ECAT Plans To ‘X-Out’ Buses Over Gas Tax Increase Use

February 11, 2013

The local transit union plans to X-out ECAT buses this week to protest reported plans by the City of Pensacola to keep a four cent gas tax hike rather than passing it along to the county for mass transit.

Late last year, the Escambia County Commission approved a four cent gas tax increase beginning in 2014 to fund ECAT public transportation. The Town of Century balked, and now it appears the City of Pensacola may use the funds in an effort to new jobs to town.

On Thursday, the ATU Local 1395 will show the public, bus riders and elected officials one possible result to cutting $700,000 or more out of the transit service. About seven to 10 bus routes will be tagged with an “X” to show how many people would be without bus service with the funding reduction.

The union said the action is a direct response to an announce by Escambia County Commission Chairman Gene Valentino last week. Valentino said Pensacola proposes to use proceeds from the recently passed gas tax for economic development. Pensacola may use the funds as incentives for Project Stallion, a Singapore aerospace company with 500 jobs that is considering a location at the Pensacola International Airport.

“The Union has supported a dedicated gas tax for mass transit (ECAT) since 2007 and is encouraging the members of the city council to not only support the bus system by approving the gas tax for ECAT but allow the city to have a joint effort in how the system run with the county, a union press releases stated.

Valentino said last week that Pensacola needs to head “back to the drawing board” an find another way to finance their portion of a bond issue for Project Stallion.

The Town of Century has also refused to agree to remit their portion of the tax to the county, claiming it would potentially force the three gas stations in Century to close as drivers cross the state line and purchase cheaper gas in Flomaton.

Century asked the Escambia County State Legislative Delegation to support a bill exempting Century from the tax, but that idea failed because Florida law won’t allow the exemption. Century is now considered a push for a constitutional amendment to nix the tax in Century. file photos, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “ECAT Plans To ‘X-Out’ Buses Over Gas Tax Increase Use”

  1. Mike on February 14th, 2013 1:16 pm

    Our County Commissioners have been paying too much attention to how congress does it’s budget, if you don’t have money for something, just print some more. Wake up Commissioners, you don’t have a printing press, and every penny you spend comes out of some tax payers pocket. Every time we turn around some fee or tax is going up. Maybe your goal is to break me financially so I’ll have to enjoy the ECAT experience too.

  2. David Huie Green on February 14th, 2013 7:16 am

    Ain’t life wunnerful?

  3. William on February 13th, 2013 1:54 pm

    >>>Actually, Century is a town, not a city. Not sure what the difference is, just that there is one.

    Correct. They have a Town Council that meets inside their very own City Hall (as it is clearly labeled).

  4. David Huie Green on February 13th, 2013 1:50 pm

    Actually, Century is a town, not a city.
    Not sure what the difference is, just that there is one.

  5. ts on February 13th, 2013 11:00 am

    Who is this “protest” suppost to effect? The only thing I notice when an ECAT bus goes by is that the only person on the bus is the driver. Am I supposed to be concerned I won’t have bus service…that I’ve never used? I enjoy and use public transit when I go to Chicago, DC, NYC, Boston, SF; and have even used it in smaller cities like Denver and St. Louis to save parking costs downtown. I hate to sound harsh, but with unemployment as high as it is in this area, if people lose their jobs because they no longer have a ride, somebody else that’s unemployed and can get to the potential place of employment has a chance to get those jobs.

  6. Dishearted on February 13th, 2013 9:52 am

    the city of Century is a city , Pensacola is a city,so why does Century have to abide by the laws that was put in place but Pensacola doesnt, its supposed to be the same law. or are they exempt. the laws are suppose to be in place for all not just part.

  7. Bob Hudsun on February 12th, 2013 10:50 am

    Now those County Commissioners who support this tax, I know they read this blog, As you can see , many are very upset And rightly so, it seems lately we are being told we need to be (paying our fair share) for those who do not have. We where allowed no say in this.Well if we have to pay, so should they, if they do not wish to pay more for THEIR service (I have never used this service) cut it back or just stop it altogether.Fair is Fair. I believe the reason behind this was to have the tourist pay for it.Correct me if I am wrong. Well that’, is like having a pair of mules pulling the wagon only thing is , one mule pull the whole load for most of the time.Well its time for those getting a free ride to get out and start pushing, before that one mule dies.

