Century Clinic To Address Area’s ‘Near Epidemic’ Prescription Drug Abuse

February 14, 2013

Lakeview Center in Century will open a new clinic next week to address the Century area’s “near epidemic prescription drug abuse” problem.

“Opioid dependency has reached near-epidemic levels in this part of Florida and Alabama,” said Marvin Chaffin, director of Lakeview’s Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program. “People are looking for ways to take control of their lives again.”

Successful treatment of drug dependency can help strengthen families and improve overall health and safety for the community, Chaffin said.

Century Medication Assisted Treatment Program begins operation Monday at the Century Clinic of Lakeview Center. The center will use scientifically proven protocols to help people who are addicted to prescription pain killers and other opium-based drugs, according to a Lakeview Center press release.

Methadone is the primary medication used by the program. It is dispensed in carefully monitored daily doses following protocols for either gradual detoxification or long-term maintenance.

The Century Clinic is located at 6021 Industrial Boulevard.


23 Responses to “Century Clinic To Address Area’s ‘Near Epidemic’ Prescription Drug Abuse”

  1. loraine on February 16th, 2013 10:55 pm

    This is suppose to help and I think it will.I’ve been a chronic pain patient for years and I have tryed Everything and I got hooked badly to the loratabs and tramadol!I recently had been put on methadone and I was amazed at how well it worked for me.I had no pain and went from taking 10 to 15 pills a day to 2 that lasts 24 hours.I’ve been on the methadone for almost 9 months and I still take a very low dose and have no pain and no desire to abuse my meds as I did before!
    Methadone has been the best thing that’s happen to me.I can be the mother and wife I’m supposed to be.
    Don’t judge!!!!

  2. David Huie Green on February 16th, 2013 4:46 pm

    “One day when they legalize marijuana this pill abuse will stop”

    So there is NO pill abuse in California or other states which have legalized marijuana?

    Doubting David

  3. David Huie Green on February 16th, 2013 4:43 pm

    “until you go through addiction don’t judge people , If you have a lot of pan from different things , then Methadone works good.”

    I never judge anyone and believe you should give methadone to everybody who wants it — not me, you.

    Nonetheless, people shouldn’t be condemned for taking the hard way of avoiding addictive painkillers and/or recreational drugs. We don’t intend to go through addiction. We intend to NOT go through addiction by avoiding the drugs in the first place if at all possible.

    On the other hand, go ahead and condemn us for not being addicts. Being clean is its own reward.

    David for small prices

  4. 429SCJ on February 16th, 2013 6:35 am

    Amen Green Jeans and HuH.

    Here recently a friend and I were travelling on West Roberts Road, when an SUV shot around us at the tracks and ran the redlight on hwy 29, almost turning over. As we sat at the light I said to my friend, “I bet that lady is heading to the opioid clinic”. The light turned green and we proceeded north on 29 and sure enough she was walking away from the SUV, toward the entrance. I honked the horn and we waved. That lady gave us the finger. I guess she was anixous, or Jonesin for a fix.

  5. Marie on February 15th, 2013 10:44 pm

    To the person who used ice cream like it is a drug is ridiculous. Ice cream is not illegal. Weak people use drugs and alchohol to escape everyday life. We all have pain and problems at one time in our lives but get strong and get over it. And leave fat out of the equation. I would rather be fat than be a drug addict.

  6. wonder on February 15th, 2013 4:38 pm

    Why are these people that have been arrested for drugs able to go back and get more from the doctor. In drug court when they go to doctor or dentist they are suppose to tell the doctor. They go from one doctor to the other to get lortab. what so sad is that we are paying for a lot of these drugs for people with no insurance.

  7. me on February 15th, 2013 4:20 pm

    @Renee. I see your point but my other was not the only person who was hooked on it their are many there are also many dopeys that would rather pay 2 dollars a week with Medicaid than 6 and 7 dollars a pill off the street for one if you a chronic pain u would be at pain management or a Dr to get ur meds not a methadone clinic right for two I’m not dogging ur methadone whatever helps u but no matter what u say its very addictive and not only will people like itself that need it but also addicts will be in line to get their legal fix sorry if I offended u but I do not agree with this century is bad enough

  8. dad on February 15th, 2013 2:44 pm

    Where is the methodone clinic in Cantonment. I go through there all the time and didn’t even know.
    (My question mark on my keyboard doesn’t work.)

  9. No Excuses on February 15th, 2013 10:48 am

    @ um:

    I am not being judgemental, I am being factual. Not to mention that, yes, I have been prescribed and have taken substances that are potentially addicting (Benzodiazapines, for example). However, being a rational thinker, I only used what I needed and did not rely on these drugs as a crutch. I found other, more healthy ways to overcome my issues at the time. I also followed the prescribing instructions from the doctor and asked the doctor about the window for addiction for these particular meds. I discontinued their use long before that window was reached. I could probably drink less diet coke, but that’s not an illegal or life threatening substance, so I think I’ll continue to enjoy it. At any rate, the truth is usually something that those who don’t want to hear it resent hearing, no matter how reasonably it is stated.

