Details Released: Local, Federal Agents Raid Cantonment Meth Lab

February 16, 2013

Three people were arrested when federal and local law enforcement  raided an alleged meth lab in Cantonment Thursday.

Nikki L. Kight, 45, Joseph David Peterson, 33, and Sylvia Marie Rutherford, 34, all of the 400 block of Well Line Road, were booked into the Escambia County Jail Thursday afternoon.  Each suspect was charged with producing methamphetamine, trafficking pseudoephedrine, possession of a listed chemical with the intent to manufacture a controlled substance, possession of a listed chemical with the intent to manufacture a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

All three remained in the Escambia County Jail Saturday morning. Bond for Kight was set at$61,000. Peterson’s bond was at $26,000, while Rutherford was held on a $28,500 bond.

On Thursday, two federal probation officers performed a probation check on Kight at her residence at 445 Lakeview Drive. When the probation officers, along with an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics investigator and a DEA agent entered the residence, they found Kight, Peterson and Rutherford in the residence, along with Kight’s teenage children.

During a check of the residence, the federal probation officers observed what appeared to be several burned marijuana cigarettes in the ashtrays of the residence and smelled what they believed to be burned marijuana. Kight told the officers that she thought “someone” had been smoking it in the residence and she believed “Spice” was in the home.

Outside the residence, officers located a bag containing salt and drain cleaner on a makeshift shelf behind a pile of yard debris, along with a plastic soda bottle with a hose containing a white substance — items commonly used in a meth lab.

Upon searching the residence and property, investigators found dozens of items of drug paraphernalia typical associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine, including large quantities of pseudoephedrine. They also reported finding “paperwork” associated with the operation.

Deputies said additional arrests and charges may be forthcoming as a result of the raid.

Kight is expected to face federal violation of probation charges. She, according to federal court records, is currently on five years probation for conspiring to defraud the government. She was convicted last year in a scheme in which she and other defendants would use the names of social security numbers of Florida prison inmates to file fraudulent tax returns in order to obtain refunds. The scheme netted about $1 million, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.


52 Responses to “Details Released: Local, Federal Agents Raid Cantonment Meth Lab”

  1. sober on February 21st, 2013 1:53 pm

    how can they be good people when they are making the stuff with teenagers and innocent children in the house . putting innocent children in danger is not a smart way to show that u are a good person . they obviously need help, but they have to want help in order to get it . i pray that everyone that is involved in this sick mess gets caught and gets the maximum penalty ,i for one dont want my child growing up around this mess, it is a small world after all. its time to put a stop to all bad things and start taking care of your families instead of taking care of your selfish habits.

  2. bout time on February 20th, 2013 3:07 pm

    Its about time this is long overdue!!!

  3. mike on February 20th, 2013 10:39 am

    Dawn your an idiot if you think manufacturing meth doesn’t hurt anybody. Your 100% right people make mistakes but you can’t say she has never hurt anybody because she has meth hurts people. Its people like you that think o she made a mistake you don’t mistakingly make meth. What a bunch of bullcrap

  4. Really on February 20th, 2013 7:21 am

    @ Jane…I understand that the area does have a community watch…maybe that’s why ECSO is cleaning house.

  5. been there on February 18th, 2013 3:27 pm

    Prayers for you Nikki! Love ya girl! When it rains it pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your n my thoughts!

  6. mary on February 18th, 2013 9:54 am

    Yes, there’s a neighborhood watch in the village. More importantly, there are several churches within the village proper. If little ones cant go to playgrounds and “everyone” seems to know what’s going on under their noses…shouldn’t be too hard for church visitation to ascertain where they need to visit. Take your children to the playground and stay with them, the older kids will leave if they’re up to no-good. We lived in the village for 30 years, raised two great kids there. Never had a problem.

