Century’s ‘Illegal’ Nativity Scene Named Community Pride Award Winner

February 6, 2013

Those behind displaying a nativity scene that once belonged to the Town of Century until it came under attack by an atheist group’s attorney as being illegal, are the February recipients of the Century Chamber of Commerce’s Community Pride Award.

The nativity scene was displayed in December on property across Highway 29 from the Century Town Hall. The town declared the nativity scene as surplus property to be sold to the highest bidder after an attorney for the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation sent letters to the town claiming that a nativity scene on public property is illegal.

The nativity display was purchased by the Faith Bible Baptist Church. It was erected and lit by church volunteers  in front of an abandoned building directly across Highway 29 from the Century Town Hall. The use of the property was donated by owner Don Grant of Century Marine.  Electricity for the display was donated by the neighboring Abundant Life Assembly of God, while Tabernacle Baptist Church donated the wiring necessary to light the display.

The three churches and Century Marine will receive the Community Pride Award for their efforts. The award is set to be presented on Thursday.

For more about the nativity scene and the atheist group’s claims, click here for December NorthEscambia.com story.

Pictured top and below: The Town of Century’s nativity scene was sold as surplus property to a local church and put on display in December across the street from town hall. Pictured inset; The Century Town Hall (with Christmas lights) is just across Highway 29 from the nativity scene. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Century’s ‘Illegal’ Nativity Scene Named Community Pride Award Winner”

  1. David Huie Green on February 8th, 2013 5:46 am

    “Moses got out of government to serve God ”

    Bad example. Moses got out of government because he was a murderer fleeing the short hand of the law. When he came back, it was to defy government at the instructions of his (and my) deity, then he formed his own government based on religious principles. For his entire 40 years of service, he was physical head of government and leader of religion — even if he put his brother in charge of the actual actions.

    There is nothing wrong with people acting in government according to their religious beliefs. That is why they have voted to forbid murder and stealing and other religiously denounced no-nos. In fact, that is why many of them have forbidden forcing others to worship the same way they do, because that also violates their religion. Other religions see it differently and are dangerous for that willingness to use force.

    David for freedom of conscience

  2. Henry Coe on February 7th, 2013 11:36 pm

    Why? Because it is not Constitutional for government to endorse a religious belief. The one thing we all share, that makes us American’s is the US Constitution. Some people care about protecting and defending the Constitution. Even Christians.
    In reality, it doesn’t matter if the group that opposed the Nativity Scene are Atheist. They could have been Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Pastafarians and their point about the city government and the Nativity scene would have been just as valid. Which is why it got moved.
    I find it amazing that Christian’s, who through organizations like the “Moral Majority” and their efforts to lobby and support specific politicians since the late 1980’s, get bent out of shape and start claiming to be victims of oppression when for years they have politically been trying to Legislate their beliefs with the idea that they are doing that “for God” when biblically speaking, there is no example set in Bible for using government on God’s behalf to try to control everyone/
    Moses got out of government to serve God and Jesus said “render to Caesar that which is his and to God, God’s”. They both set the example for separation of church and state. IMO, you can’t influence religion with government or government with religion without corrupting both. Ignorant people are easily emotionally manipulated by politicians putting on the appearance of belief.
    As a side note, Jesus was actually conceived around Dec 25 and was born on either Sept 28 or 29th. You can learn that by figuring out when John the Baptist was born. Jus’ Sayin’.

  3. Osprey45 on February 7th, 2013 6:40 pm

    Ya know, I am so flippin’ TIRED of these P.C. folks who get “Offended” at the smallest thing, or the BIGGEST thing that it makes me think the United States of America has lost its collective Spinal Column.
    RARELY does anyone or a group stand up and Just say NO to these groups and individuals who want huge changes to the American Way that it makes me sad and frustrated.
    The Nativity scene “offends” someone–Wah–Wah–Wah….I ask “SO WHAT?” Your being offended at it Offends ME.
    When and Where did this Country become one where the worm rules and runs the rest of society?
    As Granny would say, “Bless their hearts, they just can’t help themselves.”
    I just don’t get it, why we allow these tiny splinter groups of society become the ones who affect decisions that impact the entire nation.
    Honey, if you don’t like it, pack your suitcase and move somewhere that your beliefs are supported because I am tired of listening to you whine…..it frosts my clams.

  4. David Huie Green on February 7th, 2013 1:18 pm

    You’re off a little bit too with your, “Please keep your religion in your churches and stop polarizing public life for the rest of us.”

    Individuals shouldn’t be limited in their freedom of expression nor should their religious beliefs be limited to certain buildings simply because you don’t like them. They just don’t need the general public to pay for it. They shouldn’t take funding from the unwilling.

    But at least you said “please.”

    David for personal freedom

  5. Thinker on February 7th, 2013 12:39 pm

    Thank you David Huie Green for a little light added to this pervading darkness.

    Never forget that our country is founded on individual rights, not mob rule. This means that, for instance, if I pay local taxes and I happen to be Jewish, Buddhist, Wicca, or even Amish (who are against “marketing” religion) or atheist, I should not be subjected to overt Christian expressions being advocated by the government that I help support. That is against individual rights and why separation of church and state is in our Constitution. Any public property that allows Christian symbols and expressions must also allow Satanic expressions, or those of any other cosmologies or religions including Islam, Scientology, Atheism, etc. as has happened in other cases like this. Please keep your religion in your churches and stop polarizing public life for the rest of us. Thanks.

  6. Amanda on February 7th, 2013 12:01 pm

    Way to go Century!! Why does a group based in Wisconsin care what we do in Century is my first question?

