Accountant: Century’s Budget In Good Shape

February 20, 2013

As of the last day of 2012, the Town of Century’s budget was in good financial shape, the town’s accountant said this week.

The town’s gas department revenue was down about $10,000 for the final three months of the year, with warmer weather translating to decreased natural gas sales. But accountant Robert Hudson said colder weather the remainder of the winter could quickly bring the department’s income in line with budgeted numbers.

Otherwise, Century’s budget is on target, account Robert Hudson told the town council.

“Things look from a financial perspective, we are even with about where we projected,” Hudson said.

Century’s  total 2012-2013 budget is just under $2.9 million.


One Response to “Accountant: Century’s Budget In Good Shape”

  1. Sam on February 20th, 2013 11:54 am

    Good work city council and mayor. Keep it up.