  7. dawn on February 18th, 2013 9:49 am

    they are not bad people they do not hurt other people they dont steal or rob people they are my friends and i am here to back them up unless you are perfect which no one is dont judge

  8. help for gods children on February 17th, 2013 9:48 pm

    I am sorry to hear about marie,I went to school with her and she is a good girl. Everyone makes mistakes. and some get on drugs and can’t get off with out help. And I hate this cause I know there is kids around and I wish. The best for them. I do not agree with them making the drugs and I’m sorry the neighborhood kids had to leave around this thankgoodness it didn’t blow up and inicent people get hurt or killed for their stupidity. But also remember we do need to judge with out knowing. What is going on in their lives that made them choose the life of drugs. I wish them all the best.

  9. arizona on February 17th, 2013 7:16 pm

    I do not go 4 that kind of stuff

  10. me on February 17th, 2013 5:47 pm

    We.need more prayer than h8tger got the wroung ppl y’all no who y’all r

  11. riversunshine on February 17th, 2013 8:01 am

    You should see how Jo Peterson brags on facebook about his criminal activities. He’s quite proud of the fact that he recently beat a case. I hope they keep him this time. Meth is the devil’s drug and anyone that makes and distributes it should be locked up for a really long time.

  12. Jane on February 17th, 2013 6:07 am

    Get your neighborhood watch group going and report some of the druggies/gangs/bad guys. It seems a lot of people knew this was going on and no one reported it to LEOs. Maybe people need to be responsible enough to help clean up the problem. Please?

  13. BEULAH GIRL on February 16th, 2013 6:34 pm

    @whatever yes people do change but anyone from beulah will tell you meth is nothing new to Marie. This was bound to happen. We have been out of school for years now. I saw Marie about 3 weeks ago at the store in Beulah and just from knowing her since elementary school and seeing her then I think this will be good to get her cleaned up. I hope it works I also hope her brother and sisters are doing ok. This meth has got to stop

  14. me on February 16th, 2013 12:59 pm

    What do you expect from someone that would rather put cleaning products and fertilizer into their own systems. It’s just gross when you see the persons skin that does this as it eats it’s way out of the body. How completely NASTY. Thank goodness these officers were on the ball for the kids sakes.

  15. loveit on February 16th, 2013 12:42 pm

    I’m so glad they finally got caught I’ve known nikki my entire life and I’m shocked she got into this crap. I don’t feel sorry for her just hope they get the rest of them some people have kids in this neighborhood. It really would of been sad if that crap blew up.

  16. CleanUP on February 16th, 2013 12:31 pm

    @village resident

    My only point is that they were all knowingly in the house as these things were going on. I see it everyday. You can smell it in the air. Agreed it is not only the the house they were in, there are others. It’s amazing how much the kids that walk the streets talk. They often talking about “UNK” carrying around a “mobile meth kit” in his backpack or talk about which people jn the neighborhood are selling drugs. This is something that should no be happening.

  17. Cantonment Resident on February 16th, 2013 12:16 pm

    Since when does a probation officer have a narcotics investigator and DEA accompany them on a residence check? Why didn’t they just take a deputy, especially since Nikki’s probation was not drug related. When they went to Bobby’s they only took a deputy, and his probation was drug related.Looks like someone set them up real good. Hope they got there DEAL in writing

  18. mick on February 16th, 2013 10:55 am

    Enough of the boo hoo, get yourselves together its time crap, evidently they have left their good families and trying to do right behind, they are doing exactly what they want to do, living outside the law, cooking meth,with no remorse… put them in prison, thats the society they belong in

  19. village resident on February 16th, 2013 9:48 am

    I have known Nikki and Joseph (Poor Mr Peterson) both since they were kids. This has been going on at Nikki’s house long before Joseph started staying there. He’s not the one who got everyone else involved in this mess. If you remember Nikki’s boyfriend (who lived with her) was arrested on drug charges in 2011 when they had that BIG METH RAID (operation blister pack). As for Joseph being out in 2-3 days in the past, it don’t take long to get out when the reason that you are there to begin with is because of child support. Also he has the lowest bond ($26000.00) of the three of them.

  20. village resident on February 16th, 2013 8:57 am

    Just because Peterson was there when that boy shot HIMSELF, does not mean that he was guilty of a crime or make him trash. These people are someones daughters and son. Would you still feel the same if it was yours? Would you still think that praying is not worth anyone’s time.

