Reduced Price Spay, Neutering Offered For Escambia Pet Owners

February 1, 2013

In celebration of the 19th annual “World Spay Day,” qualifying Escambia County residents can receive assistance for low cost spay and neuter services during the month of February. In collaboration with Concerned Citizens for Animal Welfare, Escambia County Animal Services will spay or neuter pets for half price for the first 100 eligible citizens.

While they will have the entire month of February to take advantage of the program, pet owners are encouraged to apply early. There will also be a drawing for those participating to win pet gift baskets with treats and toys for either dogs or cats valued at $75.

Concerned Citizens for Animal Welfare, led by President Dorothy Kaser, has sponsored “World Spay Day” for the past 19 years at the shelter, as well as providing educational materials.

“We are excited to be working with such committed partners who encourage responsible pet ownership,” said Shelter Manager Delfi Messinger. “World Spay Day is a great way to engage the community in reducing the overpopulation of unwanted pets.”

To schedule the surgery, residents must verify that their household income qualifies them and bring in the pet for a brief exam. Rabies vaccinations and county licenses are also available to residents who qualify for the low cost program. The shelter is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. for visits, questions and to check eligibility for the program.

For additional information, visit the shelter at 200 West Fairfield Drive, call the shelter at (850) 595-3075, or visit


4 Responses to “Reduced Price Spay, Neutering Offered For Escambia Pet Owners”

  1. Armymajorswife on February 1st, 2013 1:38 pm

    It is very expensive to own a pet. The cost of pet healthcare rivals that of humans at times. I do believe males are a little cheaper than females when it comes to spay/neuter. Also, be careful because sometimes there are optional things added in with the vet, like pre-op blood work etc… I have always opted out of those things.
    There are other options like “Jury Duty” if you are caring for feral cats, and the animal protection league offers a no interest loan if you are willing to pay it back… There are options.

  2. Sick of It on February 1st, 2013 12:04 pm

    Was told that I did not qualify because I wasnt on government assistance (welfare)

  3. Babs13 on February 1st, 2013 9:45 am

    Amen, Mary. With all the problems of too many puppies and kittens, it should be low cost. Last year I had my daughters 3 cats vaccinated and spayed and it was $115.00 for each. The problem is never going to go away because even if you have good intentions, it takes awhile to get money together for your animal when you have a family and other expenses. You income shouldn’t matter.

  4. mary on February 1st, 2013 8:33 am

    It really shouldnt matter how much $$ you make The price for is high for something all animals should have done. I have my female dog fixed but have 3 male dogs that NEED to be fixed & just cant afford it & I know I am not in the low income bracket! I am putting my last kid thru just freaking High School & that is where the $$$ goes!