Monsanto Fund Donates $5,000 To FFA At Tate And Northview

February 20, 2013

The Monsanto Fund presented a total of $5,000 in donations to the Northview and Tate High School FFA organizations Tuesday.

The America’s Farmers Grow Communities program, which launched in 2010, allows farmers to enter to win a $2,500 donation for their favorite community nonprofit organization, such as 4-H, FFA, schools, fire departments and other civic groups. One winner will be selected in each of 1,271 eligible counties in 39 states.

Gary Purvis of Sugarfoot Farms of Bratt, the Escambia County winner, chose the Northview High School FFA to receive a $2,500 donation.

To further support counties that have been declared disaster areas by the USDA due to drought, winning farmers in these counties can choose where to direct an additional $2,500 donation based on community needs that surfaced because of the drought. That additional donation was awarded to the Tate High School FFA.

The Northview FFA Chapter plans to put the donation towards student conference fees. Remaining funds will be used to upgrade the livestock facilities.

The J.M. Tate High School will use the donation to improve its garden beds and will also put some of the funding towards upgrading livestock facilities.

“These are both great organizations that help our community and youth,” said Purvis.

The awards were presented Tuesday morning during a FFA breakfast at Northview High School.

Pictured top: A $2,500 donation from Monsanto was presented to the Northview High School FFA Tuesday morning. Pictured below: An additional $2,500 donation was presented to the Tate High School FFA. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Monsanto Fund Donates $5,000 To FFA At Tate And Northview”

  1. Just a thought on February 20th, 2013 11:38 pm

    Thanks Gary,for picking Northview & Tate FFA to receive the donations. These are two fine programs with positive influences for the students.