  7. xpeecee on February 7th, 2013 9:58 am

    @ A-Z: You are correct. Our founding fathers, through example, never intended what you see taking place today. They would turn over in their graves, if they knew….. It is getting to the point that we, as a community, are not allowed to govern our own land. How sad – and sobering! Wake up America!!!

  8. Melanie on February 7th, 2013 7:26 am

    “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Gen. 50:20 (NIV)

    I think it is sooo cool to see how I may have passed by that little manger scene in Century a thousand times but haven’t really noticed it until some Wisconsin based group wanted to be “free from religion”. Now it is in a more prominent spot with better lighting and I noticed it every time I went by. It inspired my thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to helping make it bigger and better every year! Much gratitude to Don Grant and the Century area churches and Century’s Chamber of Commerce.

  9. missysmom on February 6th, 2013 8:58 pm

    Am so proud of you Century!! Good job. Can’t wait till next year.

  10. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2013 8:22 pm

    “I’m glad they didn’t let the attorney keep them from displaying the nativity scene, ”

    To my limited knowledge, attorneys have never tried to stop churches or individuals from displaying nativity scenes. They only get bothered when governments try to pick a religion to support.

    Of course, I could be wrong.

    David for truth and freedom

  11. James on February 6th, 2013 6:40 pm

    I’m glad they didn’t let the attorney keep them from displaying the nativity scene, Ya’ll rock for Jesus in my book

  12. dee from the b.p. on February 6th, 2013 4:21 pm


  13. SpoonChampion on February 6th, 2013 2:08 pm

    Way to go Century! We’re Americans and we are free to exercise our freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly.. I’m so tired of rights being infringed upon just because one doesn’t believe in another’s ideology. If one isn’t adversely affected by another’s rights what cause is there to belly ache? There is none.

    Fight an issue worth pursing.

  14. A-Z on February 6th, 2013 2:00 pm

    Hello Thinker. Actually the concept of the separation of church and state is a relative new doctrine, although Jefferson used the words in the 1800s, it wasn’t until 1947 that the term and doctine began to be interpreted differently. The founders clearly in early writings meant to keep the Gov’t out of the church, from forming a state sponcered church like the Church of England but was never intended to keep religious people from having an influence on their government. The founders invisioned a check valve. What we have mis-interpreted has become a wall or separation which is being built higher over time. If the founding fathers intent was to exclude Christianity from any public governmental event they would have written it in and enforced it 200+ years ago and up to the 1940s. It’s interesting to me that in the 1960s when praying in public schools was banned (and other thinking swept in), that Crime rates in America (which had been stable for decades) began to increase. SAT scores which were stable for decades plunged and we see the beginnings of the decline of moral and social fabric which had held our society together. A very good video to watch is America’s Godly Heritage by Barton. Youtube may have it to watch for those interested.

  15. Thinker on February 6th, 2013 10:43 am

    May I simply suggest that readers who commented go off and study our Constitution and especially the reasoning behind separation of church and state. The origins and history of Christmas would be a good study also, since it is simply a celebration of the Winter solstice that was “taken over” by Christianity with the help of a governmental state. Then come back and comment. Oh…and one more theme to pursue in your studies: Societies that allowed religion to merge with secular government (noteworthy is Iran and other Middle Eastern countries) but we all have heard of Spain and it’s lovable Inquisition. Please. But I must say that the award for community action in Century is good and I wait breathlessly for further action on OTHER issues.

  16. not ashamed on February 6th, 2013 9:36 am

    It was a sad day when they had to move it in the first place. But this makes me so proud to be a part of this community….imagine getting in trouble for a nativity scene!!! I bet if it would have been an athiest scene or “artistic statement” it would not have been illegal. Why is a Wisconsin athiest lawyer way down in the Bible belt anyway? God Bless those fighting for their rights!

  17. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2013 9:33 am

    Poor ACLU, didn’t say a word and still gets the blame

  18. xpeecee on February 6th, 2013 8:27 am

    Good for them! The ACLU and other such organizations should be run out on a rail. These people are trying to cause the downfall of our country – - – and they are currently winning this war!!!

  19. Ms k on February 6th, 2013 8:08 am

    GOD IS GOOD!, Way to go for not taking down. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  20. bigR on February 6th, 2013 8:00 am

    way to go century i’m glad the community came together and was able to stop the atheists from taking christ out of chrstmas. this world has taken god out of schools and courthouses and gotten away with it for too long. this story should be on CNN about a victory for christ something the whole country should recognize.
    now if we could only figure a way to beat the oil companies back and keep gas prices down.

  21. Willene Bryan on February 6th, 2013 7:08 am

    What a blessing from all these that help with the Nativity Scene. To the three churches and Century Marine that will receives the Community Pride Award for their efforts, this is well deserve. God bless you all that took part in this.

  22. 429SCJ on February 6th, 2013 1:24 am

    I feel that it is wonderful that the Century community stood up to the ACLU and demonstrated that we Christians will not be bullied or intimidated by satan and those of his temple.

    When a small group attempts to eradicate the culture and values of a larger
    group, expect a showdown. I would recommend that those interlopers continue to wander, as they will always be an outsider in our land as long as they continue to smite our Christ and challenge our Christian values.

  23. Don't X out Christ in Christmas on February 6th, 2013 1:09 am

    Way to go…..That is what a community is suppose to do, Pull together for what they believe in…..and by the way Why are they arguing anyway if they don’t believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior thay should not be celerbrating (Christ)mas anyway.
    I do believe in freedom of religen or non religen (if thats what you want to believe) thats what our Soldiers have fought for for over 200 years. So please don’t try to make us try to X out Christ in Christmas. THATS OUR FREEDOM TOO!
    God Bless and Be Safe