with respect and truly cared about every one of us. May the family feel the love of all of those that were so blessed to have known Mr. Varner.

  15. Jennifer on February 9th, 2013 9:46 pm

    I never got to meet him personally but many of my fellow classmates had his class and spoke so highly of him im sorry to never of gotten that chance. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone hes touched and may god comfort y’all.

  16. Misty mosley on February 9th, 2013 9:44 pm

    He will be miss

  17. Jennifer Anderson on February 9th, 2013 8:53 pm

    I remember him so fondly. He was such a great teacher and leader. My prayers are with his family. He has touched so many lives.

  18. Melissa on February 9th, 2013 7:56 pm

    I haven’t been back to Pensacola in 13 years or back to Tate since 1993. Everytime I think of high school I remember Mr Varner first. I had him for Biology and Anatomy. I had him for another class that was purely research for the science fair. Then my senior year I was bummed and was telling him I couldn’t imagine not having him as a teacher my final year. He picked me as his teacher’s aide that year. We didn’t talk as much that year but I would sit in his office grading papers and listening to him teach the same classes I’d heard my freshman year. He was always so excited about the subject matter. I learned so much in those four years mostly about family. I heard ‘Cat’s in the cradle’ so many times but never heard the words until he sang it. I hear it all the time in my head when I’m working late. I always chuckle and say “ok ok Mr Varner, I’m headed home!”. I wish I had kept in touch just so I could have told him thank you for being the best teacher ever to so many of us.

  19. Lauren on February 9th, 2013 6:34 pm

    Also wanted to comment to Brian Robertson honey that was the Crimson and Grey new paper not Scarlet guess u forgot in your old age Brian lol. Also the teacher her performed cpr on was Mrs. McDowell she had a heart attack one day at school during class

  20. Lauren on February 9th, 2013 6:32 pm

    As a member of the class of 79 at Tate High I remember Mr.Varner well he was our sponsor for the Exchange Club of which I was a member. He was a wonderful teacher and all the girls had a crush on him because he was so good looking. I also remember his wife as she was my English teacher in 10th grade and was known as Miss Wogan who became Mrs. Varner. May the peace of God be with his wife and children at this very hard time in their lives.

  21. Thomas Hagren on February 9th, 2013 6:19 pm

    Mr. Varner was always one to speak in the hallway, always happy and smiling, I dont recall in 4 years every seeing him unhappy. We have lost one of our finest educators in Florida, and he will be sorely missed, but forever remembered in the minds of those he taught over his long and successful career….

  22. Tom Drake on February 9th, 2013 5:52 pm

    Coach Varner was my soccer coach at Tate. He will be forever known as my coach and a great man.

  23. Brian Robertson on February 9th, 2013 5:48 pm

    Mr. Varner was my biology teacher as well as the sponsor of the Exchange Club in which I was an officer. I was terrible in biology, but he was patient and I am pretty sure I actually remember what the whole point really was. I was a geeky kid who needed to find a place to belong and in Exchange Club, Mr. Varner helped me find that place — not by the obvious ways of sitting me down and “telling” me to be confident, but in treating me in a way that made be believe I WAS confident, capable, needed and important.
    I remember when he and Kathy (later, Mrs. Varner) were dating. I was the editor of the Scarlet & Grey school newspaper. I was able to watch and see the quality with which he was building a relationship — no, they didn’t know we were watching this either — it didn’t matter — they were quality people, not just a show for the students. You can’t fake REAL!
    Thank you for the influence that has impacted to this day as a man, a husband, a father, a pastor and a continuing learner!!! Your life was a blessing with long-reaching consequences!

  24. Brittany on February 9th, 2013 5:21 pm

    Mr. Varner was such an amazing man. He not only inspired me inside the classroom but out as well. He always had such a positive outlook on life. He was either teaching biology or singing. I remember one time we all had to go in the hallway for several hours due to weather or something along those lines. Fortunately for me I was in (I believe it was called) the Lipscomb building, so for the next several hours we jammed out to classic rock songs. It was one of my favorite memories of him the hallways filled with “cats in the cradle and the silver spoon” ! May he rest in peace with out Father in heaven.

  25. Tasha Scott on February 9th, 2013 2:42 pm

    I can still remember when Mr. Varner played the guitar for us. He was always such a kind and sweet spirit. My prayers are with his family. I know he is in heaven playing with the angels. RIP Mr. Varner.

  26. Sharon (Roberts) Westergreen on February 9th, 2013 1:48 pm

    As a young lady, I thought I would never get over my crush on my middle school basketball coach. Until Mr. Varner’s first day at Tate…. :) I sit here 35 years later, still marveling at the fact that I never actually had one of his classes, yet he knew me! He spoke to me as I passed in the hall, commented to me about the sports and activities I was in, chatted with me outside Mr. George’s room and Ms. Creighton’s room, and laughed heartily when Keith R. and I caused several small explosions in Mr. George’s chemistry class one day (which Mr. Varner heard through the wall). His genuine care for the students at Tate was apparent and constant. When my sister followed me to Tate some 9 years later, I was an adult – and when I saw him, he recognized me immediately and treated me like an adult. And he still gave off a palpable love for his school and his students! I can’t say he was the best teacher I ever had, because I did not attend his classes. But he was clearly THE exemplary teacher: a caring leader, nurturer, counselor, and educator. He was pure of heart and full of love. His legacy will live on at Tate and in her students. We were blessed to have Mr. Varner, and Mrs. Varner, as examples for us during those turbulent years between childhood and adulthood. My family – both close and extended through Tate – mourns his passing from us. May the Lord give peace to Mr. Varner’s closest friends and family. You are not alone.