  10. Renee on February 15th, 2013 8:57 am

    To the person called me, yes it can make you not get out of Bed if you take large amounts, if you take what your suppose to ,he or she would be able to deal with a normal life . It’s the people that take to much that do get a high .But if you use it with care. you could live with pain and live a normal life.I’ve been on Methadone for 15 years and never felt a high. so I’am living proof of that.yes there are bad withdrawels, but you can cut back everyday and reach what is safe. Stop giving this Drug a bad name . until you’ve gone threw chronic pain and tried every medication, and only one works . then take it like the doctors say.Just sayng.

  11. me on February 15th, 2013 7:51 am

    @Renee I have lived with an addict for years guess what he /she was addicted to a pill called METHADONE he/she almost died from the withdrawals because he/she could not get out of the bed to eat play with children anything all because he/she didn’t have any so yes loratab methadone all of it is the same and yes you get a high from it I thank God everyday now he/she is clean my children have their other back and then they come and put this place here bad idea they’re running everyones life

  12. um...um...um on February 14th, 2013 10:00 pm

    to No Excuses…i just hope that some day….someone makes you live up to your standard of no excuses…if the truth be told…and it may not be pills or alcohol or illegal drugs…you have something you are addicted to…what if someone told you that eating ice cream every night was a horrible addiction and there were no excuses…afterall…ice cream can make you fat…and to some…being fat is a horrible thing…i am just saying that you shouldn’t be so harsh and judgemental…

  13. renee on February 14th, 2013 8:21 pm

    until you go threw addiction don’t judge people , If you have alot of pan from different things , then Methadone works good. Thats why people like to use it other then a narcotis, when you take a lortab you can tell you took it , when you take methadone you can’t tell you took it. Plus it don;t damage your liver .its not a Narcotic.people need to read more about it. BEFORE THEY PASS JUDGEMENT.

  14. me on February 14th, 2013 5:15 pm

    This makes me sick I really feel so much safer knowing my children and I will be surrounded by a lot more not only dope heads but legal dope heads this is all the town of century needs to be reconized what a joke!!

  15. huh on February 14th, 2013 5:11 pm

    One day when they legalise marijuana this pill abuse will stop

  16. No Excuses on February 14th, 2013 2:44 pm

    This is really pretty simple. Don’t take pills and you won’t get addicted. Don’t drink and you won’t become an alcoholic. Don’t smoke and you won’t get addicted. If you know you have an addictive personality, stay away from things that are addictive such as medicines, illegal drugs tobacco and caffeine. If you don’t expose yourself, you won’t get addicted.
    If you are addicted, get help and get off the substance. Don’t make excuses, just do what it takes and get clean.
    If you are given medication from a doctor, take it as directed, don’t abuse it. You don’t get addicted if you are not abusing the stuff. Yes, I have taken addictive substances post surgery and no, I am not addicted to anything at all.

  17. JW on February 14th, 2013 2:42 pm

    This just seems like an easy way for pill heads to get their fix. I’ve seen the line at 5:30 in the morning at the methadone clinic in Cantonment. A clinic in Century will just give someone a “legal” way to stay doped up, and continue to be a non-contributing member of society.

    Quote the Beatles, “I need my fix so im goin’ down.”

  18. Mike on February 14th, 2013 12:32 pm

    I have no sympathy for pillbillies. It’s just weakness, lack of backbone, and low wattage above the shoulders that drives the addiction. I know that sounds harsh, but if you’ve had to deal with them on a personal level you know where I’m coming from (family members, friends, coworkers, etc.)

  19. mr. greenjeans on February 14th, 2013 12:08 pm

    Follow the money

  20. hummm on February 14th, 2013 10:50 am

    It’s difficult for people that haven’t been through addiction, to understand how addiction can take hold of people’s brains. It literally changes the chemistry of their brain & the craving for their drug of choice is overwhelming, especially for people that already have a propensity for addiction. I do believe it is heredity. If these people can be helped & monitored, I’m all for it. It’s better than the alternative; when they start lying, cheating & stealing to allow them to get relief from their withdrawal symptoms.

  21. Molino Mom on February 14th, 2013 7:50 am

    On at least 2 dr. visits last year, the second question I was asked was ” do I need pain killers”?. I do not like lortab or anything of that nature. It is no wonder people become addicted when health care professionals are ready to dispense even when not being asked for these pills. This abuse problem should start with the people dispensing these drugs.

  22. 429SCJ on February 14th, 2013 4:32 am

    Address problem, what about all the methadone on the street.

    This is about making money.

    Demand can only be regulated by supply.

  23. Just Say No on February 14th, 2013 3:52 am

    Methadone is a synthetic opioid. Never understood why they use one narcotic to get you off another narcotic. A girlfriend once told me about her husband (ex at the time of the telling) who was now addicted to Methadone which he was given courtesy of our government, because he had become addicted to heroin in Nam. She said he acted no different on meth as he did on heroin. The only difference was he didn’t have to pay for it now. She said the doctors said he would ALWAYS have to take the meth.