  8. Ellen on February 12th, 2013 10:50 am

    I am curious why the County Commissioners have not tried to think outside the box. Was any thought given to alternataives to running the big buses. Perhaps negotiating with the taxi companies or dial a ride (which is used in some other parts of the county), using smaller buses or vans. Surely there must be less expensive alternatives which would still provide a necessary service without causing such dire consequences to those who live in areas not serviced by public transportation.

  9. nodcoop on February 12th, 2013 10:43 am

    Haleigh, i understand that people who ride the bus use it as their primary form of transportation, but, at least half (?)of them ride it free. increase the bus fare and make all riders pay. it is only fair. with the gas tax we are making the rich (anyone that owns or drives a car) pay for it all. it is not easy on a lot of people to pay for others transportation. i guess this goes along with property owners paying for the public schools for all, but that is another story….

  10. aam on February 12th, 2013 7:42 am

    RE: Jane

    Put me down for signing the petition. I have already asked Steven Barry how to start this. Maybe we ought to go to the Molino town hall meeting with him and see how to get this going? I know he doesn’t think it’s fair either he just doesn’t have enough support from the other commissioners. Poor Wilson is just playing politics to help his buddy Gene.

  11. Freeloader on February 12th, 2013 6:43 am

    My gas tank is close to empty and although you don’t ride in my vehicle will you fill my tank? My vehicle is my primary form of transportation and I have an important appointment at the parade tonite to catch me a moonpie. Before you say no “try thinking about someone other than yourself”. After you pay my way I’m sure other freeloaders will get in line for you to pay their way too!

  12. David Huie Green on February 12th, 2013 6:29 am

    They aren’t just thinking of themselves, they’re also thinking of their children. Money taken to help others is money they no longer have to take care of their loved ones.

    Further, they aren’t inherently opposed to public transportation. They just figure it should be self-sustaining — paid for by those it benefits.

    I’m used to having my little bit of money taken to help others who ignored instruction early in life but you might consider others are not being evil for not liking it.

  13. Jane on February 12th, 2013 5:31 am

    Anyone out there interested in signing a petition to repeal the county gas tax they just passed? If we get enough signatures they might get the message that we are fed up with the County Commissioners taxing the county to fund Pensacola’s little projects.

  14. Haleigh on February 12th, 2013 1:03 am

    Wow so many people are so closed minded. Just because you don’t ride the bus doesn’t mean there aren’t other people relying on the bus as their primary form of transportation. Many people use the bus to get to work or other important appointments. For most who use the ecat busses the fare already puts a dent in their wallet so they are not out joyriding on it, they’re riding it to get to mandatory places.
    Try thinking about someone other than yourself and maybe you will see that getting rid of public transportation is not the solution.

  15. Cantonment Resident on February 11th, 2013 9:08 pm

    Well…go ahead and put that tax in to place….I have already started to buy my gas in another county or in Alabama. I will not pay the tax!!!! voters did not support it and when election time comes back around, we will remember this in the voting booth!!!!!

  16. jeff on February 11th, 2013 5:51 pm

    this is the same as when hurricane ivan rolled thru took out the bay fishing bridge….the state or whoever was going to put 5 million dollars towards rebuilding the fishing bridge but local govt felt the bridge didnt need to be put back the way it was cuz they needed money for other projects and cut the bridge funding in half so we didnt even get half of the bridge replaced …….typical govt politics……

  17. well on February 11th, 2013 5:44 pm


    Don’t blame centurys gas prices on this 4 cent tax. It is not being collected yet. Just the gas company getting theirs. About 25 cent in the last couple weeks.

  18. Bird on February 11th, 2013 3:22 pm

    It’s all a joke to me. Gas prices in Century, a few weeks ago, were compatable with Cantonment. Now that the gas tax increase hit, Century’s gas prices are once again, much higher. ( even though they aren’t paying it ) Someones getting it. Go into Flomaton, its a little cheeper. Go on up to 65, and it’s much cheeper. Its so aggravating.

  19. David Huie Green on February 11th, 2013 2:34 pm

    The situation shows the danger of acting without consensus.

    I am ashamed I find it amusing

  20. Scam on February 11th, 2013 1:13 pm

    To me it is like the commissioners decided to help the city fund there project on the county tax payers. You no its like consolidating the county into Pensacola. And to Reality,do us a favor and push for them shut down service to Bratt, Walnut Hill, Enon, Bay Springs ect! check it out, we pay and we do not have service. The ones whom ride should pay for their service.