  27. Charles Armstrong on February 9th, 2013 1:31 pm

    My prayers goes out to Mike’s family. Mike was a very special person, teacher, & friend. I had the privilege of working on the same staff with him and also having my daughter Alison as one of his students and having his son Brian in my weightlifting class. Thank You Mike for being a friend.

  28. Amber Barrows on February 9th, 2013 12:50 pm

    Mr. Varner was a symbol of my memories at Tate High. He taught my sister 8 years before teaching myself and yet he knew my name automatically when I entered his classroom for the first time.

    He was the smartest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing ( even taking into consideration I’m a full-time college student now). He just had a way of teachiing his students to make them understand and even develop a love for the subject he taught. I never thought I would enjoy Biology, but that class created many memories for me, and taught me more in just that one class, than any other I’ve ever taken.

    Mr. Varner will be missed, and I hope he had a chance to publish his “hand sign” book – consisting of his own language he used with his hands to teach all of us visually.

  29. Jennifer Modin on February 9th, 2013 11:36 am

    I was a student of Mr. Varner in the early ’80’s at Tate. He and his with were expecting twins. Their loss was heart retching for all of us to watch during that time. I was always amazed at his strength to push on forward with life.
    He was an awesome teacher and always did his best to connect the subject of the lesson to every practical use so we could understand it better. I was blessed to have such a caring teacher.
    I pray for his family and loved ones that God will ease their hearts ~
    I’m so sorry for their loss ~
    Peace be with you all ~ Jennifer

  30. Risa Hawkins on February 9th, 2013 11:03 am

    I had Mr. Varner for Biology in 1977-1978. Some 30 years later my oldest daughter was a cheerleader at Pace and we had a game at Tate. Mr. V was taking the money at the gate. He looked at me for just a few seconds and called me by name. I think that is one of many examples of his dedication and devotion to his students. Teachers now days should use his career as their example, we could use more like him. God be with his loved ones at this time.

  31. Kelly Verge on February 9th, 2013 9:49 am

    Mr. Varner was, by far, my most inspirational teacher.

    I’d been a mostly “A” student with an occasional “B,” but had never really had to work at it. My first “C” was from Mr. Varner – mostly due to a poor grade on a term paper. I knew my paper was as good as others that he’d given higher grades to, but when I asked him about it, Mr. Varner said, “I expect more from you – you didn’t put enough effort into it.” He pushed and challenged me like no other teacher I’d had, yet was still always kind and encouraging.

    I’ve only run into Mr. Varner a couple of times in the 30 years since I graduated, and both times he remembered me – a student of one year in 1980.

    I can only imagine how many lives he has touched through the years since then. He was a GREAT teacher.

  32. Heather on February 9th, 2013 9:34 am

    I never had the opportunity to have him as a teacher, but he was the best senior sponsor! Some of my best senior memories include Mr. Varner. One of my favorites was listening to him sing “Cat’s In The Cradle”! He will definitely be missed!

  33. JSCS on February 9th, 2013 9:16 am

    Mr. Varner was truly an inspiration to many he came in contact with over the years.

    Our prayers go out to the family and many friends. May they be comforted by knowing he is with the Lord and singing with the angels.

  34. Donna Stanfill Cole on February 9th, 2013 8:55 am

    Mr. Varner was the greatest! I remember him from years back when I first started going to Tate. At the time I did not want to be there. He changed my views and thoughts about a lot of things. He was just starting out as a teacher and did a terrific job. Everyone loved him. Prayers going out to his family. He touched so many people.

  35. Tabatha on February 9th, 2013 7:58 am

    Mr. Varner lived his faith. As one of his former students, it was clear to see his love for God and others. His life impacted many for the Gospel, that is our highest calling. Well done Mr. Varner!

  36. Bro Larry on February 9th, 2013 7:42 am

    Our hearts to go out to this family and many prayers for you all. My daughter was greatly influenced by Mr. Varner at Tate. An encourager and great friend. It will be hard to share with her this news. May the lord bring the family the strength and courage you need in the days ahead.

  37. Susan Huff on February 9th, 2013 7:27 am

    wWe will always remeber Mr. Varner because
    he woke up the dreams and standards in my daughter, Amanda. She looked up and ready to go to school and got involved after we had to move back here in her 11th grade. She had to make new friends and he was one fo the first ones! Our prayers and thoughts are with your family. Mr.,Varner has left a legacy of nd learning..

  38. ET on February 9th, 2013 7:20 am

    I never had the pleasure of having Mr. Varner as a teacher, and yet I felt like I knew him well. He communicated to me through the words of one song, “Cats in the Cradle”. He would often play guitar and sing his song at various student assemblies, The words were indelibly inscribed upon my heart, and I try to let them motivate me each day with my own children. Thank you for affecting the lives of so many, even in seemingly unknown small ways.

  39. AL on February 9th, 2013 4:41 am

    This news breaks my heart. Mr. Varner was a literal lifesaver. CPR on my 10th grade English teacher and wise counsel on my “ready to call it quits” 12th grade abused heart. Much love, many prayers for his immediate and vast extended family.