  21. local on February 16th, 2013 8:18 am

    Peterson has not been out for only a few years. Guess he likes it. His mom is not a bad person. He must be a bad egg. Should have let that one cycle out.

  22. local on February 16th, 2013 8:09 am

    When you do wrong u get what you put out. Lockem up. Shes been doing to much wrong and got away with it. Carma has come to town. Justice has won. Sorry for her kid and grand kids they dont need to be around that environment. Do the crime do some time. She can say hi to her baby daddy.

  23. Ben Thar on February 16th, 2013 8:02 am

    There’s “paperwork” associated with a meth operation? You just can’t get away from that stuff.

  24. me on February 16th, 2013 8:01 am

    The village does have a neighborhood watch group. We have all been waiting for them to bust these people! But there is still a lot of cleaning up to do hopefully one day I’ll be able to take my grandchildren to the park without young punks taking it over.Thank you ECSO

  25. 429SCJ on February 16th, 2013 6:04 am

    Defrauding the IRS, netted a million dollars, cooking meth.

    At least Ms Kight did not make the mistake of engaging in conspicous consumption, such as fancy hairdos, clothing, jewelery, cars and such.

    Prayers for the children.

  26. Jane on February 16th, 2013 5:32 am

    It seems quite a few people were aware of what was happening. If they had a neighborhood watch group they would have known who to call and how to get the problem taken care of sooner. That is what the neighborhood watch is for…to help the LEOs catch the bad guys. So maybe some people need to form a neighborhood watch to get the rest of the bad guys caught. Be a responsible citizen and know who to call and when to call, and what to call about. Know how to answer the questions when you dial 911. They will help you if you want to help yourself/others.

  27. Cangurl4life on February 15th, 2013 11:02 pm

    Bamagurl68, Village Citizen and LEO guy are bang on! This crew has been running amuck in the village for quite a few years. Everyone’s forgetting that on the “unk” aka Peterson was present a few months ago when the guy shot himself in Nikki’s bathroom. These people are trash. Praying is not worth anyone’s time. These people don’t care. Good job ECSO!!! Keep it up, and get the rest of them. Your efforts and work are very much appreciated, and it is you folks that I send prayers up for. Thank you!

  28. GetEmAll on February 15th, 2013 8:48 pm

    its about time i cant WAIT until they are all caught they are ruining their lives and the lives of many others i feel bad for the children caught up in these situations KEEP up the good work!! i dont feel bad for them at all they have a choice and they have made them you do the crime you do the time however i do hope they get help and can change there filthy habbits and stay clean when they get out

  29. village citizen on February 15th, 2013 6:42 pm

    If only all the other people residing in the village that have no conscience or decency about them would FINALLY get caught as well!!!!! Keep working the “village” ECSO…….. so much more to be done!

  30. Gittyupgo on February 15th, 2013 5:47 pm

    The Kight chick has always been involved with drugs…but was the first one pictured shaking the sheriffs hand in the 1st Operation Clean-up in the village. Everyone got a good laugh outta that around here. Not sure why she wasnt caught then!

  31. Henry Coe on February 15th, 2013 5:04 pm

    From all I’ve heard and seen about Meth, it is a horrible horrible drug that takes people down to living by animal instinct. They lose themselves and create a bunch of damage to their lives and relationships on this Meth road that only leads to jails, institutions or death.

    There are some great documentaries about Meth if you want to understand the why or how people end up putting themselves on this destructive path.

    Montana Meth Documentary

    American Meth

    American Meth does two things: It informs of the devastation that this drug is imposing on our country, and it encourages Americans that it is possible to reclaim our friends, our neighbors, our families, one person at a time

  32. BeulahGirl on February 15th, 2013 3:50 pm

    Marie get yourself cleaned up its time babygirl…….Start fresh when you get out you know enough about this to know its time.

  33. bill on February 15th, 2013 2:35 pm

    David Crosby says that prison saved his life. It was the only way he could kick cocaine and downers. I hope that these people learn the same lesson and can come back from prison saying the same thing David Crosby says.

