Healthier Schools Donate French Fries To Non-Profits

February 18, 2013

The Escambia County School Board has  voted to donate 138 cases of shoestring French fries to three area non-profits.  In a push for healthier eating, the county’s school cafeterias are no longer frying foods, making the french fries unusable to to the school district.

The surplus frozen fries, valued at $2,310.12 were donated to the Escambia County Waterfront Rescue Mission, the Escambia County Salvation Army and Manna Food Pantries.


9 Responses to “Healthier Schools Donate French Fries To Non-Profits”

  1. Sarah Owen on February 19th, 2013 7:29 am

    I worked for Food Service for 26 years, retired in July. Escambia School District was always good to me and I am thankful for the opportunity to service the children of the district. I have always said nutrition must start at home and there is not a “bad” food, but the quantity eaten. Because both parents work and seem to think children need to be overly involved there is little time for cooking, hence fast food, high fat foods are more filling, so lower income people do the best they can. I do think we should as a district help families provide better choices for our children. Just as church is a support system to what parents teach at home, we should do the same. Having said all this, I am very disappointed in the district for the direction they have taken with Food Services, we have never thrown or given away food. In the past we have made gradual changes and incorporated all foods. The changes this year was made with no regard to our budget, staff or students. I believe we was given a longer time frame to become compliant with USDA regulations, it was not necessary to put our budget, staff and students through what has happen this year. I still believe in school food lunches, while we can’t satisfy all student’s taste buds, I believe we provide good lunches with enough choices, that all students can find something they can enjoy. My pray, for our district is we all work together and try to give encouraging words when possible, you never know who’s life, adult/student, you might change.

  2. curious on February 18th, 2013 11:32 pm

    One more thing is my 14 yr old doesn’t have a cell ph. yet to be glued to her ears or fingers, she uses ours when she needs one.

  3. curious on February 18th, 2013 11:26 pm

    I agree with several & disagree, my kids are not throwing their food away, must be either me fixing different stuff anyway or what is available they bettr eat because they know if they don’t they won’t get anything else, until they get home even if lunchroom food does taste nasty sometimes. No they don’t like some vegatables but I also don’t make them eat what I wouldn’t eat myself, but they don’t buy my groceries either. They eat what I buy & it’s not soft drinks they drink every day with they’re meals either, they drink ice water out of door of fridge., I’m not saying they don’t ever get them just occasionally, & they also get plenty of exercise & they’re not fat & don’t lay around, my 12 yr old still rides a bicycle.

  4. luvdljr on February 18th, 2013 7:04 pm

    Could the school district have used these before removing the fryers? I hate to see over $2000 of my tax dollars donated. Yes, at least it went to assist a shelter. However, isn’t enough tax dollars donated/wasted on a daily basis?

    My child pays full price for his lunch. If he does not like what is offered, he brings his lunch. With the new program, the children a throwing away more food now than in the past.

  5. Jen on February 18th, 2013 6:07 pm

    Amen ngd!

  6. ngd on February 18th, 2013 3:41 pm

    First of all, if you start your child out eating right, then they would eat what the lunchroom had to offer…Quit letting your child dictate what is for dinner…

  7. Jen on February 18th, 2013 1:19 pm

    I work in a kitchen in the north end. And (parent), turkey wraps are offered a couple times a week, along with two other choices. We’ve tried baking shoestring fries, and they were not good. If all your children will eat are French fries, it’s because that’s what you buy, or fry for them. The school lunch program is a great thing! Our students are happy with our meals, and having three entrees to choose from. If you feel your child is being shorted on his/her calorie intake, by all means, send them a lunch!

  8. responsible parent on February 18th, 2013 9:32 am

    The health of a child is the responsibility of the parents, not the school board or government. This is the kind of mentality that pushes our country into the direction its headed. If you and/or your children dont like what the school has to offer, send your children with a healthy lunch from home.

  9. parent on February 18th, 2013 6:18 am

    The children get turkey wraps ever other day on the northend elementary school. I know the lunch room has to go by the district wide meal plan and it is not their fault.What about the children that is under weight? What about the children that need to gain weight? Those fries could have been baked. Does the bake beans with sugar have less fat than fries? What about the corn? Starch turns to sugar. Hope they do not take this away It is one of the few things my children will eat.