Five Arrested In Prostitution Sting

February 14, 2013

Five women have been busted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for prostitution following an undercover sting.

Frances Elizabeth Fowler, 40, Linday Fay Parham, 52, Tonya Renee Henderson, 34, Heather Christina Tiller, 34 , and   Wanda Jo Winslett, 46 were all arrested for prostitution and related charges in the Brownsville area Tuesday night.

Fowler has four previous prostitution convictions on her rap sheet, while Winslett has been convicted twice and Parham once, according to the Sheriff’s Office.


14 Responses to “Five Arrested In Prostitution Sting”

  1. DM on February 17th, 2013 10:03 am

    These ladies might have had a bad child hood that lead them down this road. But they can change their life and make something of it but they have to want to change. I know this because I know someone who once was going down this same road and she made the choice to stop and get help. Now she has completly turned her life around. Turned her life over to the Lord and has all her family’s support. She now tries to let teenage girls and boys know what is ahead of them if they choose thay lifestyle. So like my sister,yes I am talking about my sister,whom I am so proud of, she always says just pray they get help before its to late
    Its a dangerous way of life for all involved. Let’s remember they are someones sister,daughter,or mother and these family members are suffering also. especially the children.

  2. dan-o on February 16th, 2013 1:27 am

    @Sunshine & TL:

    You’re logic doesn’t make as much sense as you think it does.

    So, by your post, you think if we get rid of all the druggies, that drug dealers will cease to exist? Yeah, good luck with that!

    As long as there are women willing to sell it, there will always be men willing to buy it.

    My suggestion is for the LEO’s to keep doing what they are doing, along with the addition of undercover female officers in a sting, such as molino jim stated.

    It’s called the “oldest profession” for a reason. It’s always been around and always will be.

  3. cj on February 15th, 2013 10:12 pm

    The way they look I wouldnt give them one cent

  4. Abe on February 15th, 2013 7:20 am

    It’s really heartbreaking to see their faces. I wonder what happened in their lives that steered them to this point in their lives. Men be good to your daughters and teach them to respect themselves.

  5. molino jim on February 14th, 2013 8:39 pm

    @ Sunshine– I’m with you 100%. A long time ago I worked vice and we would put a female officer on the street, she would be wearing a “wire”. It never took very long before some one would pull up and ask for “services”. The officers knew not to say what the cost was or ask what they wanted. The john was always willing to to say what he wanted and what he was willing to pay. When the uniform officers stopped the subjects car we always laughed when the “johns” always came up with about the same story—”i was just asking directions” or some other lame story. Most of the people arrested were married and had families. I wondered what they had taken home on other trips to the Westside. We would play the tape for them and some would start crying and “I’ll never do this again if you’ll let me go”. They went to jail. The life these women live for what ever reason is sad and I’m not sure if any of us have a real answer of how to end it. The johns came from all stations in life and never wanted their names in the paper–it would embarrass their families.

  6. TL on February 14th, 2013 7:36 pm

    Why do they always post pictures of the women and never the ones that pay them for their services? Sunshine is absolutely correct. There are no victimless crimes, but if people would STOP buying their services, there would be no services. If everyone stopped buying meat from Walmart, eventually, they’d stop stocking the meat section. It’s the same idea here. If there was no one buying their services, they’d stop selling.

    It’s obvious where all the “ladies” are because they can’t drive down Cervantes or the run down part of Main Street without seeing one.

    Arrest the Johns, arrest the pimps, and keep stop buying services from these women.

  7. paul on February 14th, 2013 1:46 pm

    They’re easy targets for the LEO.. I wish they would put more effort into arresting their crack dealers.. These gals have problems and jail isn’t the answer.. They need mental help..

  8. Ronda on February 14th, 2013 12:44 pm


    Thanks for spreading so much “sunshine” today.

  9. Sunshine on February 14th, 2013 11:12 am

    Not trying to be mean….But if there werent customers there’d be no prostitutes. no I do not agree with this life, but it can 100% be your brother,cousin,preacher,sons and husbands money in these ladies pockets. (Yes everyone will say “Not Mine” hahaha) I hope they realize the path they are is a dead one. There is help, but they gotta want it. Stop passing so much judgment. I sometimes wish prositutes carried secret cameras, you’d be surprised. Its not just passing truck drivers, and deadbeat druggies using their services! Heres to hoping they find something to cherish themselves for! (P.S I have interacted with several of these ladies including Melissa Townsend, and Jamie Broxson, the girl found on 9mile a while back) these girls are like any other respectable woman most of the time once clean, feed and offered help for extended amounts of time. A few are even enjoyable to be around as a person. There is a local prostitute that could be a beautiful African looking model (with a infectious aura and always a smile) if she had the support and willpower to change. I’ve listened to most of their stories. They were just like you at one point. I personally think there is no victimless crime, and they are commiting crimes, but not without help of the man you could be holding hands with in the movies tonight!

  10. Bobbi Jean on February 14th, 2013 10:33 am

    Yikes. Faces of Meth….

  11. Justin Hall on February 14th, 2013 10:23 am

    Hard to imagine someone would PAY to sleep with any of them…

  12. Mike on February 14th, 2013 9:29 am

    Hey ladies you dont have to live this way. First decide you want to stop doing this then get help for your addictions. Then follow the suggestions from your new peers in recovery. Find a God and start to develop a relationship with him her or it. Dont give up on yourself.

  13. Teresa on February 14th, 2013 7:22 am

    There will be a lot of “Men” with no Valentine today….so sad.

  14. Phil on February 14th, 2013 6:17 am

    Escambia’s finest ladies