  21. Bob Hudsun on February 11th, 2013 12:15 pm

    No tax, and just keep them shut down. Now we are saving money.

  22. Tammy on February 11th, 2013 11:16 am

    It sounds like stealing to me, taking the tax that the ECC approved to fund one thing and then deciding no we are going to use it for something else entirely different. I say no, don’t add a tax increase at all, we don’t want it. Makes me think this was the plan along.

  23. Bob on February 11th, 2013 10:27 am

    I would like to tell the commissioners,the union,and all other interested parties where to put that tax.

  24. aam on February 11th, 2013 10:08 am

    I cannot seem to get anyone to go along with me on this journey. I have called my commissioner and he agrees that the gas tax is the wrong thing to do, the problem is he needs two more commissioners. Wilson won’t do it because he has cut a deal with Gene at our expense. So do like I have done and call your commissioner and complain loudly and ask what procedure do we follow to make this a vote? Hey William you never did respond to an online pole to see what percentage would vote against the gas tax.

  25. dnutjob1 on February 11th, 2013 9:37 am

    How can they do something to vehicle that does not belong to them? My understanding is that the buses belong to the county? I can fix this problem, everyone can pay to ride the bus or park them, we have to support our vehicles if we live in a rural area where the bus does not go. Times are hard I hate to see anyone struggling but to support something that can’t support its self is considered a luxury, and those are he first things to go when tightening the old belt.

  26. bama54 on February 11th, 2013 7:40 am

    REPEAL the GAS TAX!!! The people have spoken and the BOCC should listen!!

  27. Sam on February 11th, 2013 7:26 am

    The last bus i rode was to montgomery for induction into the military. It stopped at every town on hwy 31 and stopped everytime someone walked up to the road and held up their hand. Hated it then and ain’t riding another one. Park em.

  28. Randy on February 11th, 2013 7:23 am


  29. sunshine on February 11th, 2013 7:19 am

    Sooooo, are these X’s just gonna be on the scroll bar of the buses, or are they using funds to actually get big X’s placed on the side of the buses? I would still like to know how this increase was passed beings I have only seen/heard of two supporters. Bottom line, my household budgets, we carpool and go without. Time for the city/county/business to do the same. Stop passing your inability to manage funds on to everyone else.

  30. Walnut Hill Roy on February 11th, 2013 7:15 am

    If the drivers need a raise, what’s wrong with raising the fares? I believe that every government employee should have their raises limited to the same percentage that they raised the Social Security payments.

  31. ralphyboy on February 11th, 2013 6:51 am

    Just fire them if they strike.

  32. Michael Murph on February 11th, 2013 6:44 am

    I am not familiar with Escambia County, Florida’s taxing structure, but I had a business in Alabama and county sales tax was remitted to the county and municipal sales tax was remitted to the municipality’s collecting agent. So, a municipality had no control over how county taxes were spent. Sometimes they used the same agency to collect but they were still separate remittances.

    While I agree with Century’s opposition to the tax, I wonder (rhetorically) what would happen if I refused to agree to remit my property tax. Must be nice to be able to pick and choose.

  33. Elton on February 11th, 2013 6:44 am

    This is another excuse just to tax. Tax anything & everything in Escambia County so these so called servents of Escambia County get these high paying jobs to sit in their nice plush office at the tax payer expense. When are we going to get tired of this corruption. They call it government. I call it stealing from the public. And we wonder why our young children can’t get a start on their own. If we paid extra to drive across to Alabama to do business and spend our hard earned money these public theives would have to do something positive to keep their jobs. And we wonder why no one wants to come here to start a business. Don’t want to sound negative, but when are we going to stand up to this corruption !!!!

  34. Jane on February 11th, 2013 6:20 am

    We have all said it before and we will KEEP saying it…NO GAS TAX FOR PENSACOLA!!! I will buy my gas elsewhere even if I have to drive aways to get it!!!

  35. reality on February 11th, 2013 6:13 am

    If Century and Pensacola dont have to pay it when they are the only ones that benefit from the busses why should the rest of escambia county? Shut down service to the areas that refuse to pay then you could take the 4 cent tax and the rest of ECATs budget and use it for something useful because they could shut down ECAT all together.

  36. charlie on February 11th, 2013 5:12 am

    If the union bus riders can,t support their buses, shut them down. The tax payers don,t care to GIVE anymore.