Century Cracking Down On Late Paying Water, Sewer Customers

February 13, 2013

The Town of Century is cracking down on residents who don’t pay up for their water and sewer service on time.

“I have been real lenient with people,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall. But that leniency has led to 50-70 customers per month on the cutoff list, compared to just four last month for the Bratt-Davisville water system, he said.

Century water bills are currently due on receipt, with second notice and a $5 penalty on the 15th of the month and cutoffs scheduled for the 25th. Customers have been allowed to pay the cutoff penalty and earn a reprieve until the next month. The end result, McCall said, is an endless cycle of customers staying one month behind on their bills.

The extreme number of cutoffs is also taxing Century’s employees, McCall said, with four men working part of a day to cutofff unpaid water accounts and two men working for two days to restore service after payments are made.

But beginning next month, McCall said unpaid accounts as of the 24th of the month will be cutoff on the 25th, or the first business day after the 25th if it’s a holiday or weekend. Once a customer pays, a work order will be generate to reinstate service no earlier than the following day. Customers will be allowed one lifetime extension in the case of an emergency.


6 Responses to “Century Cracking Down On Late Paying Water, Sewer Customers”

  1. Mark on February 14th, 2013 3:19 pm

    @Sonors, I agree with what you say about garbage pickup. However, I assume you are a fellow republican because of the term “Obama phone:” Please, you can disrespect the current president all you want, but please do it factually.

    If you do some research, you will discover that the lifeline program was introduced by Ronald Regan, NOT Obama!

    Check it out:

  2. sonors on February 14th, 2013 12:12 pm

    Henry,,, really? yes i can agree with you concerning the water…. but when did garbage pick up become a necessity? I happened to go to Philladephia one time for about a week or so., and it happened that a garbage strike was in full gear. garbage piled so high on every corner that it towered the second story windows thru the ENTIRE CITY. And it stunk to high heaven. But it wasnt considered a necessity there,,,,,, you just had to drive around it….. Yea i know about all the disease ridden hype,,, but do we really need to have a program to provide for Garbage pick up? Hey ! maybe an Neighbor could help out some way ! maybe the garbage could be put in a pick up and taken to the landfill by a concerned and ” Not so destitute” friend? maybe all of us getting off our collective rear ends and taking control of the situation instead of waiting for the City council or the water company to be the next to bail us out,,,,hhhhmmmm of course that would mean getting out of the house and putting down the obama phones long enough to make a small difference,,,,,,,,,,,, Garbage pick up a necessity heh heh you make me laugh

  3. sonors on February 14th, 2013 11:51 am

    What we need is some one to sign an executive order to raise my taxes so that this dismal condition can be brought up to utopian standards!

  4. Dixie Chick on February 14th, 2013 11:18 am

    Amen Henry! I would like to know if Atmore has any way to help their customers. Maybe Century could ask other towns on how they handle these situations.

  5. Henry Coe on February 14th, 2013 3:33 am

    From a business perspective on collecting, I get the need to A/R caught up. That being said, Escambia County Florida is one of the poorest counties in the state and Century has done a pretty dismal job at creating jobs in the north end of the county.

    It would probably be a good idea for Century to help those living in poverty or below poverty, to set up a tapered pay scale system so those who can’t afford to pay their bills will be able to afford their utilities.

    Going through a continual cycle of not being able to pay bills, to having utilities cut off, to having too pay an additional fee to have service restored, is like rubbing salt in a wound for someone trying to stay caught up.. There is no shame for a community to assist those who need assistance with the necessities of life. Water and garbage pick up are necessities. Not luxuries. There are smart way to alleviate and manage the problem while offsetting the payroll cost while looking out for consumers without crushing those trying to keep their heads above water.

  6. matt on February 13th, 2013 5:36 am

    Good for you McCall! People will slack as much as you let them.