  34. bamagurl68 on February 15th, 2013 2:00 pm

    It is kind of hard to have sympathy for someone when she has been on this exact news page several times. For those of you that feel so sorry for them, how would you feel if your babies lived next door and were blown up thanks to these “poor poor people” cooking meth????? Or the fact that you cannot even walk with your children to the park because of all of the drug activity going on? Or that you have to lock everything you own up because the drug addicts are stealing what you have worked hard for to support their habit? I would hope the families of these people are thanking the good LORD that they are behind bars and not using or cooking this mess and endangering innocent people anymore.

  35. CleanUP on February 15th, 2013 1:07 pm


    The only thing “Poor Mr Peterson” is caught in middle of is what he has gotten everyone involved in. I just hope that he isn’t out again in 2-3 days and bringing all of the traffic back to the neighborhood. It’s time to get the Village cleaned up.

  36. D on February 15th, 2013 12:30 pm

    All this support for Nikki? There are 3 people here and it appears that she has more charm…CHARM is only sugar coated. It rains on the just and unjust and the busted. I pray they all have a wake up call and can reform their lives…

  37. sad on February 15th, 2013 12:08 pm

    Before anyone gets to ugly on here PLEASE remember these people have families. Mom, Dads, siblings and or Children it is hard enough as it is to read about it and hear it on tv. I undersrand they need to be stopped but that is someones son and daughter.

  38. JAS on February 15th, 2013 11:25 am

    Wow… I am in shock … Nikki use to be one of my bosses when I worked at Eckerd’s on 9 Mile Rd .. Guess getting with the wrong crowd will change you .

  39. LEO GUY on February 15th, 2013 11:16 am


    Your prayers are nice, bit right now she needs you to come and bail her out. Oh well, it’s a nice thought. :-/

  40. asf on February 15th, 2013 10:34 am

    Praying for you Nikki !! We love you! Your better than that stuff

  41. paul on February 15th, 2013 10:20 am

    It sure looks like that guy in the middle doesn’t have a clue what’s ahead of him.. But then again I guess most meth heads don’t..

  42. Curious on February 15th, 2013 10:17 am

    from what i remember growing up, Nikki had a great family, i knew some of her cousins ,good people,i dont know what happened to her??

  43. Matter of time on February 15th, 2013 9:50 am

    Only a year ago Nikki was on Northescambia being interviewed for operation clean sweep. That area has become trash. Low rent housing brings in some of your not so out standing citizens. Pray for them. Thats all you can do!

  44. listengood on February 15th, 2013 9:43 am

    Well Ms Kight was in trouble last year with Federal stuff I bet she is on probation. She probably wont be coming out anytime soon.

  45. Roll Tide on February 15th, 2013 9:35 am

    Good job ECSO. Keep at it. Sooner or later we’ll take back our neighborhood once all the trash has been removed.

  46. ohyea78 on February 15th, 2013 9:26 am

    It’s about time Mr. Peterson went down!!!! He has been trouble for years!! It’s about time they investigated him and his crew. There’s are alot more of them that need to go down in that area.

  47. Jane on February 15th, 2013 8:59 am

    Get your neighborhood watch going and get the trash out!

  48. well on February 15th, 2013 8:46 am

    Poor Mr. Peterson,

    Caught in the middle like that.

  49. elmerpsuggins on February 15th, 2013 8:44 am


  50. puddin on February 15th, 2013 8:32 am

    There seems to be a lot of arrests for drugs in that area lately. I always thought that was a mostly decent area. Guess I was wrong.

  51. bamagurl68 on February 15th, 2013 8:12 am

    Well Well Well …..its about time !!!!! This has been going on for quite some time and this is just the tip of the iceburg!! Its sad that all this is going on in what once was a neighborhood for families and hard working people. This is the type of trash that makes our community look bad. Good work to the ECSO!!!!!

  52. hahaha on February 15th, 2013 7:44 am

    Lol, now lets see how bad the village is fixin to get, this was only a matter of time,