Florida Sheriffs Promise To Protect Second Amendment Rights

February 9, 2013

Amidst calls for stricter gun control laws, the Florida Sheriff’s Association is speaking out in favor of gun rights.

At their recent conference in Destin, the Florida Sheriff’s Association passed a resolution that promises to prevent any infringement on Second Amendment rights to bear arms.

“Florida Sheriffs have continually supported the rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States, including the right to bear arms, and Florida Sheriffs affirm they will not assist, support or condone any unconstitutional infringement of that right,” the proclamation states.

To read the entire proclamation from the Florida Sheriff’s Association, click here.


20 Responses to “Florida Sheriffs Promise To Protect Second Amendment Rights”

  1. CP in HS on February 20th, 2013 9:11 am

    There are 350 Million people who live in the U.S. 47% of them have guns. Now lets be realistic and enact some simple logic that apparently many people don’t have. Law Enforcement is short handed nationwide. In some communities, cops are laid off almost daily because communities, counties, municipalities cannot afford to pay them.

    I can’t believe people really think that in, say, Pinellas County Florida, where the population is 928,000 and growing daily (not including seasonal rentals) and 600 square miles. Deputies are one day, out of the clear blue sky, going to go door to door and ask people to surrender their guns. What happens if I say “I don’t have any.” What happens if I’m at work? What happens if I don’t answer the door? Legally, they can’t just walk in and search my home, so I guess we’ll just bog down the legal system with Search Warrant requests. Ok, you’re thinking “They’ll just do as they please because they’re Liberals trying to take my guns!” If the world suddenly becomes a 3rd World Country, and laws go out the window, and we no longer have Police Protection of any sort, and suddenly every Deputy in the State of Florida becomes a “Liberal” wanting to strip you of your protective device, do you really want to live in such a world?

    Bottom line is……I heard this same crap 4 years ago about this same President, and here we are almost 4 1/2 years later and I still own a gun that no one has come to take from me. People, get a reality check and stop listening to crazy talk. Use the brain God gave you.

    Someone above was right. Law Enforcement agencies rely on Federal Grant money to pay for many functions that YOU benefit from daily. If your law enforcement agency wants to reduce manpower, they’ll not take anymore Federal money. If your agency wants to no longer purchase new equipment like guns and computers, your agency will stop applying for Federal Grants. Many agencies hire people specifically to write those Grants to get that money so they may protect you better. If you no longer want those services and you REALLY want your Law Enforcement agency to fight against the Federal Government, ask your Sheriff to Stop Applying for Federal Grants. Sure, some Deputies will be laid off, and they won’t be able to purchase any more guns as they won’t have the funds to do so, but they also won’t be talking out of both sides of their mouth.

    Ya Can’t have it both ways.

  2. Justin Hall on February 11th, 2013 5:59 pm

    Regarding that most people would not be willing to kill a law enforcement officer if they are collecting personal weapons.

    My father is an officer and he nor many other officers in Escambia County would stoop to collecting personal firearms. Most of them believe it to be a true violation of the constitution and the beginning of socialism.

    Most people would not be willing to kill a law enforcement officer. However, most Escambia deputies would agree, any “officer” collecting guns is not a law enforcement officer but a traitor and deserves to be shot on the spot.

    Anyone that fails to eliminate this threat of democracy is not living up to the spirit of the Decleration of Independence (and in turn the spirit of America) which states, “[W]henever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute a new government… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, the throw off such Government and provide new guards for their future security.”

    This is just my opinion and the opinion of many deputies. Please excuse any misspellings or grammar mistakes as I did this from my phone.

  3. Bob hudsun on February 11th, 2013 8:48 am

    Well stated David, and very very true.

  4. 429SCJ on February 11th, 2013 6:24 am

    Foresight and planning is the key. I have been considering this problem since 1989.

    People need to have a plan to hide weapons and munitions, in the event the constitution is overthrown. The government cannot take that which they cannot detect or locate. Remember to have a bone to give them, so they will leave your property satisfied and move on to the next name and address on their list.

    The mind and it’s creativity is a very powerful weapon.

  5. David Huie Green on February 11th, 2013 5:40 am

    “It is not the job of law enforcement to determine what is constitutional and therefore what they should enforce.”

    So they no longer take an oath to defend the Constitution? the supreme law of the land?
    Me not think so.

    It is the duty of all citizens to obey the law just as our military service people are taught there are some orders they are not to obey. It is good that they have stated they intend to do so.

    David for faithful public servants

  6. Reality check on February 10th, 2013 11:26 pm

    It is not the job of law enforcement to determine what is constitutional and therefore what they should enforce. The politicians make the laws, the courts review them, and the Leo’s enforce them. So until a law is deemed unconstitutional, it should be enforced.

