Bill Would Allow Counties To Fund School Security

February 20, 2013

Voters could decide to levy a special property tax to pay for public school security under a measure filed Tuesday in the Florida House.

The measure, HB 873, would allow a county commission to establish a special taxing district to pay for school security and mental health services. Taxes of up to 0.5 mils or 50 cents for each $1,000 of assessed property value, could be levied only if voters in the county approve the tax increase in a referendum.

Sponsored by Rep. Jim Waldman, D-Coconut Creek, the bill mirrors a Senate proposal (SB 514) filed earlier this month by Sen. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood.

The measures come as lawmakers debate whether heightened security is needed at Florida’s public schools and who pays for it in the wake of the tragic shooting deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 students.


5 Responses to “Bill Would Allow Counties To Fund School Security”

  1. Everett on February 20th, 2013 9:35 pm

    Agree with Fishhook240.

  2. old school on February 20th, 2013 10:24 am

    Another idea on school security. That is if you believe we need it and need to pay for it. Let the ones who use the security pay for it. Novel idea!! Say you have a schoo with 500 students. Access them, oh maybe $3.00 per month as their share of the cost of an armed guard. This would amount to $1,500.00 a month for an armed guard for the month. Works out to be about $10.00/hr and you could find someone who needs a job to do the work. Have the teachers, adm., and other workes pitch in a few bucks a month and you have a real job for someone. Now I know each school site will be unique and can make the position suit their situation. The concept is what I offer. I have worked in the school system and know students blow way more than $3.00 a month. Get some skin in the game and it matters more. If a student says they can’t afford the $3.00 I am sure that the PTA etc can help out. This is an idea and I am sure that there are more that can pass muster. Taxes on everyone NOT a good idea for me because those who spends taxes are not trustworthy.

  3. Molino Mom on February 20th, 2013 9:18 am


    I would be more than happy to pay a couple of cents more in taxes to have security at our schools. I have children and grandchildren in public schools, and I would do ANYTHING I could to try and make sure they are safer. Noone said this would “put an end” to the craziness going on in the world, but if it made one psycho stay out of a particular school because he knew there was an armed guard-then wouldn’t it be worth it, to potentially save even one child? Maybe your child. You are correct by stating “some people are just wired wrong and do crazy things”. So it seems to me with these crazy people out there-we HAVE to conform and protect our children from these psychos. Lets face it, everything these days is about money, but I’d rather pay in to this need rather than the others (ex. county bus transportation tax when I don’t use it). I will pay whatever it takes to protect my family, and I’m sure others feel the same way.

  4. greylady on February 20th, 2013 8:06 am

    Why can’t the NRA fund the increased security? They get a dollar from each box of ammo sold and each gun sold. They are the ones who are making money off this situation. All this conversation has little to do with security, and lots to do with certain groups making big bucks. Remember, the NRA pays no taxes because they are a “charitable and educational” organization.

  5. Fishhook240 on February 20th, 2013 7:25 am

    People you are nuts. Elementary Schools don’t need security or police, or any other School for that matter. This is just crazy and all this nutty thinking will cost all of us way too much. Look at the fire dept. for an example. People wake up, you will not be able to afford to live here any longer if we keep asking for all this crazy stuff. (Red Lights and cameras, more paid fire depts., Security at schools ect.) Things like Sandy Hook will continue to happen and all the security in the world can’t stop it. It just life, some people are just wired wrong and do crazy things. THATS JUST LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!