    Much like soldiers do not determine what is the right and wrong course of action. They follow orders. So don’t blame our Leo’s for laws created and reviewed by people beyond their control.

  7. Bob hudsun on February 10th, 2013 11:28 am

    Just a thought, How many, of our troops,(God Bless them) are going to to return home from war, will be willing to just comply, with federal rules if it infringes on their 2nd amendment rights???.

  8. Bob hudsun on February 10th, 2013 11:13 am

    Nope you can not be paranoid, when there are those in the government , who are anti-gun that have stated, they would have Americans , turn them all in , or they would be relieved of them by any means possible. That’s not paranoid, that’
    s call listing to a real threat.

  9. Bob hudsun on February 10th, 2013 11:08 am

    Well I know several law enforcement officers who have stated they would not enforce these laws, And I know a lot of folks who really believe that any one trying to take their weapons, or any one trying to enforce laws that go against our 2nd amendment rights, that they will be the enemy of America. It seems you miss the meaning of the 2nd amendment , when it is gone, the rest of the Consitutision will be worthless, The very sad thing is that the left has made a very bad mistake, in thinking that there are those who will not stand up for what we believe. If you think as .I will point out , That Texas , will bow to any federal resitictions , You are sadly mistaken.

  10. David Huie Green on February 10th, 2013 2:38 am

    “99% of people will not be willing to kill a law enforcement officer that is doing their job, ”

    So you believe confiscation of personal weapons from American citizens could legitimately be a law enforcement officer’s job?

    No, people shouldn’t threaten to kill those depriving them of their civil rights, but they shouldn’t just give up their rights because you think they should either.

    Oh, and assuming you are right that 99% would just give up, that would leave one percent of 300 million, or about 3 million. It could get messy even with that many. It would be a lot simpler to simply go after criminals and crazies because then you would have the support of the entire population.

    David for respecting the supreme law of the land –
    the Constitution — including the Bill of Rights

  11. Rex on February 9th, 2013 11:24 pm

    Jeez. Paranoid anyone?

  12. Reality check on February 9th, 2013 10:37 pm

    I see a lot of postings online where people “dare” the government to try to take their guns, or outright state they will fight to keep them. But the truth is, 99% of people will not be willing to kill a law enforcement officer that is doing their job, nor would most people be willing to risk getting killed or arrested by said officer. So you can bark and threaten, but that just isn’t the reality of the situation.

  13. Just Me on February 9th, 2013 4:21 pm

    Thank You Sheriffs!!

  14. David Huie Green on February 9th, 2013 12:23 pm

    The very definition of a gun fight.

  15. mc on February 9th, 2013 12:00 pm

    We’re so focused on what is important to us, and so paranoid, we’ve let the USA become an electronic police state. And quickly becoming a total police state. Does police check points and swat teams stopping and searching everyone in some cities make you feel safer? Remember the old saying? “if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns”. Well if the govt controlled all the guns it would a bad science fiction movie come true. How long before they start turning their drones on LA and New York? And coming into your homes without warrants, Not long.

  16. Bob hudsun on February 9th, 2013 11:43 am

    I think if one will notice that the true gun-banners who are pushing Omams agenda seem to be in the northeastern part of this country, true liberal country, and then other now liberal controlled states are jumping on the ban wagon. I would say I trust the law enforcement officers of our state and surrounding states not to enforce any federal mandate. They live among us, and are part of us.But this is comforting to hear.Our biggest threat comes from those groups who are trying to influence those in congress to do their true bidding, the disarming of law abiding citizins . Just remember, 51% of this country, voted for Obams agenda, 48% of us did not, and we are well armed.( Our rights shall not be infringed upon.) by any one.

  17. bobthegunslinger on February 9th, 2013 8:15 am

    i want to know if they will still feel this way on any future bans of firearms or related items!this is the true question!

  18. Walnut Hill Roy on February 9th, 2013 7:31 am

    I personally would like to see more details in their proclamation. Which Second Amendment are they supporting; the one in the Bill Of Rights or the definition that the liberals are trying to put on it? Let’s boil it down to the basics, if a federal law is passed banning semi-auto firearms, will they comply (unconstitutionally) and keep their toys coming from the federal government or will they refuse to comply?

  19. Randy on February 9th, 2013 7:10 am


  20. SW on February 9th, 2013 2:22 am

    It is a sham, folks. Don’t fall for it.

    If they are serious, they will stop taking grants from the Feds, they will stop enforcing other unconstitutional laws, and they will prohibit the Feds from enforcing other unconstitutional laws inside their counties.